Some comparisons to a few select points because I don't have time to respond to all.
My general problem with Biden is the usual laundry list of my problems with all career politicians. He would rather lie than eat when he's hungry, he's a horrible human being that allegedly showers with his teenage daughter..
Trump lies about any and everything ALL THE TIME... even when shown the truth he just claims it's "fake"
Trump constantly talks about his daughter on camera like he wants some. Not sure if the diary is real or not and if so that super freaking creepy.
He's mentally incincapacitate...
Have you listened to Trump talk?... and he doesn't have a speech impediment to blame.
.. investigator into his handling of classified documents (which by the way they are prosecuting Trump for)...
Yes he shouldn't have had classified but the results of things like that are very different based on how you respond and if it was actually seen by anyone that shouldn’t have. If you are forward and open and it was deemed unintentional and no one gained access to it then it's generally a slap on the wrist and you move on. If you hide it, refuse to cooperate and/or it was determined that it was actually accessed by someone then the punishment is more severe. Trump fought and refused to hand items over, is on tape showing it to people and bragging about it being classified.
- The border is probably the biggest issue for me. It's an absolute disaster and, I think, the biggest threat we face. I think Trump will be better here.
Twice they've tried to pass something to improve and twice the GOP has refused to support because daddy Trump says he wants to campaign on it.
- He constantly gets pushed around by the far left in his own party on big things like the new green deal that make zero sense economically.
What far left bill/policy has been pushed by Biden? Are you referring to cutting oil usage? He's still leasing public land for drilling? Pushing for more clean energy? Should be doing more there personally. We need to transition, it's expensive but it needs to happen.
Understand that the economy is more important than taking care of the world. Got it. /s
- The withdrawal from Afghanistan was an unmitigated disaster of epic proportions and should be enough to disqualify him from receiving anyone's vote ever again in my opinion.
_ He's a national security nightmare. He's feckless and demented and nobody on the world stage respects or fears him.
Who on world stage respected/respects Trump?
National security nightmare is someone taking SCI and program level documents and storing them in their bathroom along with showing uncleared people.
The Afghanistan exit pissed me off but that was negotiated by Trump just before he left. Exits should never be on a schedule. IMO we should have renegotiated immediately but that didn't happen and we all know the end result.
- The handling of Covid. Some of that happened on Trump's watch and a ton of mistakes were made. Understandably so when dealing with something like a pandemic that we are forced to deal with in real time on the fly. I get it and I'm perfectly willing to give some grace here....but there are some things that went on that, in my opinion, are unforgiveable. We literally forced Americans to close their business down and take an experimental drug or lose their job including the military.
For military side of things. You're forced to take things consistently, the protection of the operational effectiveness of the forvebis more important than you not wanting to take something. This is not new, the only new part of this was that they let people remain when refusing to follow lawful orders.
For civilian side, similar things happened for the Spanish flu... not a first as you seem to claim.
Yes, we closed down some businesses and then provided funds to keep them from shutting permanently and provide pay to employees. Better to do that than kill another huge unknown number of people. I don't personally think money is more important than people's lives but maybe we disagree there. - didn't the closures happen during Trump's tenure?
The drug wasn't experimental, it had been tested and approved... ivermectin for Covid wasn't an approved treatment though. I know I always to go a horse dewormer to treat viruses though. /s
The refusal to listen to science is inexcusable. The comments like injecting or drinking bleach to treat are inexcusable...