Was that the Pistols Firing guy, I think his name is Marshall? If so, I am surprised after the little confrontation between them in the press conference after the bowl game in Arizona last year that Gundy wasn’t flipping him the bird and sticking out his tongue at the same time!!!Bwahaha...whoever the one guy was that kept going on about Sweat and the other ut DL....Gundy finally gave him a sly smile and put it to rest. "They always have guys like that" he took it all the way back to Mack Brown. This is the type of thing that comes from everyone doubting Gundy's methods. He knows his job. It's about teaching his players to know what he knows. The reporter was trying to get Gundy to talk about unique ways of scheming ut DLs and he's like: "or...we could just block 'em". Is he the greatest ever, no. But he knows what he's doing. Sometimes the players just need a little time to catch up.
I really like what he said about Rucker...that he recognizes what he did wrong to get beat, doesn't let it phase him and gets back out there while giving confidence to the younger guys around him.
Also, the nugget about recruiting with the portal. Explains a lot about what was going on in the first 3 games. He is building a culture (aimed at portal guys) to make it known that what they say will happen for a recruit will happen: reps in spring, reps in Aug, reps in the early season to earn a spot on the field. That culture may pay off later as more of these kids thinking about greener pastures find out who is telling the truth and who is selling a line.