Trump 2024 Run Thread

Experts in memory, psychology, and linguistics noted a decline in Trump's verbal complexity, coupled with a rise in disjointed and incoherent speech patterns.

That the experts were right.
It's the dementia talking


Amanda Wiggins; Jessica L. Bunin.
Author Information and Affiliations

Last Update: August 28, 2023.
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Confabulation is a neuropsychiatric disorder wherein a patient generates a false memory without the intention of deceit.[1] The patient believes the statement to be truthful, hence the descriptive term “honest lying.”[2] The hypothesis is that the patient generates information as a compensatory mechanism to fill holes in one’s memories.[3] It functions for self-coherence, integration of memories, and self-relevance.[4][1] Confabulations can include small details such as birthdays, or they may be fantastical and more broadly based.[5] They can be believable or bizarre. Presenting patients with contradictory information may further perpetuate confabulation in an attempt to explain their account.
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Issues of Concern​

Associated Conditions
The most common reports of confabulation are in patients with Korsakoff syndrome from Wernicke encephalopathy, wherein patients have anterograde amnesia in addition to confabulations.[6] It has been seen in several other disease processes to include Alzheimer dementia, traumatic brain injury, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anterior communicating artery aneurysms, and cortical blindness with Anton syndrome. It can, however, also present in otherwise healthy patients.[7][8][9][3]
Multiple reported lesions have correlations with the phenomenon. While most disorders associated with confabulation are related to lesions in the orbitofrontal or ventromedial prefrontal cortex of the frontal lobe, errors in processing may also occur within the hypothalamus, mammillary bodies, and the dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus.[10][8][6][3][9] Due to the complex physiology, it is difficult to determine the exact mechanism of false memories. There are multiple theories regarding the evolution of and motivation behind confabulation, but there is no conclusive data.[5]Memory tests may identify errors in executive function, temporal context confusion, or reduced memory capacity.[9]
Trump library has fake amazing stories too

NEWSMAX: Trump claimed he went down in a helicopter with the former SF Mayor Willie Brown. But he denies ever being in that helicopter. Can you explain?

TRUMP SPOX KAROLINE LEAVITT: Uh, I would just refer you to President Trump's statement. He has a lot of amazing stories

Trump library has fake amazing stories too

NEWSMAX: Trump claimed he went down in a helicopter with the former SF Mayor Willie Brown. But he denies ever being in that helicopter. Can you explain?

TRUMP SPOX KAROLINE LEAVITT: Uh, I would just refer you to President Trump's statement. He has a lot of amazing stories

Having a lot of amazing stories is code for he just makes sh!t up and generally people just believe him.
No field offices, no campaign stops or travel ....where is all that money going ???!!???

Former President Donald Trump said that he plans to stay off the presidential campaign rally circuit until after the Democratic National Convention, which ends Aug. 22.

The Republican nominee’s schedule this month defies conventional campaign strategy, and draws a sharp contrast with Trump’s schedule in August of 2016, the last time he ran a successful race for the White House.

That month, Trump held 27 campaign rallies across 15 states. So far this month, Trump has only held one rally.

Gov. Gavin Newsom: Kamala will clean his clock…And he’s panicking. He knows he’s starting to lose. Momentum has completely shifted. He’s rhetoric is becoming increasingly stale. He’s on the ropes. He’s got to regret his VP choice. I worry about how unhinged Trump can get over the course of the next few months. I’m just grateful he’s not the President of United States. He’s just a candidate.

No field offices, no campaign stops or travel ....where is all that money going ???!!???

Former President Donald Trump said that he plans to stay off the presidential campaign rally circuit until after the Democratic National Convention, which ends Aug. 22.

The Republican nominee’s schedule this month defies conventional campaign strategy, and draws a sharp contrast with Trump’s schedule in August of 2016, the last time he ran a successful race for the White House.

That month, Trump held 27 campaign rallies across 15 states. So far this month, Trump has only held one rally.



Q: Do you support any restrictions on a person’s right to contraception?

Trump: We’re looking at that
Wow. WTF.

This is quite bad.
1. They are going to restrict contraception access and he wasn't ready to be asked and froze.
2. He cognitively could not answer so he spoke in circles.

I'm guessing the second. It appears he might be going downhill quite quickly. Not surprising with the stress of a campaign, especially with the change. Answers like that are very common with cognitive decline:
"Do you know where you are?"
At that building.
"What is that building called."
You know that building we go to. We go there. It is the building. Yes, the building.
"Ok, sir, yes, the building is a hospital. Do you know which hospital?"
Of course, I know which hospital. It is the hospital we go to when we go. I know it is that building. Yes, I know.
In the last three weeks Trump has claimed a Stock Market Crash, World War III, a Great Depression, that Tim Walz didn't serve, that Kamala Harris isn't Black, and that he almost died in a helicopter with Willie Brown.

Good news, all of that is wrong.