Trump 2024 Run Thread

Way too many red flags here…drone, people seeing him on roof and alerting authorities, slanted roofs, shooter at close building with direct line of site, police in that building, etc.
total incompetence or???…
....intended incompetence???...

For those out there that don't like our burgeoning national debt and see it as our biggest risk, it would not appear that a vote for Trump is fitting with that concern.

How Trump Dominated His Own Party on a New G.O.P. Platform​

Donald Trump and his team displayed a ruthless efficiency in the process of making a platform, confiscating delegates’ cellphones and stifling dissent and even debate.

Donald J. Trump long ago decided he wanted a very different Republican Party platform in 2024. The delegates who arrived in Milwaukee early last week before the Republican National Convention, with grand plans of drafting a sweeping document of party principles, quickly found out just how determined he was.

Within minutes of their arrival, their cellphones were confiscated and placed in magnetically sealed pouches. There would be no leaks of information. It was only then that the delegates received a copy of the platform language the Trump team had meticulously prepared, which slashed the platform size by nearly three-quarters.

“This is something that ultimately you’ll pass,” Mr. Trump told the delegates by phone and made audible to the room, according to a person who was there and who was not authorized to speak publicly. “You’ll pass it quickly.”

He was right. Within hours, the platform committee had endorsed a document that Mr. Trump had personally dictated parts of, according to two people with direct knowledge of the events, and it all happened before the delegates got their phones back.

The committee passed the platform by a vote of 84 to 18.

The new platform softened language on abortion, excised old language referring obliquely to gay conversion therapy and culled a section about reducing a national debt that Mr. Trump had increased by nearly $8 trillion during his term in office. But the most revealing part was not any particular provision or plank.

It was the ruthless efficiency of a process months in the making that squelched, silenced or steamrolled any forces who might oppose Mr. Trump. The result was the latest evidence of the political maturation of Mr. Trump and his operation.
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I'm 69% sure you are wrong.
Approve South Park GIF

*Donald Trump has told a rally in Michigan that he "took a bullet for democracy" when an attempt was made on his life last week.

*During his speech Mr Trump repeated the falsehood that the 2020 election - which he lost to Mr Biden - had been "rigged".

*He mocked the crisis around Mr Biden's own bid for re-election as president, saying: "They don't know who their candidate is, and neither do we."

*In rhetoric that departed from his calls for unity immediately after the shooting, he used insulting language about Mr Biden and about Ms Harris, who is well-placed to become the Democratic nominee if Mr Biden steps aside.

*Mr Trump again sought to distance himself from Project 2025 - a detailed 900-page proposal from the Heritage Foundation think tank.

*“I stand before you only by the grace of almighty God,” he said, repeating his belief that divine intervention saved him from being killed.

*The bullet created a 2cm-wide wound on Trump's ear that extended down to the cartilage, Dr Jackson said, which is beginning to "heal properly." No stitches had been needed, he added.
How does a 20 year old, community college student, whose parents are social workers, have offshore accounts?

this was not a one man job...assassination attempts tend to be complicated...John Wilkes booth...Lee Harvey Oswald...question is who might have he been working with/for?!...
How does a 20 year old, community college student, whose parents are social workers, have offshore accounts?

Because that's the Daily Mail, lol. It's like if TMZ and the National Enquirer had a baby with a British accent and bad teeth.
this was not a one man job...assassination attempts tend to be complicated...John Wilkes booth...Lee Harvey Oswald...question is who might have he been working with/for?!...
We finally agree on something. 👍
Same story on multiple sites...
Yeah I was just in the middle of an edit when my 3 yr old nephew jumped on my laptop, lol. I see he actually went on Fox and said this. That's generally how they like to distill their garbage. Fox News will let someone like this guy go to a pretty out their trashy website and say something wild like this to give it an air of legitimacy. Then they bring them on one of their prime time opinion shows and like magic the garbage has been distilled into breaking news.
Yeah I was just in the middle of an edit when my 3 yr old nephew jumped on my laptop, lol. I see he actually went on Fox and said this. That's generally how they like to distill their garbage. Fox News will let someone like this guy go to a pretty out their trashy website and say something wild like this to give it an air of legitimacy. Then they bring them on one of their prime time opinion shows and like magic the garbage has been distilled into breaking news.
I'll take TMZ over Fox and CNN every time. 😉

Trump Gives an Assist to Democrats​

His reaction to Biden’s decision was small-minded and divisive.​

The Editorial Board

July 21, 2024 at 5:54 pm ET


Gift unlocked article

(2 min)

Republican presidential nominee, former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally on Saturday PHOTO: ANNA MONEYMAKER/GETTY IMAGES
The 2024 election is Donald Trump’s to lose, and he may yet manage it. That was our reaction to his splenetic outburst on Sunday after President Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race.

It should have been an opportunity to show some class and judgment by welcoming the decision, warning U.S. adversaries not to take advantage of Mr. Biden’s last few months in office, and saying Vice President Kamala Harris will have to defend Mr. Biden’s failed record. Short and presidential, with a unifying tone.

Not Donald Trump. On Truth Social on Sunday after the announcement, the former President posted this: “Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve - And never was! He only attained the position of President by lies, Fake News, and not leaving his Basement. All those around him, including his Doctor and the Media, knew that he wasn’t capable of being President, and he wasn’t - And now, look what he’s done to our Country . . .” And on down from there.

We realize Mr. Trump is frustrated that he won’t be able to run against Mr. Biden. But he remains the favorite and has a strong case to make against the Biden-Harris record. The GOP convention was a political success, despite his self-indulgent Thursday speech.
The biggest doubt voters have about Mr. Trump is that he’s a divisive, vindictive man who is unable to speak for all Americans. He had a chance on Sunday to show he is capable of more, but he didn’t rise to the occasion.

His reaction to Biden’s decision was small-minded and divisive​

The biggest doubt voters have about Mr. Trump is that he’s a divisive, vindictive man who is unable to speak for all Americans. He had a chance on Sunday to show he is capable of more, but he didn’t rise to the occasion.
They keep saying things like he had a chance to show he could be capable of more than ______ ... have they not been paying attention to the last 8+ years. He can't show it because he can't do it. He is incapable of being anything other than what he is. Divisive and a complete dog turd of a person. Can't even pretend for a few minutes to write one post or release one statement.
They keep saying things like he had a chance to show he could be capable of more than ______ ... have they not been paying attention to the last 8+ years. He can't show it because he can't do it. He is incapable of being anything other than what he is. Divisive and a complete dog turd of a person. Can't even pretend for a few minutes to write one post or release one statement.
Just look at his truth social tweets every holiday. They all say Happy/Merry X holiday, and finish with some unhinged tirade.