90% of the NC winners win game 1.
Sad Season 2 GIF by Friends
The loser of Florida/Texas will go to the other bracket. I think we battle back past Stanford to face UCLA after they lose to OU and switch to our bracket.
Would have loved to have seen a bunt or an HBP or something to disrupt pitchers confidence. We looked tight from the start. No dancing, nothing. Playing close to home in ou’s shadow is a doom for us until we can get a complete lineup of hitters. Right now we have a couple hitters with a solid avg and a couple hitters with some home runs. Not really complete like the elite teams
Would have loved to have seen a bunt or an HBP or something to disrupt pitchers confidence. We looked tight from the start. No dancing, nothing. Playing close to home in ou’s shadow is a doom for us until we can get a complete lineup of hitters. Right now we have a couple hitters with a solid avg and a couple hitters with some home runs. Not really complete like the elite teams
We also have a starter batting about a buck 80. To your point, I guess she can’t bunt either.
Agree. Not great at manufacturing runs.
This basically sums up the offense tonight. No adjustments at the plate at all. When it is clear that you can’t make good contact and the long ball is off the table, you might try to change up the approach by playing some small ball even if only for half an inning. Or try to work the pitcher deep into counts to force a mistake or at least a walk to drive traffic on the bases. How many full counts did we work tonight? I can’t remember that many to be honest.
Hopefully we watch some film of Texas vs Canady and see how they LAID OFF the pitches she tried to get them to chase. They only swung and missed 4 times the whole game because they only went after good pitches.
This basically sums up the offense tonight. No adjustments at the plate at all. When it is clear that you can’t make good contact and the long ball is off the table, you might try to change up the approach by playing some small ball even if only for half an inning. Or try to work the pitcher deep into counts to force a mistake or at least a walk to drive traffic on the bases. How many full counts did we work tonight? I can’t remember that many to be honest.
I only remember Poullard popping out in the 6th on ball four.

We didn't get the leadoff hitter on once, either.
Granted I know it was early in the season, we beat this same pitcher/team with count them 2 hits and one of them was a 3-run HR by Godwin to win 3-0. Lexi only gave up 3 hits in that game so same stellar pitching performance.

So, we had to know that our offense might be challenged again tonight. Unfortunately, the roles were reversed tonight with UF getting the clutch hit to win it on the biggest stage. They made the pitching adjustments and we didn’t adjust on offense and that basically tells the story.
Comparing us and Florida offensively:

They hit .337 as a team, we hit .312

They have 554 hits, we had 470

They have two players hitting over .400, we have none.
They have three other players hitting over .370, we have one.

They have one player with 80 RBI, we have zero.
They have two players with 60+ RBI, we have zero.

They have one player with 53 RBI, we have two with 51.

They have 91 HR, we have 92.
They have drawn 286 BB, we have 179.

Honestly, what an incredible performance by Kilfoyl to shut that offense down.

Dead horse beaten for tonight. We're not done for the season, but we've given ourselves only the tiniest chance to reach what Kenny said was the ultimate goal due to the complete disappearance of offense on the biggest stage, just like we did last year in the same spot.
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A lot of these balls were strikes earlier
Rothrock strike zone was slightly bigger than what Kilfoyl had

But we never made the right adjustments to get our bats going.

Lexi Kilfoyl grade is an A
Defense even with the error grade to an A
Hitting grade a person my argue that it should be an F but I’m raising it to a D on a grade curve

Ladies needs to do better tomorrow or we are going to be 2 and bbq(out).
Rothrock strike zone was slightly bigger than what Kilfoyl had

But we never made the right adjustments to get our bats going.

Lexi Kilfoyl grade is an A
Defense even with the error grade to an A
Hitting grade a person my argue that it should be an F but I’m raising it to a D on a grade curve

Ladies needs to do better tomorrow or we are going to be 2 and bbq(out).
You're a generous grader 😜