You seriously cannot be that ignorant and dense.Lol. You keep saying “credible charge of child pornography“ while calling a statute that requires that it be deemed as if it NEVER HAPPENED “meaningless typing”
So the Superintendant knew about the charges.
The law REQUIRES that he treat and deem it as to have never happened.
OSBI….treating it as if and deeming it to have never happened by not having it on his rap sheet.
Ryan Walters? Treating it like it never happened by signing and approving his license renewal.…because it’s the law.
He’s just leaving it up to his mindless minions to ignore the law as “meaningless typing”.
You sure came through on the mindless minion score.
20 years of subsequent teaching without incident.
No other charges ever filed.
All law that says the expunged charges have to be treated as if they never happened.
Presumption of innocence….more “meaningless typing” to you, I’m sure.
We are not talking the legality of hiring and employing a person charged with child porn. We are discussing why would a school district hire and employ someone. We are talking about if it is legitimate for a patron of the school district to be concerned about leadership that would hire someone with a credible charge in their past.
We are talking about the safety of the most vulnerable, our young children.
Would you hire Casey Anthony to babysit your kids? Should Putnam City ask R Kelly to chaperone your daughter at the middle school prom? Should Edmond Public School have Lorena Babbitt run the cafeteria and sharpen your knives? Or ask O.J. Simpson to work a fund raiser at a Del City HS and model leather gloves? All were “innocent”.