
We could’ve blown the game open by swinging at “close pitches“ instead of looking at the umpire hoping he called them a ball. That’s the difference right now not his zone. They’re swinging, we didn’t.
We definitely can't trust any pitch that is close:

Bruegge again took a fastball for strike one that would have been a great pitch to drive
Put Meola at first!!
I’ve been saying all season we have to have a better option. He has played better defensively, but has been average at best all season. But, as I have also said, he is the most non-clutch player we have had in many, many years. The bogger the situation, the worse the AB generally.
I don’t know how Josh or Walton don’t just go ballistic on that ump. Just absolutely ridiculous calls for Benge. The uf pitcher acts like an a$$ in the mound and to the ump and keeps getting bailed out by him.

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Because if they do they lose their job. Not the same the other way around. Those overbloated stick-up-the-ass pricks can just waltz around cause they know they're untouchable physically, financially, career security, all of it. There never has and never will be accountability because this is how the ncaa ($ec lap dogs and money grubbing WHORES) want it.