Trump 2024 Run Thread

Trump: They don't want any more windows. No more windows. They want to take down every building and build a building with no windows in it. I've always been known for having the biggest windows. I got, I want those windows to be so big right down to the bottom of the floor. I got to change my whole philosophy if you don't vote me in because I go back to building crazy buildings now and I won't be able to use windows anymore. No, they actually, they don't want windows, they don't want cows

Looks like Trump's answer when someone asked him about the latest jobs report.
If Trump was smart he would have not said anything over the last 48 hours. The dismal job report would have done some campaigning for him. However, his Liz Cheney statement will dominate the news cycle.
Are you saying you were disappointed in the job report, that it was unexpected or just that Trump would be helped by it if the press wasn't distracted by his words.

It was expected to be low due to hurricane impacts, which would be glossed over by some when talking about it.

So yes, you are correct in two things. 1. Trump should stop talking. 2. It would help him as FoxNews would talk about it like the world is falling.

Just curious your actual take on it.
From what I'm seeing Michigan and Wisconsin are looking good for Harris. Pennsylvania is looking like it's going to be the closest out of those three states and it's definitely the most important. Georgia's turnout is just massive and the big Dem counties are really ramping up their turnout there. North Carolina Independent vote might end up being higher than R or D vote, so NC is really going to come down to how I's vote.

I feel pretty confident Michigan and Wisconsin will vote for Kamala at this point. If she gets Pennsylvania that's the election.
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Are you saying you were disappointed in the job report, that it was unexpected or just that Trump would be helped by it if the press wasn't distracted by his words.

It was expected to be low due to hurricane impacts, which would be glossed over by some when talking about it.

So yes, you are correct in two things. 1. Trump should stop talking. 2. It would help him as FoxNews would talk about it like the world is falling.

Just curious your actual take on it.
Simple. Job report was bad and well below estimates. Also the last two months were revised down. That would have been a large talking point the weekend before the election. With economy being the #1 issue in those election cycle, the reports of weakening of economy likely helps Trump.

Trump created additional news with his Cheney comments. It moves conversation and mutes the dismal job report.
Boeing strike and hurricanes...
Yep. And those were already included in the estimates of +110K jobs being added. But report came in with only +12K jobs added and that number includes +40K government jobs. Plus revision downward for both August and September.

This disappointing report could have been (and maybe still will) a media story that carries the entire last weekend of the election. But likely will get overshadowed by Trump’s rhetoric against Cheney. He shot himself in the foot.
He shot himself in the foot.
he does this repeatedly and it does not deter his followers...we shall see if all his shots in foot/feet have an effect amongst no party/ theory still stands (on healthy, unshot feet) that trump really doesn't care if he loses; would even probably rather lose so he can 'enjoy the show' of watching his minions go bat$h!t crazy FOR him... (theory only partially tongue in cheek)
Trump created additional news with his Cheney comments. It moves conversation and mutes the dismal job report.
Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes on Friday said her office is investigating whether former President Donald Trump's remarks about former Wyoming Liz Cheney having "guns trained on her face" broke the law.

"I have already asked my criminal division chief to start looking at that statement, analyzing it for whether it qualifies as a death threat under Arizona's laws,"

Trump White House Official Calls for Trump to Be Arrested for Threatening Liz Cheney: He 'Just Violated the Conditions of His Bail'​
