My general problem with Biden is the usual laundry list of my problems with all career politicians. He would rather lie than eat when he's hungry, he's a horrible human being that allegedly showers with his teenage daughter and refuses to acknowledge his own granddaughter from a stripper that his crackhead kid knocked up, etc..etc... I could go on but you get the point. He's basically Hillary with a smaller penis.
-He's mentally incapacitated. Everyone knows it and the investigator into his handling of classified documents (which by the way they are prosecuting Trump for) essentially said "Yeah, he's guilty but he's not mentally capable of standing trial" But we are ok with him being the leader of the free world?
- The border is probably the biggest issue for me. It's an absolute disaster and, I think, the biggest threat we face. I think Trump will be better here.
- The withdrawal from Afghanistan was an unmitigated disaster of epic proportions and should be enough to disqualify him from receiving anyone's vote ever again in my opinion.
- He's never had a job outside of government really and obviously has no clue how things work in real life in terms of economics. He constantly gets pushed around by the far left in his own party on big things like the new green deal that make zero sense economically.
- He's forgiven $138 billion in student loans, in spite of the supreme court ruling, and placed that burden directly on the backs of hard working people that didn't sign up for them and probably would have gone to college themselves had they known that everyone else was going to have to pay for it. He loves the EO's, which should be outlawed in my opinion, even more than Trump did.
_ He's a national security nightmare. He's feckless and demented and nobody on the world stage respects or fears him Say what you will about Trump but we had zero new wars while he was in office and now we are involved in two and seem to be funding both sides in each of them. I still contend that Putin wouldn't have invaded if Trump was still in office. Pure conjecture on my part I know, but I'm convinced that the bad actors slowed their roll with Trump for whatever reason. Maybe they thought he was crazy enough to nuke them or he's actually colluding with Putin (he's not) like the Dems continually allege
- The handling of Covid. Some of that happened on Trump's watch and a ton of mistakes were made. Understandably so when dealing with something like a pandemic that we are forced to deal with in real time on the fly. I get it and I'm perfectly willing to give some grace here....but there are some things that went on that, in my opinion, are unforgiveable. We literally forced Americans to close their business down and take an experimental drug or lose their job including the military. Think about that for a minute and consider that at the same time we were forcing that on our own citizens this administration allowed millions upon millions of people to cross our southern border without so much as checking their temperature. All the while trying to convince us that something like natural immunity doesn't work anymore and that everyone that took ivermectin was going to die.
- He continues to promote the lie that we can somehow fight racism and discrimination by committing more racism and discrimination. It's ridiculous and the abandonment of hiring based on merit will lead to nothing but bad outcomes. It always has and it always will.
Lots more...but I think that's a decent start.