J D Vance Trump VP pick

Do you have a concept of a plan?
He ignored the points and just keeps spewing the same talking point. The MAGA playbook.

It would be no different than telling people that live in a neighborhood with more crime that they have to pay more for police services than the people who live in a nicer, safer neighborhood. It is picking on the downtrodden to make life even better for the ones already benefiting. But, he knows that, so he just keeps repeating "can lower the cost for millions" while ignoring that it will raise the cost for the others and the taxpayer while also causing more people to lose work. What he is saying is true. But, it also says that he doesn't give a crap about anyone but the ones that win.
He ignored the points and just keeps spewing the same talking point. The MAGA playbook.

It would be no different than telling people that live in a neighborhood with more crime that they have to pay more for police services than the people who live in a nicer, safer neighborhood. It is picking on the downtrodden to make life even better for the ones already benefiting. But, he knows that, so he just keeps repeating "can lower the cost for millions" while ignoring that it will raise the cost for the others and the taxpayer while also causing more people to lose work. What he is saying is true. But, it also says that he doesn't give a crap about anyone but the ones that win.
You didn’t have my points..yet you know that. A politician actually puts out an idea to reduce health care cost for tens of millions and you reflexively bash it because that politician is not part of your political party. 🤦‍♂️
He ignored the points and just keeps spewing the same talking point. The MAGA playbook.

It would be no different than telling people that live in a neighborhood with more crime that they have to pay more for police services than the people who live in a nicer, safer neighborhood. It is picking on the downtrodden to make life even better for the ones already benefiting. But, he knows that, so he just keeps repeating "can lower the cost for millions" while ignoring that it will raise the cost for the others and the taxpayer while also causing more people to lose work. What he is saying is true. But, it also says that he doesn't give a crap about anyone but the ones that win.
He's a self described libertarian.

My experience with them has been no one should ever be impacted in any way to support anyone else unless by their choosing. Essentially, caring only about one's self vs the country or society around them. As my coworker (also a libertarian) said: "federal government has 2 legitimate roles, national defense and I can't think of a second".

JT's view of all of this is explained by that mindset, taxes should be essentially non-existant and government needs to stay out of everything. However, it completely disregards the fact that without government intervention very bad things happen because people are selfish and short sighted. But as long as nothing bad happens to to them who cares.
You didn’t have my points..yet you know that. A politician actually puts out an idea to reduce health care cost for tens of millions and you reflexively bash it because that politician is not part of your political party. 🤦‍♂️
That is just a stupid thing to say. I bashed it with specific points. If I had bashed it only because of party, I would have just wrote some vague BS like "it will lower costs for millions of people" and ignored all the flaws. And it doesn't lower costs at all. It is simply cost shifting. LEarn some basics.

As usual, you addressed nothing I said. You agreed with him. I heard his points, they are horrible, focused only on healthy, wealthy people like him and ignore the difficulties of people with severe medical problems that I see every single day.

If you have something different to say, say it. But, you don't. You will argue about the argument and ignore the points. As typical, because it is so easy to destroy your points.
You didn’t have my points..yet you know that. A politician actually puts out an idea to reduce health care cost for tens of millions and you reflexively bash it because that politician is not part of your political party. 🤦‍♂️
Explain the idea to reduce health care cost... or is it just undoing protections from Obama care? I person am a fan of not being denied coverage because something happened in the past.
He's a self described libertarian.

My experience with them has been no one should ever be impacted in any way to support anyone else unless by their choosing. Essentially, caring only about one's self vs the country or society around them. As my coworker (also a libertarian) said: "federal government has 2 legitimate roles, national defense and I can't think of a second".

JT's view of all of this is explained by that mindset, taxes should be essentially non-existant and government needs to stay out of everything. However, it completely disregards the fact that without government intervention very bad things happen because people are selfish and short sighted. But as long as nothing bad happens to to them who cares.
If is fine to have that opinion. But he is far weaker than the typical libertarian. They will usually try to make the points sound good despite the obvious flaws. He just repeats boring talking points, and makes false claims about party that have nothing to do with the discussion.

