Trump 2024 Run Thread

And I thought it was bad and crazy enough for Roger Stone calling Trump one of the best presidents going back to Lincoln. It's beyond pitiful how some people can be so over the top brainwashed. Maybe she thinks the more outlandish heaps of praise she piles upon Trump, the more he will reward her, if he wins.
Or Trump explicitly told her to say that. A former press secretary said he told her to say something similar about him being a genius of our time. She felt like she was working for a third world dictator.

Former President Donald Trump suggested using the military to handle what he called “the enemy from within” on Election Day, saying that he isn’t worried about chaos from his supporters or foreign actors, but instead from “radical left lunatics.”

Trump floats sending military after US citizens on election day citing ‘radical left lunatics’ and ‘the enemy from within’​

Donald Trump has chillingly suggested sending the military or National Guard after US citizens on Election Day.

The ex-president gave a sit-down interview with Maria Bartiromo, one of the Fox News hosts whose role in pushing Trump’s lies about the 2020 election landed her bosses in the crosshairs of a billion-dollar lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems. It was later settled to the tune of $787m.

In the interview, which aired on Sunday, Bartiromo was back on typical form, suggesting that America was headed for possible violence on election day due to scores of immigrants supposedly being let in illegally by the Biden administration. That was a debunked conspiracy the Trump team floated in both 2016 and 2020 — that millions of votes for his opponents came from noncitizens.

But Trump took things a step further, denying Bartiromo’s suggestion that those groups would be the “real” problem on Election Day.

That honor, he said, went to the so-called “enemy within.”

“I don’t think [immigrants] are the problem in terms of election day,” Trump told Bartiromo. “I think the bigger problem are the people from within, we have some very bad people, sick people, radical left lunatics.”

At that point, he suggested a seemingly sinister solution.

“And it should be easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military,” he said.

“I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within. Not even the people who have come in, who are destroying our country.”

It isn’t clear under what circumstances Trump would view it justifiable to call in US troops against his own countrymen.

But his comments mark a baseless attack and a particularly hollow one coming from someone whose supporters violently attacked the US Capitol in an attempt to stop him from being thrown out of office three years ago.

It is perhaps unsurprising, though.

The ex-president, humiliated by his defeat in 2020, has taken to dehumanizing his opponents’ voters whenever possible. At a rally in Dayton, Ohio, in the spring he claimed that Democrats were “not people, in some cases” while onstage with Senate candidate Bernie Moreno.

Many political analysts have speculated that Trump is already laying the groundwork for efforts to contest the election results this year should be be defeated once again, by seeding conspiracies about non-citizens voting and mail-in ballots which he will possibly use in November and December to argue that the results are tainted.

But mail-in voting has not been proven to be signficantly tainted by fraud in any jurisidiction across the US.

Meanwhile, non-citizen voting is already illegal (despite Republican efforts to pass legislation against it in Congress) and does not occur due to existing state and local election systems having safeguards to prevent it. A 2016 analysis found that only 30 instances of non-citizens attempting to vote were reported in the 2016 election cycle across the whole of the US.

“Donald Trump is suggesting that his fellow Americans are worse ‘enemies’ than foreign adversaries, and he is saying he would use the military against them,” said Ian Sams, a Harris campaign spokesperson. “Taken with his vow to be a dictator on ‘day one,’ calls for the ‘termination’ of the Constitution, and plans to surround himself with sycophants who will give him unchecked, unprecedented power if he returns to office, this should alarm every American who cares about their freedom and security. What Donald Trump is promising is dangerous, and returning him to office is simply a risk Americans cannot afford.”

Trump’s supporters violently besieged the US Capitol in January 2021, injuring dozens of police officers and forcing lawmakers as well as then-Vice President Mike Pence, who was a top target of their fury, to hide in secure locations around the Capitol complex for hours. Their aim was clear: to prevent a vote in the US Senate that would certify the election results from three months prior.

