Ryan Walters re-tweets video cited as responsible for school bomb threat

Yay...not only are Public schools in Tulsa now receiving multiple bomb threats across multiple days...now Bomb threats are being made to Tulsa Public Libraries as of this morning
School librarian that posted the joke spoof video that Walters re- tweeted and called woke ideology and took as legit and not a joke ...she is now getting bomb threats to her house
Walters has wrong with his tweets, he should not be using his office for political gain, period.

I have to wonder why do we have political, spiritual or any other kind of message other than something to do with direct subject matter on a wall in a school? That’s not your private space, it’s a public space. There shouldn’t be political slogans, bible verses, notes of political support for causes, or personal beliefs or biases on a wall in a school.

By the way, those mullions making the threats need to be found and locked away.
I have to wonder why do we have political, spiritual or any other kind of message other than something to do with direct subject matter on a wall in a school? That’s not your private space, it’s a public space. There shouldn’t be political slogans, bible verses, notes of political support for causes, or personal beliefs or biases on a wall in a school.
what is on wall that is bad? I can't see anything clearly enough to tell...bad eyes? old eyes? I suppose...
Democrats push for investigation of Ryan Walters, Oklahoma’s firebrand schools superintendent
A Tulsa-area school district is in its second week of bomb threats after Walters shared a Libs of TikTok post about a school librarian on social media

State Superintendent Ryan Walters has released the below statement following the impeachment investigation by Democrats:

These liberal Democrats will stop at nothing to defend their union bosses and push a radical agenda on our kids. In seeking to remove a popularly elected constitutional officer, they represent a direct threat to our democracy. It’s shameful, and Oklahomans won’t be fooled. Superintendent Walters is fighting to ensure Oklahoma parents have a place at the table and Oklahoma kids have a brighter future.
State Superintendent Ryan Walters has released the below statement following the impeachment investigation by Democrats:

These liberal Democrats will stop at nothing to defend their union bosses and push a radical agenda on our kids. In seeking to remove a popularly elected constitutional officer, they represent a direct threat to our democracy. It’s shameful, and Oklahomans won’t be fooled. Superintendent Walters is fighting to ensure Oklahoma parents have a place at the table and Oklahoma kids have a brighter future.
He forgot to say "woke" to get the base super riled up
On Tuesday, 12/19/2023, a subpoena has been issued to Walters by Rep. Mark McBride. He said, "We have tried to work with the Superintendent, like we do all state agencies, but have been met with a lack of transparency and increasingly unprofessional conduct." Maybe the last straw finally came when an advisor to Walters called McBride a "whiny Democrat".
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I wonder if Republican legislators are mad at Walters by not appreciating what they did for him before he entered office by taking care of a number of problems he had with "wokism". For instance, Republicans banned transgender kids in school from using bathroom not corresponding to the sex they were born with, prohibited boys from playing in girls' sports, banned teaching CRT and other things not as well known.
I wonder if Republican legislators are mad at Walters by not appreciating what they did for him before he entered office by taking care of a number of problems he had with "wokism". For instance, Republicans banned transgender kids in school from using bathroom not corresponding to the sex they were born with, prohibited boys from playing in girls' sports, banned teaching CRT and other things not as well known.
They fixed the real issues that are affecting most Oklahoma school kids with all that… never mind the teacher shortage crisis, the under funding, the overcrowding. They sure showed those trans kids what’s what.