Gaetz Will Try To Oust McCarthy As Speaker This Week For Averting Government Shutdown

I don’t take issue with that. He emphasized their role in serving the American people and ensuring our country is a beacon of hope and freedom. Now, if he assumes he, or anyone else in that room, was brought there to impose a theocracy… I take HUGE issue with that. But to say this is dangerous talk is a stretch.
I agree. Another issue is that his caucus is dirty. He knows Santos is a fraud and more than likely a criminal. Yet he won’t exercise the authority he claims is given him via scripture to be the example he is espousing. I would and have said the same about the other party.

Second. You cannot claim scripture and Heavenly authority and be a part of plotting to keep the former guy in office and to promote the election was stolen.
I agree. Another issue is that his caucus is dirty. He knows Santos is a fraud and more than likely a criminal. Yet he won’t exercise the authority he claims is given him via scripture to be the example he is espousing. I would and have said the same about the other party.

Second. You cannot claim scripture and Heavenly authority and be a part of plotting to keep the former guy in office and to promote the election was stolen.
You sir, win the internets. I wish I thought of those points, because they point out that while his statement itself wasn’t dangerous—it was heavily hypocritical in light of his record. I think that is a way more powerful statement than the hyperbole from the TikTokker.
I agree. Another issue is that his caucus is dirty. He knows Santos is a fraud and more than likely a criminal. Yet he won’t exercise the authority he claims is given him via scripture to be the example he is espousing. I would and have said the same about the other party.

Second. You cannot claim scripture and Heavenly authority and be a part of plotting to keep the former guy in office and to promote the election was stolen

You sir, win the internets. I wish I thought of those points, because they point out that while his statement itself wasn’t dangerous—it was heavily hypocritical in light of his record. I think that is a way more powerful statement than the hyperbole from the TikTokker.
Monkey, whether it’s OSU sports or politics or chili you are someone’s opine I always like to read.
Monkey, whether it’s OSU sports or politics or chili you are someone’s opine I always like to read.
Best Friends Hug GIF by Rocky
Seems like a lot of folks are deeply offended that the new speaker of the house is a non wealthy Christian. Maybe we should give him a minute.
You are probably correct.

But honestly the new Speaker could be the most moderate Republican of all-time and Dems and media are going to complain and go after him. Because he has “R” as a party affiliation.

And it would be the same if parties were reversed.
If far right Christians don't think God made Biden the president of the United States, then just who the heck did? Satan?
That’s the beauty of all religions… get to pick and choose what god does. God isn’t the thing that sleeps through all disease, poverty, slavery, natural disasters, abuse of innocent children, wars….it’s the thing that gives of love and hates gay people so it’s all good.