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    • mugatu
      mugatu replied to the thread Trump 47. Reddit link but he's rambling about magnets and then strangely transitions to...
    • mugatu
      mugatu replied to the thread Trump 47.
      *think. Some people STILL think he gives a $h!t about it
    • mugatu
      mugatu reacted to Polds4OSU's post in the thread Trump 47 with Sad Sad.
      German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is urging parliament to declare a state of emergency citing “the events of the last 24 hours and...
    • mugatu
      mugatu reacted to GratefulPoke's post in the thread Trump 47 with Like Like.
      Looks like there was indeed a quid pro quo. The case against Adams should not be dropped. He is as guilty as they come.
    • mugatu
      mugatu replied to the thread US continues to go backward.... Just what Russia would...
    • mugatu
      mugatu replied to the thread Trump 47.
      Do you do that in a $75k+ F250 platinum? Strange how that was done for decades before these appeared 5-10 years ago. Edit to clarify...
    • mugatu
      mugatu replied to the thread Trump 47.
      Can we at least agree that trucks and SUVs shouldn't have hoods that are 5' off the ground? How do they see anything close to the front...
    • mugatu
      mugatu reacted to steross's post in the thread Trump 47 with Like Like.
      No vehicle is for everyone. If you are very rural or long road trips are a large part of your life, an EV is probably not a good...
    • mugatu
      mugatu replied to the thread Trump 47.
      Having McConnell be the only GOP no on any confirmation is just conformation of how bad things are. Both to show how bad the picks are...
    • mugatu
      mugatu reacted to cowboyinexile's post in the thread Trump 47 with Thanks Thanks.
      I think alot of people would have problems with any administration giving out 9 figure contracts to friends. I'm not sure why you...
    • mugatu
      Still don’t understand this being “the reason” but the more you guys talk about it, maybe it was in fact a really stupid suggestion that...
    • mugatu
      mugatu reacted to Stillwaterman's post in the thread Trump 47 with Like Like.
      The future is going to be hybrids, and probably alternate fuel hybrids.
    • mugatu
      mugatu replied to the thread Trump 47.
      Didn't you hear. When Musk comes across Conflict of Interest he recuses himself. /s
    • mugatu
      mugatu replied to the thread Trump 47.
      You miss understood. It's RED states rights and RED state laws that matter.
    • mugatu
      mugatu replied to the thread Trump 47.
      I never thought it was military, I just have issue with how the bidding seemed to go. I had an issue with Musk when he started doing...
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