Trump 2024 Run Thread

They spelled his name wrong on the jacket
SMH. Yep the fire department got it all wrong.

frank costanza facepalm GIF by HULU
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They spelled his name wrong on the jacket
I think James Carville said about Pennsylvania, It's Pittsburgh on one side, Philadelphia on the other and Alabama in the middle.

Also I dated an Italian chick from Lancaster PA. Can verify as fact.
So I didn't watch because frankly I can't stand to listen to him speak. All he had to do was come out accept the nomination, thank everyone and say good night and probably could have all but wrapped it up. Instead, I heard he rambled on, off script, for about 40 minutes. I don't know if it's comical or sad that Trump really can't see just how much he is his own worst enemy.
Instead, I heard he rambled on, off script, for about 40 minutes. I don't know if it's comical or sad that Trump really can't see just how much he is his own worst enemy.
Most politicians have a better feel for things.
Trump has one style. His die-hard supporters appear to like his off script comments, but he had a big opportunity to appeal to some undecideds and some not strong Biden supporters. Talking about election problems works with his base in the audience, but just sounds bitter and, potentially scary, to others.
If he would have only spoken for an additional 5-10 minutes after the tribute to the firefighter, it would have shown another side of Trump. But he couldn’t do that.
Most politicians have a better feel for things.
Trump has one style. His die-hard supporters appear to like his off script comments, but he had a big opportunity to appeal to some undecideds and some not strong Biden supporters. Talking about election problems works with his base in the audience, but just sounds bitter and, potentially scary, to others.
If he would have only spoken for an additional 5-10 minutes after the tribute to the firefighter, it would have shown another side of Trump. But he couldn’t do that.
I don’t think he has “another side” to him.
1721430137830.pngseriously though, how long must you wear a bandage for an ear injury? and does it have to be this large? Holyfield never wore a bandage! :ROFLMAO:
View attachment 5854seriously though, how long must you wear a bandage for an ear injury? and does it have to be this large? Holyfield never wore a bandage! :ROFLMAO:
We realize you don’t like him (and this is your 4th different post about an ear bandage), but he was shot with a rifle during an assassination attempt only 5 days ago.
Doubt he wants the mess of what his ear looks like to be on national TV. Which is 100% understandable to normal humans.
We realize you don’t like him (and this is your 4th different post about an ear bandage), but he was shot with a rifle during an assassination attempt only 5 days ago.
Doubt he wants the mess of what his ear looks like to be on national TV. Which is 100% understandable to normal humans.
U r correct, I do not like him…at all…thanks for counting my posts about ear patches…did that include the memes?! (Asking for a friend)…and he was not shot; grazed would be more like it…and we don’t even know if it was by a bullet…he refuses to release the medical reports (makes you go hmmmmm)…
U r correct, I do not like him…at all…thanks for counting my posts about ear patches…did that include the memes?! (Asking for a friend)…and he was not shot; grazed would be more like it…and we don’t even know if it was by a bullet…he refuses to release the medical reports (makes you go hmmmmm)…
No it apparently makes far extreme conspiracy nuts go hmmmm.

What normal human cares if the bullet pierced his ear, grazed his ear, or glass shattered from the bullet and ripped into his ear??. He was shot.