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    • VaPoke
      VaPoke reacted to MustangPokeFan's post in the thread CWS with Agree Agree.
      Well, A&M is about to put them away in the second game so I’d say option one. Anyone remember what it’s like to watch OSU baseball in...
    • VaPoke
      VaPoke reacted to Chairman of the Board's post in the thread Super regionals with Like Like.
      Yes I think the absence of Cal State Fullerton, UCLA, etc as well as the down years from TCU, Texas Tech and Texas somehwat has opened...
    • VaPoke
      VaPoke replied to the thread Super regionals.
      Agreed. Hopefully, A.D. Weiberg has a post season review with Josh and certainly while congrats are warranted for the B12 championship...
    • VaPoke
      VaPoke reacted to Poke Rocker's post in the thread Regionals with Like Like.
      Actually made the finals three times, 1981, 1987 and 1990! I am a little older than you and started following OSU baseball in 1980...
    • VaPoke
      VaPoke reacted to Okstatekerr's post in the thread Regionals with Like Like.
      Look I'm no Joe Torre but when I see the same problems crop up year after year after year its not "just baseball". How many runners at...
    • VaPoke
      VaPoke reacted to DxCowboy's post in the thread Post season expectations with Like Like.
      THe seat should be hot, period.
    • VaPoke
      VaPoke reacted to orngblkzebra's post in the thread Post season expectations with Like Like.
      After today, I will add... I don't usually advocate for firing coaches unless they are doing something unethical. What HCJH did in the...
    • VaPoke
      VaPoke reacted to Stilly2OMAOKC's post in the thread Regionals with Like Like.
      To be fair, GW won two JUCO nattys at Yavapai in ‘75 and ‘77. While at OSU, you know how many times he failed to win at least 40 games...
    • VaPoke
      VaPoke reacted to Chairman of the Board's post in the thread Regionals with Agree Agree.
      I was a kid and watched all of Ward's seasons from 85 on. And no, he didn't win a title, but he did make the finals twice, and of...
    • VaPoke
      VaPoke reacted to Poke's post in the thread Regionals with Agree Agree.
      Not understanding your point here. We haven’t made a super regional since 2019 and have been bounced in our own regional 3 straight...
    • VaPoke
      VaPoke reacted to Pokes3220's post in the thread Regionals with Like Like.
      This is the biggest problem with OSU baseball, lots of complacency and nothing is ever anyone’s fault. The entire Holliday family have...
    • VaPoke
      VaPoke reacted to Chairman of the Board's post in the thread Regionals with Like Like.
      If I was Weiberg I'd be on the phone calling Ryan Folmar right now. His teams have everything that OSU baseball is missing. This year...
    • VaPoke
      VaPoke reacted to Stilly2OMAOKC's post in the thread Regionals with Agree Agree.
      Josh is an average coach period. He is playing checkers while opposing coaches are playing chess. But hey, he has a 3-ring binder and is...
    • VaPoke
      VaPoke reacted to ThePoke's post in the thread Regionals with Agree Agree.
      What a waste of the nations best baseball facility. We should be fielding a better product and locking up a top 8 seed to host both...
    • VaPoke
      VaPoke reacted to Poke's post in the thread Regionals with Agree Agree.
      3 years in a row getting bounced in your home ballpark. The best stadium in the country has so far been an awful investment due to the...
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