Tim Walz Harris VP Pick

Honest reaction from a vet

" “When he (Tim Walz) said I’ve led soldiers, taught children and coached champions…that got me. ‘We’ll sleep when we’re dead’…I felt that.”
VeteransForHarrisWalz2024 "

*Master Sergeant...... He left to run for office and his official military record has been changed.

I don't understand why they are doing this. He did volunteer.....he did serve....he retired in a way that has record had to be corrected. Why not just say what the actual record says? He is a good pick for her. White....dude....hunter/military so has guns.....progressive for their base. Why not just say what it really is and avoid any chance for the reps to say "oh look he is lying. The guy is in no way shape or for a deserter he wasn't kicked out or anything he was deployed as a guardsmen overseas. Every box is checked. Why say something else.....
*Master Sergeant...... He left to run for office and his official military record has been changed.

I don't understand why they are doing this. He did volunteer.....he did serve....he retired in a way that has record had to be corrected. Why not just say what the actual record says? He is a good pick for her. White....dude....hunter/military so has guns.....progressive for their base. Why not just say what it really is and avoid any chance for the reps to say "oh look he is lying. The guy is in no way shape or for a deserter he wasn't kicked out or anything he was deployed as a guardsmen overseas. Every box is checked. Why say something else.....
"Walz enlisted in the Army National Guard in Nebraska in 1981 and retired honorably in 2005 as the top enlisted soldier for 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery Regiment, in the Minnesota National Guard, according to a copy of his records provided by the Minnesota Guard. He reached the rank of command sergeant major and served in that role, but he officially retired as a master sergeant for benefits purposes because he didn't finish a required training course, according to the records and a statement from the Minnesota Guard."

"Walz enlisted in the Army National Guard in Nebraska in 1981 and retired honorably in 2005 as the top enlisted soldier for 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery Regiment, in the Minnesota National Guard, according to a copy of his records provided by the Minnesota Guard. He reached the rank of command sergeant major and served in that role, but he officially retired as a master sergeant for benefits purposes because he didn't finish a required training course, according to the records and a statement from the Minnesota Guard."

I have a cousin who just retired as a CSM. To complete the rank he had to complete like 30+ hours of college course work, plus he had to spend a large number of hours as an instructor in a military education position teaching classes as a professor. Lots of weird things like that. it took him several years after he reached the CSM rank to complete all the requirements like that. I know in that position he was responsible for and commanded ~3000 soldiers on top of the additional educational requirements needed
Fox News

I served with Tim Walz as a Republican in the House. He'll be a good vice president
More than ever, America needs a normal guy like Tim Walz to help lead our nation and bring us together

*Master Sergeant...... He left to run for office and his official military record has been changed.

I don't understand why they are doing this. He did volunteer.....he did serve....he retired in a way that has record had to be corrected. Why not just say what the actual record says? He is a good pick for her. White....dude....hunter/military so has guns.....progressive for their base. Why not just say what it really is and avoid any chance for the reps to say "oh look he is lying. The guy is in no way shape or for a deserter he wasn't kicked out or anything he was deployed as a guardsmen overseas. Every box is checked. Why say something else.....
Command Sergeant Major.....he served as a Command Sergeant Major...he retired as a Master Sergeant by choice based upon his retirement benefits being higher at that rank because he hadn't completed all his points requirements/training requirements for full retirement at Command Sergeant Major.

That's exactly what his official military record says.
Command Sergeant Major.....he served as a Command Sergeant Major...he retired as a Master Sergeant by choice based upon his retirement benefits being higher at that rank because he hadn't completed all his points requirements/training requirements for full retirement at Command Sergeant Major.

That's exactly what his official military record says.
I'm with you on this one. It seems like they're trying to spin his military record to fit a certain narrative, but it's just not necessary. The guy volunteered, served, and retired with honors - that's something to be proud of! By embellishing his record, they're opening themselves up to criticism and accusations of dishonesty.
You're right, he did serve as a Command Sergeant Major, and he chose to retire as a Master Sergeant due to the benefits. That's a legitimate choice, and it doesn't take away from his service. Why not just own the truth and avoid giving the opposition ammunition? It's frustrating when politicians feel the need to manipulate the facts instead of just being honest with the public.
I'm with you on this one. It seems like they're trying to spin his military record to fit a certain narrative, but it's just not necessary. The guy volunteered, served, and retired with honors - that's something to be proud of! By embellishing his record, they're opening themselves up to criticism and accusations of dishonesty.
You're right, he did serve as a Command Sergeant Major, and he chose to retire as a Master Sergeant due to the benefits. That's a legitimate choice, and it doesn't take away from his service. Why not just own the truth and avoid giving the opposition ammunition? It's frustrating when politicians feel the need to manipulate the facts instead of just being honest with the public.
What "truth" are they not "owning" according to you? What "spin" are they putting on his military record? What "embellishment" is going on.

