
Holliday teams tease you during the season and then this happens....and to a team a couple games over .500. But I still have some hope.
mental toughness comes with confidence. When a guy hits 23 HRs and bats .350 it’s easy to have swagger. ProbLen is half our team is .250 or below. And there’s no days off to clear there heads or work a little harder in the cage. It’s a constant hey you’re struggling good luck don’t struggle and keep swinging. It’s making it much worse. There’s a difference between finding a rhythm and not putting guys in the right place to succeed
This is all 100% mental. Completely crumbled the last 2 games. I’ve never been a “Fire Josh” extremist but at some point when the same thing happens almost every year to your team, some hard questions have to be asked. Whatever “it” is, Ward’s teams played with it in the postseason and this is definitely not it. And the fan support today shows that a lot of Cowboy fans have come to expect exactly this type of performance.