IF Vance had made areasonable conservative proposal like, "We are going to force insurance companies to offer true catastropic coverage to people who want to primarily self insure and make it illegal for health care providers to differentially charge", I'd listen.

But, no. Instead, it is more division. More raping of the citizens for insurance profits.
If is fine to have that opinion. But he is far weaker than the typical libertarian. They will usually try to make the points sound good despite the obvious flaws. He just repeats boring talking points, and makes false claims about party that have nothing to do with the discussion.

IF Vance had made areasonable conservative proposal like, "We are going to force insurance companies to offer true catastropic coverage to people who want to primarily self insure and make it illegal for health care providers to differentially charge", I'd listen.

But, no. Instead, it is more division. More raping of the citizens for insurance profits.
You continue to fall further in your partisan hole. Instead of looking at solutions that will, at least partially, help many.

That quote you want Vance to make it beyond silly…again, I think you know that… but you appear determined to see through blinders. Health care needs are wildly different among people. Having plans that pretend are the same doesn’t address that, it just shifts burdens onto others that don’t need/want it. Especially sad is that it passes cost burdens onto young people that re just starting out. But, some are okay with that..ie national debt, looming SS issue, etc.
You didn’t have my points..yet you know that. A politician actually puts out an idea to reduce health care cost for tens of millions and you reflexively bash it because that politician is not part of your political party. 🤦‍♂️

Hi. Person born with a pre-existing condition here.

How are you going to reduce the cost of health-care for millions without screwing me over?
If is fine to have that opinion. But he is far weaker than the typical libertarian. They will usually try to make the points sound good despite the obvious flaws. He just repeats boring talking points, and makes false claims about party that have nothing to do with the discussion.

IF Vance had made areasonable conservative proposal like, "We are going to force insurance companies to offer true catastropic coverage to people who want to primarily self insure and make it illegal for health care providers to differentially charge", I'd listen.

But, no. Instead, it is more division. More raping of the citizens for insurance profits.
Forcing companies to do anything goes against conservative talking points though. That sounds like regulations, they hate regulations. Cut all regulations to help spur growth is one of their biggest things.
2021 Clip of J D Vance blaming Irish and German immigrants for rise in Crime Rate resurfaces

The PM of Ireland Simon Harris has been notified of the clip and Responded

Irish PM Simon Harris defends Irish immigrants after JD Vance blames 'Irish and German ethnic enclaves' for US crime wave in resurfaced 2021 video

Taoiseach Simon Harris said he is proud of Irish immigrants in the US after JD Vance blamed crime rates on "a wave of Irish immigration".

The Republican vice president candidate previously said ethnic enclaves of Irish immigrants brought higher crime rates to the US.

Vance said in 2021: “You had this massive wave of Italian, Irish and German immigration and that had its problems, its consequences. You had higher crime rates. You had these ethnic enclaves. You had inter-ethnic conflict in the country where you really hadn't had that before."

Vance, who has Irish and Scottish heritage, recently compared immigrants to the characters in the Martin Scorsese movie Gangs of New York. Speaking at a Milwaukee rally in August, he said: “Has anybody ever seen the movie Gangs of New York? That's what I'm talking about.

"We know that when we have these massive ethnic enclaves forming in our country, it can sometimes lead to higher crime rates. What we want is an American immigration policy that promotes assimilation.”

US data shows immigrants are no more likely to commit crimes than US-born citizens.

Taoiseach Simon Harris said Irish immigrants and Irish Americans should be proud of their contributions to the US. He said Ireland and the US have a long-standing friendship and history.

Speaking to IrishStar.com in New York, he said: “I haven't heard the comments, and I'm always careful to not get drawn into US electoral politics, particularly in this case.

