Trump 2024 Run Thread

Former president Donald Trump said Wednesday that seeking prosecutions of his political opponents would be “wrong” but that he also would have “every right” to do so if reelected, the latest way Trump has lashed out since a jury convicted him on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in his New York hush money case last week.

“When this election is over, based on what they’ve done, I would have every right to go after them,” the former president told Fox News host Sean Hannity.

I have stated before that trump and his followers almost seem cultish in nature...personally I don´t understand the fascination and the constant defending of this man, but I really do try to figure it out...I was watching an older documentary on Jonestown earlier and one person´s quote seems to peg cult leaders and followers, and it is eerily (IMO) similar to how the ´trump cult´ is playing out...I will paraphrase: Jones´ followers enabled him and reinforced his delusions...leaders corrupt followers with lies, but followers corrupt the leader by pretending to believe the lies (or it seems most downright believe the lies)...trump is the king of lies (he sits on a throne of lies - Elf reference) and his followers just buy into them and repeat them, so why would he NOT continue to lie?!

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” quote attributed to hitler, but others say it was by his propaganda chief goebbels...
So Americans would have to pay higher prices to punish other countries for their citizens trying to immigrate to the US ??..... because we've well established Tariffs are nothing more than price hikes on America consumers as it's passed on to them

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he may impose tariffs on countries, including China, that do not curb the flow of undocumented immigrants from their territory to the United States, if he wins the US election in November
Trump judge flags social post claiming verdict knowledge bbc

The US judge overseeing Donald Trump's hush-money case in New York City has written a letter to prosecutors and the former president's defence team about a Facebook post in which a person claims to have known the jury's decision before it became public.

Justice Juan Merchan's letter says that on Friday "the court became aware of a comment" on the court's Facebook page, "now labeled as one week old" from a user named "Michael Anderson".

"My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted," the post says, according to the judge. "Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!"

BBC News has not verified the post, which has been deleted, or the claims allegedly made within it.

The Manhattan District Attorney's Office and Todd Blanche, Trump's lead attorney, did not respond to requests for comment.

Justice Merchan did not indicate whether the now-deleted post had been investigated or whether officials suspect any wrongdoing.

Last week, Trump was found guilty of 34 counts of falsified business records. He is due to be sentenced on 11 July.

Justice Merchan's letter did not specify when exactly the post was made, but he said it was written in response to a 29 May post about oral arguments made "unrelated to this proceeding".

Trump was convicted on 30 May, one day before the court's post.

According to US media, the post was made by a now-deleted account that regularly trolls the social media pages of the New York court system.

Because Trump has not been sentenced yet, his defence team could move for the verdict to be set aside temporarily while they investigate the matter. The could also call for a new trial if they can prove that jury misconduct affected the former president's rights.

Trump's team might also ask the judge to bring in each juror to question them, in an effort to establish whether any outside influence affected their verdict.

Jurors in the first-ever criminal case against a former US president were under strict orders from the judge not to discuss the case with any outside parties ahead of their verdict.
They won’t vote for any candidate who is pro choice but they gladly pull the lever/check the box for a guy who compares himself to Christ.
Trump, if he hasn't said it already, could say he's more popular than Jesus and the Evangelicals wouldn't get upset about it as they were in 1966 when John Lennon said that the people were more infatuated with the Beatles than Jesus.

Apparently if you're on a sinking electric boat... don't jump at a nearby shark just stay on it and risk getting electrocuted (I don't think this would be a real concern).

This made up concern was his lead up to banning electric boats and trucks in favor of gas/diesel powered.

How do people listen to Trump talk/ramble and think Sleepy Joe is the senile one?
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