Official Game Thread: Arkansas vs. Oklahoma State

Was there ever an explanation why the clock stopped after our 3rd down run near the end of regulation? I wasn't a first down, Arky had no timeouts, OSU didn't use a TO, so WTH was going on? Then the refs totally eff'd the next play and missed the neutral zone infraction.
Was there ever an explanation why the clock stopped after our 3rd down run near the end of regulation? I wasn't a first down, Arky had no timeouts, OSU didn't use a TO, so WTH was going on? Then the refs totally eff'd the next play and missed the neutral zone infraction.

The play clock started incorrectly.
Was there ever an explanation why the clock stopped after our 3rd down run near the end of regulation? I wasn't a first down, Arky had no timeouts, OSU didn't use a TO, so WTH was going on? Then the refs totally eff'd the next play and missed the neutral zone infraction.
The play clock initially started at 25 instead of 40, ran about 5+ seconds then jumped to 40 and continued running. They stopped play to correct this error, then the clock, and play clock, started on the whistle. They just fixed an error. Clock ran as it was supposed to once they fixed it.
We came out on top on the scoreboard but it doesn't feel like a win in my gut.

Feels more like Arkansas just shot themselves in the foot enough that we got lucky. And that really simply means that they shot themselves in the foot way more than we did. Because we shot ourselves in the foot a ton as well.

I fully expect Ollie's post-play antics to cost the team significantly in a big moment at some point in the year. What a fun player to watch between the whistles but wish he would chill out with his acting/drama/mouth.

Would you say this win feels like a loss?

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