Trump 2024 Run Thread

Do you have a different idea?

I get some politicians support a strategy and solution to create policies, regulations, and laws that are specifically designed to treat people unequally.

I also understand those politicians announce platitudes to excite their base, but they do not sound like something that appeals to moderates/independents.
We will never agree on tax rates/approaches so Im leaving taxes out of it but here are other options.

Kill citizens united so you can regulate money in politics via election/reelection support. No more dark money in politics.
Companies aren't people and they don't have the same rights as people and shouldn't be donating to politicians.
Should we really judge people how they acted 40 years ago? Walz got a DUI 30 years ago and made changes, I am not going to judge him for that. Why should I judge RFK Jr about how he acted in college IF he has changed.
It depends on their actions in the following years after. If they by all accounts never did anything wrong after that then it shouldn’t be a huge issue. If they continued to do dumb or illegal things then it does matter.
It depends on their actions in the following years after. If they by all accounts never did anything wrong after that then it shouldn’t be a huge issue. If they continued to do dumb or illegal things then it does matter.
I agree, which is why I said "if he has changed". There are lots of reasons RFK should not be in politics, selling some coke in college is so far down the list it isn't even worth mentioning in my opinion. Unless he has a drug problem that I do not know of.
I agree, which is why I said "if he has changed". There are lots of reasons RFK should not be in politics, selling some coke in college is so far down the list it isn't even worth mentioning in my opinion. Unless he has a drug problem that I do not know of.
The Ds in some regards are still trying to play the “But what you said and did about Bill Clinton” game. They don’t realize the Rs have moved so far past that line. They have rounded up the flock and don’t even pretend to care about the character of their own unless they look at people as beneath them (then it matters). You should see evangelical twitter. They are tying themselves in knots twisting so hard on his evololving abortion stance and the way some of his influencers treat people w disabilities.

Look at Trump just this week.

-Basically abandoned a federal anti abortion approach and is so cowardly and afraid that not only is he unwilling to take a stance on the abortion proposition in FL (it’s still a states rights issue right) he’s also ordered his Maga minions in the FL congressional delegation to not even speak about it.

-Changed course on part of his immigration policy bc his corporate overlords have wise him up to just how dangerous and moronic it is.

-Taken the not just the endorsement but is promoting said endorsement as a pseudo replacement for his awful VP choice. RFK jr who just weeks ago was annihilated by Sean Hannity is left of Harris and is a seriously flawed human being.

All this to be said that there is no doubt now that the ear pad wearing sheep of the Magastanian Party are definitely in a cult.
Do you have a different idea?

I get some politicians support a strategy and solution to create policies, regulations, and laws that are specifically designed to treat people unequally.

I also understand those politicians announce platitudes to excite their base, but they do not sound like something that appeals to moderates/independents.
Mostly I'd like to not see Republican voters defend billionaires like well-trained attack dogs anytime they sense their third great grandson twice removed might lose a couple Gs of their eight figure inheritance.
Do you have a different idea?

I get some politicians support a strategy and solution to create policies, regulations, and laws that are specifically designed to treat people unequally.

I also understand those politicians announce platitudes to excite their base, but they do not sound like something that appeals to moderates/independents.
How about we do this.

Leave the corporate tax rate where it’s at.
Shore up SS/Medicare by making the corporate share applicable to 100% of the salary including bonuses and realized stock options.

Further shore it up by creating a donut hole on individuals between the current caps and say anything over $400,000. So between those amounts individuals earning that see no increase and then once they hit $400,000 any amount over that gets hit. To help w that increase the 401k/Roth individual contribution ceiling on those individuals to say $40,000 per yr. Also either lower the age on withdrawals to 55 or increase the amount that can be taken under rule 72T after the age of 50.

And finally to further shore up cut the military budget in half and use those savings.
Mostly I'd like to not see Republican voters defend billionaires like well-trained attack dogs anytime they sense their third great grandson twice removed might lose a couple Gs of their eight figure inheritance.
Not sure how that is perceived as a bad thing.

I don’t care if it is a Republican or Democrat.. young or old. Protecting/defending the freedoms of others should be celebrated.
“Strong people stand up for themselves, but stronger people stand up for others.” Suzy Kaseem
How about we do this.

Leave the corporate tax rate where it’s at.
Shore up SS/Medicare by making the corporate share applicable to 100% of the salary including bonuses and realized stock options.

Further shore it up by creating a donut hole on individuals between the current caps and say anything over $400,000. So between those amounts individuals earning that see no increase and then once they hit $400,000 any amount over that gets hit. To help w that increase the 401k/Roth individual contribution ceiling on those individuals to say $40,000 per yr. Also either lower the age on withdrawals to 55 or increase the amount that can be taken under rule 72T after the age of 50.

And finally to further shore up cut the military budget in half and use those savings.
The donut hole idea has been bantered around for awhile. Honestly, it might be the best solution for the future SS insolvency problem. Unless a better idea is proposed, I mostly agree with what you have listed. We should not been cutting SS to seniors who have worked 30-40 years and contributed to SS.
The issue is that we will probably also not been increasing the maximum distributions for SS in the future. If you don’t increase the maximum distribution then SS is mostly just a wealth transfer. Increasing income taxes while also just making SS a redistribution fund is not fair (ie double tax increase). We should not be increasing tax rates AND instituting a removal of SS contribution caps. If politicians could agree on just a SS contribution cap — that would make sense.

Agree with increasing Roth/401K limits. They are currently ridiculously low.
Not sure how that is perceived as a bad thing.

I don’t care if it is a Republican or Democrat.. young or old. Protecting/defending the freedoms of others should be celebrated.
“Strong people stand up for themselves, but stronger people stand up for others.” Suzy Kaseem
With all of the huge social and economic ills out there, it is important to have strong people standing up for those who have so much that they almost cannot be harmed.
Australia has supperannuation which is similar to a 401k program but the employer makes the entire donation of 11.5% soon to be 12%. But they are taxed at 15% if the contribution is over $30K. The tax is even higher for high income earners over $250K. Based on that, I went to part time while working there. I calculated that by working 0.75 I would get 84% of the after tax pay that I got while working full time.

I'm not in favor of further taxing of IRA contributions. Howver, when you hear of how the Peter Thiel's of the world have amassed billions tax free within Roth IRAs because of their ability to access investment deals unavailable to the public it seems reasonable for Congress to state that the purpose of the beneficial tax treatment of the account is to allow for a stable retirement therefore account values over some extreme amount, maybe a billion, will not get the tax treatment at the time of withdrawal.

Georgia's governor is seeking legal guidance on whether he can boot three members of the state's Board of Elections who were praised by Donald Trump just months ago.

Trump praises RFK Jr. for having “some very good ideas” that “people weren’t listening to.”

Just last month, RFK Jr. said he “won’t take sides on 9/11” and propped up conspiracies about one of the most tragic days in our country’s history.
Donald Trump has zero shame. He'll lie to service members and veterans right in front of their faces. The VA Choice program was created well before Trump took office.

Trump: "You burn an American flag, you go to jail for one year. Gotta do it. You gotta do it. They say, 'sir, that's unconstitutional.' Well make it constitutional."
