Trump 2024 Run Thread

Musk says today that he never pledged to donate $45 million a month to Trump and the original story was fake news.

I legit watched Trump with my own eyes and ears praise Elon for donating $45 million a month to him
Video of Trump in his own words ..that Elon said was a story made up by the Fake Media

Trump: “I love Elon. He endorsed me. He announced he’s giving me $45 million a month.”
I'm seriously worried his health is declining

Trump: "Kamala is also a total radical on a word called imboten-- you know this, right? A word called what -- abortion."

Trump says Americans who don’t support him are “very dangerous people” and commands his supporters to not be “nice” to them

I'm seriously worried his health is declining

Trump: "Kamala is also a total radical on a word called imboten-- you know this, right? A word called what -- abortion."

He is dang near 80. I don't think a person his age has the stamina to hold down the office for 4 years.
I'm seriously worried his health is declining

Trump: "Kamala is also a total radical on a word called imboten-- you know this, right? A word called what -- abortion."

"She's a word called abortion..." Was that what he meant to say? I'm willing to skip past imboten but the replacement doesn't make sense either.
"She's a word called abortion..." Was that what he meant to say? I'm willing to skip past imboten but the replacement doesn't make sense either.

i think he meant "Kamala is also a radical on abortion" but he started losing his place and using fillers like 'a word called...' as he looked at the prompter. No clue where he got IMB- from though. My guess is that it was a line about immigration or something and he mixed up his words.
i think he meant "Kamala is also a radical on abortion" but he started losing his place and using fillers like 'a word called...' as he looked at the prompter. No clue where he got IMB- from though. My guess is that it was a line about immigration or something and he mixed up his words.
Ok. That would make sense.
This article will just glossed over but if true are we really that far from a hitler mindset?

First it’s alleged he said this “Those people,” he alleges his uncle said, “The shape they’re in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die.”

In a separate conversation it’s alleged he told his nephew that his son “didn’t recognize him” and would be better off if he died. This quote doesn’t appear in the linked version of the Time article but does appear in an updated version of the story.

Prior to 2016 this article would have done in any candidate in any party. But today’s Republican Party has completely sold their souls.
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trump is now the record holder for oldest presidential nominee, and IF elected would be the oldest president in history 78 and 6+ months, and would be 82 1/2 at completion...

"Ms Harris, if she becomes the nominee, also defuses one of the most effective attacks the Republicans have levelled against their opponent: his age.

For months, the Trump campaign has been pounding Mr Biden for being feeble and easily confused..." from BBC
Trump Thread- nothing but left throwing dirt.
Harris Thread- mostly left singing praises, couple of right articles then left vehemently defending them with whataboutisms.

Facebook politics is more educational and interesting than this. I'm out. Back to A.V. only for me.
I might sneak a peek in November though. 😉