The attack failed, and Joe Biden was sworn in to office just a few weeks later. In the months and years since the riot, Republicans in Congress and around the country have attempted to misinform and misconstrue the reason and intent of the attack, as well as minimize the extent of the violence that day.

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I'm sure each bus made about 100 round trips. That's why they were all out of gas. /s
20 buses that held a max to f 85 people EACH max bring them to the rally..they didn't even make a trip to take them back!!! Most people were stranded 5+ miles from their vehicles when the buses didn't show up after the rally to take them back

20 buses that held a max to f 85 people EACH max bring them to the rally..they didn't even make a trip to take them back!!! Most people were stranded 5+ miles from their vehicles when the buses didn't show up after the rally to take them back

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I was joking about the excuse that they didn't run for after because they were out of gas and there was none available in the area.Screenshot_20241013_185023_Reddit.jpg
Geraldo Rivera of all people has endorsed Kamala.

Sore Loser
With three weeks to go until Election Day, Donald J. Trump stands a reasonable chance of becoming the 47th President of the United States. Despite assassination attempts, impeachments, special counsels, felony convictions and hundreds of millions in civil penalties, most polls show his race against V.P. Kamala Harris is too close to call.The first time he ran for president in 2016, he was coming off the last season of Celebrity Apprentice. I had a front row seat as a finalist on that final season and marveled at his audacity with his checkered past to seek the highest office in the land. Then, in the blink of an eye, he went from novice to formidable challenger to victorious over Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
As President he was a loyal friend, who allowed regular access. My resulting coverage gave him the benefit of most doubts. His presidency was underrated. Throughout his first big scandal in office, the 2017-2019 Mueller Investigation into allegations Trump conspired with Russia to undermine our political process, I stuck with him, deeply suspicious of constant efforts to undermine his Administration.
The last time President Trump and I spoke was Friday, November 13, 2020, when he called me at home. It was ten days after his narrow lost to Joe Biden. He was calling to get my take on the controversies surrounding the election, which appeared to have been decided by a handful of votes in several states. I asked him what he would do if the vote count remained against him. As I reported on Fox News that same morning, Friday the 13th, he told me he was a reasonable man and would do the right thing if that time came.
It never did. Instead, President Trump embarked on an increasingly menacing campaign to discredit the 2020 election. With a motley supporting cast of increasingly fringe characters, he careened from one bizarre theory to the next, offering no meaningful proof, that he had been robbed by the Democrats.
None exists. If you are a Republican, Donald Trump has made a liar of you. He has coaxed and intimidated tens of millions into pretending he was reelected in 2020, and that the election was stolen.
In furtherance of that Big Lie, on January 6, 2021, Trump incited and unleashed the violent attack on the center of democracy, the U.S. Capitol for which he was Impeached. As his followers trashed that sacred space, he was on the phone urging Vice President Mike Pence essentially to overturn the will of the American people. Pence refused to put Trump ahead of the Constitution. Trump stabbed the Constitution in the back.
Maybe you are inclined to vote for the former president anyway, because he says he will cut your taxes or build the border wall or pull out of NATO or put tariffs on China. However, you justify voting for Trump, adopting his big lie about the stolen election makes you a liar.
Better to admit he lost last time but that you don’t care because a Harris presidency would be a disaster, or you admire his defiance in the face of an assassin’s bullet. Just don’t pretend that he got robbed in 2020. That is a lie. Former President Trump is a sore loser who cannot be trusted to honor the Constitution. That is why I am voting for Kamala Harris to be our 47th President.
MAGA is trying to claim this guy was trying to to assassinate Trump after he was stopped at the California rally at a checkpoint like 3 miles from the event and had fake passports, fake driver's license, fake VIP pass for the rally ,fake vehicle registration and had loaded guns in his car

Turns out he is a Trump super fan who is part of the insane Sovereign Citizen movement and ran as a Republican for in Nevada for office

Vem Miller, the man arrested with illegal weapons outside a Trump rally in CA, is associated with the far-right Sovereign Citizens movement, according to the Riverside County sheriff. Miller is also a registered Republican and ran for GOP state office in Nevada.