He served as a Command Sergeant Major......and that's what they've been saying.
Command Sergeant Major.....he served as a Command Sergeant Major...he retired as a Master Sergeant by choice based upon his retirement benefits being higher at that rank because he hadn't completed all his points requirements/training requirements for full retirement at Command Sergeant Major.

That's exactly what his official military record says.
The stories I read quote men from the battalion he retired from to run for office. They are the ones that petitioned him to not list it as his title before VP was a thing. They never mentioned it was for benefits.
What "truth" are they not "owning" according to you? What "spin" are they putting on his military record? What "embellishment" is going on.

He served as a Command Sergeant Major......and that's what they've been saying.
This sh!+ gets exhausting. Someone might not agree w Harris/Walz policies but the Magastanian lurch from chaos to chaos is just exhausting.

They manufacture outrage and their dumb@$$ cult members bite every dang time. Remember Last Supper gate? How about trans boxer gate? Then we had market crash gate. Next was the conspiracy that the market didn’t crash bc the deep state colluded w big trading houses to limit trading. Now they are fishing to see which pile of crap that’s been flung on the wall from Walz’s background sticks. This is all inside of 10 days.
The stories I read quote men from the battalion he retired from to run for office. They are the ones that petitioned him to not list it as his title before VP was a thing. They never mentioned it was for benefits.
Can you quote those stories? Can you provide ANY evidence that he was, as you say, only a Master Sergeant or that his record was "corrected" to show he never achieved the rank of Command Sergeant Major? I'd like to see it. Otherwise, you're just blowing smoke.

It's seems you're buying into some Magastani BS right now.

The facts are he served as a Command Sergeant Major. He was promoted to that position. He held that position. He was a Command Sergeant Major during his service to the country.
Ohh gee...it's like they are predictable or something

Here is Elon pushing the conspiracy theory I pointed out that they would push about this guy with the second post on this thread

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When there was a decision to make a new flag, anyone who wanted to could submit a design. I'm sure there were a ton submitted that 14 year old me would have found hilarious but the finalists were based of suggestions from some sort of commission who picked a top 5 or so. I'm not sure of the governors involvement in the process but it wasn't his choice and his choice alone for the finalists and what the state ended up going with.

Also, the final design wasn't what any of the finalists submitted but kind of mashup of what the committee ended up going with. Personally I'm not a fan but I'm generally indifferent to stuff like that so I don't really have that strong of an opinion.

There has been a fair amount of backlash against it in my neck of the woods, but where I live is about as red as it gets for MN so pretty much any design that could be tied to a governor who has a D in front of his name would have been disliked. I haven't heard a peep about it looking like a foreign flag though. The biggest gripe is that the old flag was part of our heritage. Seeing as how the last flag was designed in 1983 and MN usually designs a new flag every few decades this complaint doesn't hold much weight with me.
This sh!+ gets exhausting. Someone might not agree w Harris/Walz policies but the Magastanian lurch from chaos to chaos is just exhausting.

They manufacture outrage and their dumb@$$ cult members bite every dang time. Remember Last Supper gate? How about trans boxer gate? Then we had market crash gate. Next was the conspiracy that the market didn’t crash bc the deep state colluded w big trading houses to limit trading. Now they are fishing to see which pile of crap that’s been flung on the wall from Walz’s background sticks. This is all inside of 10 days.
It has been utterly exhausting sharing a country with the walking, talking versions of a National Enquirer magazine. Friends, relatives, neighbors, otherwise lovely people who will just spout out the most batshit crazy things anytime they get the chance. And as we've seen on here you can show them how wrong they are, over and over again on the insanity they spout. And they will look at you with this blank stare, like they're incapable of registering the fact they might be wrong about this one thing. They will stare their complete and utter wrongness directly in the face and the brain shuts down in an act of self preservation to keep the house of cards their reality is built on from crumbling down. And then they carry on and forget the fact they were just shown how wrong they are. Because if they recognize it just once then they have to question another absolutely insane thing they know to be true. And another. And another. The last thing they can allow themselves to do is question even once the insane reality they've been brainwashed into living.
The man put in his retirement paperwork, it was approved, processed and his replacement was found a full 6 MONTHS prior to his unit being told they would be deployed
