J D Vance Trump VP pick

I’m not "triggered" by you being a dishonest message board poster, I'm just pointing it out to you.

I made no assumptions. I asked. You were vague and difficult.

I never said someone with two kids pay the same as someone without kids. You really need reading comprehension training. Is English a second language for you?
Mislead, mischaracterize, misdirect.
That’s right. You said families of “7 kids”! LOL.

This is what I wrote. It does not in any way say that people with two kids pay the same as a single person. In fact, I specified that they are different. Sorry that you aren't able to keep up with conversations at this reading level.
The cost of kids is not fully covered by families. Insurance is either with children, couple or single. If someone has 7 kids they pay the family rate.

Maybe you could take some of your health insurance premium savings and do this:
19 to 50%? So somewhere between 81% and 50% don’t have pre-existing conditions?
I know you are not actually curious as to the why there is that discrepancy, nor wise enough to review the source itself, but here is the first graph from the linked source:
I love it when people make my point for me. Now that you and I are an absolute 100% agreement, the question is how do we go get the other 349,999,998 people to figure this out with us?😂

My biggest vendor is out of Australia, it’s fascinating to hear the give and takes for their system compared ours. Even more fascinating that difference in opinion from the execs to the “every day guy.”
So you are wanting to break the group's out as wealthy vs non wealthy then? That's very different than chopping up private insurance into healthy vs non healthy.

I'm perfectly fine with a government funded insurance for everyone with additional coverage available. If nothing else it should kill the out of network crap. Why we are the only country fighting private insurance for the vast majority of people is beyond me.

I get too used to arguing with JT who would hate thos because it has government involvement.
So you are wanting to break the group's out as wealthy vs non wealthy then? That's very different than chopping up private insurance into healthy vs non healthy.

I'm perfectly fine with a government funded insurance for everyone with additional coverage available. If nothing else it should kill the out of network crap. Why we are the only country fighting private insurance for the vast majority of people is beyond me.

I get too used to arguing with JT who would hate thos because it has government involvement.
I simply assume lots of health insurance company lobbyist money gets passed under and over the table and in effect rules Congress whenever it makes decisions dealing with health care. But don't know why it's so impossibly difficult to bring about Medicare for All Advantage, so that health insurance companies can participate in it.
Vance seems to listen to Alex Jones and takes him seriously, rather than as a joke. Besides that, a diet of insects isn't a good idea. I heard a chemtrail conspiracy nut say that up to 80 to 90% of the insects have been killed off. He is quite a joke, too.
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Fox host: You and Trump are talking about defunding Planned Parenthood. They do hundreds of thousands of cancer screenings, they provide birth control which they say actually prevents another 500,000 abortions a year... Where would those patients go?

Vance: *doesn’t answer*

Vance: We have lost the trust of the American people on abortion. Americans instinctively mistrust us

Q: So are you going to moderate on abortion?

Vance: No

RADDATZ: I assume that if I asked you 50 times if Trump lost the 2020 election, you would not acknowledge that he did. Is that correct?

VANCE: You haven't asked about inflatio--

R: No, I'm sorry. Let's stick to this. Why won't you say this?

VANCE: Because when big tech ...


Duty to Warn: May I Tell You Who JD Vance Really Is?​

Frank Schaeffer would like to warn you that Vance endorsed a book that praises fascism and past fascists. Vance is morally sick and disgusting. Schaeffer is also an interesting personality but in a totally different way. In his younger years he was a devoted Reconstructionist. Such people believe that the U. S. should become a theocracy based on Old Testament laws and values. They even want slavery restored.

In 1990, Schaeffer totally rejected Reconstructionism and wanted to undo the damage his family inflected upon America. In 2008 he endorsed Obama for president. In response to Obama's preacher saying, "God damn America", he wrote, "When my late father – Religious Right leader Francis Schaeffer – denounced America and even called for the violent overthrow of the U. S. government, he was invited to lunch with presidents Ford, Reagan and Bush, Sr." Today, Frank Schaeffer is for Harris/Walz.

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