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      pokesinomaha reacted to Chairman of the Board's post in the thread Regionals with Like Like.
      Hey sports fans, when it's February or March of 2025, and some of you wonder why some of us who are on here for every game are already...
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      pokesinomaha reacted to PokeBloke's post in the thread Regionals with Like Like.
      Josh does not breed confidence in his players or fans
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      pokesinomaha replied to the thread Regionals.
      This is all 100% mental. Completely crumbled the last 2 games. I’ve never been a “Fire Josh” extremist but at some point when the same...
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      pokesinomaha replied to the thread Regionals.
      That feels like all she wrote. This team and program year after year just doesn’t show the mental toughness required for postseason...
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      pokesinomaha replied to the thread Regionals.
      This is the right move. Have to shut it down now and hope the offense can finally put up a crooked number. See how far he can get you.
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      pokesinomaha replied to the thread Regionals.
      But then we wouldn’t have Bruggeman’s bat in the lineup…..(sarcasm font)
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      pokesinomaha replied to the thread Regionals.
      Hate to say it and there’s a lot of game left but these 2 games have been as big of a choke job as you can see. Pressing and nobody...
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      pokesinomaha replied to the thread Regionals.
      They'd certainly know more than me, lol. Freshman RHP. 2-0 with a 5.66 ERA in 20 IP. We hit him well on Saturday in a brief outing.
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      pokesinomaha replied to the thread Regionals.
      One inning Saturday and one inning today. They don't have many other options of guys who have started games or gone many innings in an...
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      pokesinomaha replied to the thread Regionals.
      RHP Ryan Slater might be their most likely starter. 5-2 with 3 starts on the year. 6.70 ERA. 49 IP, 44 K's, 62 H allowed. They...
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      pokesinomaha replied to the thread Regionals.
      OU gets the 8pm game time tomorrow night. That sucks that they get the benefit of prime time for crowd purposes.
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      pokesinomaha replied to the thread Regionals.
      2pm start tomorrow confirmed by @OSUBaseball twitter. That really sucks for the home team. 6pm start would have been an electric...
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      pokesinomaha replied to the thread Regionals.
      I think Garcia could start tomorrow and get you 4-5 innings and then try to piece it together with Molsky and Cranz being the main two...
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      pokesinomaha replied to the thread Regionals.
      I agree that they have all the momentum and today was really bad offensively but the guy on the mound is by far their best bullpen...
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      pokesinomaha replied to the thread Regionals.
      In past years where we have drawn an inferior #4 seed, Rob/Josh have shown a willingness to down staff the opening game. Niagara does...
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