Steve Bannon Will Go To Jail As He Loses Conviction Appeal

Bannon's attorneys have characterized the case as politically motivated and said that he was attempting to negotiate - rather than ignore - the committee's subpoenas.

And Bannon himself has maintained that he was following legal advice when he refused to testify before the House committee investigating the 2021 attack that was intended to stop congress from certifying Joe Biden won the 2020 election,.

In a unanimous decision, the US DC Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Bannon's argument, saying it "runs headlong into settled law".

"This exact 'advice of counsel' defense is no defense at all," wrote Justice Bradley Garcia, a Biden appointee, on behalf of the court, a panel that also included a Trump appointee and an Obama appointee.

Bannon was not ordered to immediately begin his four-month term. He now has seven days to ask for reconsideration from the court.