“I think the Irish diaspora, the Irish immigrant community, have played an extraordinarily proud role in relation to the history of the development of the United States of America.

“The man in the White House, President Biden, is very proud of his Irish American ancestry as well.

“I think by any fair yardstick, Irish people have played a very important and helpful role in the development of this country, as has the United States of America in Ireland, particularly through our peace process and through industrial ties as well.

“I think we're in a state now (New York) where around 2 million people declare Irish ancestry. So there's many proud Irish Americans, and I'm proud of them too.”
You continue to fall further in your partisan hole. Instead of looking at solutions that will, at least partially, help many.

That quote you want Vance to make it beyond silly…again, I think you know that… but you appear determined to see through blinders. Health care needs are wildly different among people. Having plans that pretend are the same doesn’t address that, it just shifts burdens onto others that don’t need/want it. Especially sad is that it passes cost burdens onto young people that re just starting out. But, some are okay with that..ie national debt, looming SS issue, etc.
You want to call it partisan because you can't address the specific points that I made that poked holes in what you are saying. It doesn't really matter if I am a long term republican poking holes or a democrat poking holes. There are still holes.

Look up what insurance is. It is the shifting of costs from those in need to the pool of people who obtain insurance. There are already differences. My son is 25 and his health insurance is many times less than mine even though I get Federal health benefits which everyone whines is too generous. He pays $75 a month.

All he is proposing is letting the insurance companies get out of paying for the expensive care. My son's health insurance will stay $75. They will shift people into a separate pool that they can make so expensive that hardly anyone can afford it so the government has to step in. It is the typical create government-deficit playbook while UNH profits immensely.

Show me the last time one of these proposals lowered anyone's cost?
Dang politicians proposing alternatives to make health insurance more affordable for many.
And the people who vote for them. Of course, if such voters are always in good health, they don't see the need for improved access to affordable health care. In other words, they're doing fine on the Republican Health Care Plan--DON'T GET SICK!
So you expect others should subsidize you even more than taxpayers already do?
And you don’t support lowering costs for people different from you?
Sounds like you don't understand what insurance is. Every member is subsidized by every other member. That's how it works.

Dont want to put words in his mouth, but I bet he does support lowering cost for everyone. There are other ways to do it that come at sacrificing lower income or people with a medical history.
So you expect others should subsidize you even more than taxpayers already do?
And you don’t support lowering costs for people different from you?
I expect people like you that claim to be about the community to actually care about the community and not your self.
I expect people like you that claim to be about the community to actually care about the community and not your self.
lol. The proposal is about allowing people to choose a lower priced premium. Everyone should be celebrating this, but because it was someone in an opposition party you just bash it.

Think about the many young people clamoring for lower priced insurance. But no, you want to just dig you head in the sand and only complain about what you want. Same people that want to continue this are the same that think paying the college debt of others is great.
So you expect others should subsidize you even more than taxpayers already do?
And you don’t support lowering costs for people different from you?

No. I expect the same level of healthcare as the person next to me.

You gonna say the same thing if your kid gets cancer?
No. I expect the same level of healthcare as the person next to me.

You gonna say the same thing if your kid gets cancer?
Good then you can get it. Nothing keeping you from that.
But that doesn’t mean you should push-back on ideas to lower health care for others. People need relief from high costs and we should want our politicians looking for ways to help. And doesn’t mean that you should demand others subsidize your situation. Maybe you were not suggesting that…because that would be incredibly selfish.
Good then you can get it. Nothing keeping you from that.
But that doesn’t mean you should push-back on ideas to lower health care for others. People need relief from high costs and we should want our politicians looking for ways to help. And doesn’t mean that you should demand others subsidize your situation. Maybe you were not suggesting that…because that would be incredibly selfish.
You realize that if there are two classes based on needs then yes one will be MUCH cheaper, the other will either be insolvent or have to be stupidly expensive. Only way otherwise is to have government funded for those that would have higher rates, but then again everyone is paying for it so you'd hate that too.