Trump 2024 Run Thread

Unfortunately, there's a very loud minority on the politics board who act like juveniles, and make this area nearly unbearable. Trying to engage with them in basic, normal discourse can prove difficult or impossible due to their immature, militant nature. Best of luck!
translation: anybody who dares disagree with my thoughts/arguments/opinions are juveniles, immature, and militant in nature...LOL
Not sure how this is related to the post you quoted. I'm talking about acting childish on a message board, not why Tucker Carlson got fired or how other people perceive him as an entertainer.
Take it easy on them today, the DOJ let them down. What's next? Hunter rattiing on Joe for the influence peddling? In the end its all FOX NEWS fault and that cretin Tucker Carlson I'm sure.
When Creepy Joe gets an indictment for influence peddling, I'll say the same thing that I said during the Trump/Russian your investigation, file your charges, get your conviction if you can. The proof is in the pudding.
How's about a plea bargain? Does that count?
translation: anybody who dares disagree with my thoughts/arguments/opinions are juveniles, immature, and militant in nature...LOL
False. I welcome disagreements and discussions. I don't welcome acting like a juvenile or being unnecessarily militant and disrespectful. I'll let you ponder how that's possible on your own time since you seem unable to parse these different topics currently.
In the end its all FOX NEWS fault and that cretin Tucker Carlson I'm sure.
Fox News agued IN COURT under oath that no viewers should take Tucker words as Truth.

Tucker's own people argued in court that he for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered a legit news source and fully admitted that Tucker and his topics and Guest were not vetted in anything they said.

So while people may like what he says or try to accept his words as reality...the truth is that many of the "Facts" he is using to make his point or to try to tell a position on a topic or just complete fabrications or out right lies...and his employers eventually fired him over it as it ended up costing them a crap ton of money because they presented him as Real....even though they knew he was fake

When it comes to Tucker and his creditability .....Tucker has no one to blame but himself

Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "

She wrote: "Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes."

Bill Barr: Republicans need to ‘come to grips’ with ‘hard truths’ about Trump​

Former Attorney General Bill Barr is calling for Republicans to “come to grips” with the “hard truths” about former President Trump’s conduct in the classified documents case that resulted in Trump’s latest indictment.

“For the sake of the country, our party, and a basic respect for the truth, it is time that Republicans come to grips with the hard truths about President Trump’s conduct and its implications,” Barr wrote in an op-ed published in The Free Press on Monday.

“Chief among them: Trump’s indictment is not the result of unfair government persecution,” Barr continued. “This is a situation entirely of his own making. The effort to present Trump as a victim in the Mar-a-Lago document affair is cynical political propaganda.”

Barr, who served as attorney general under Trump, suggested that the former president took classified materials with him from the White House simply to “gratify his ego.”

“Why would Trump risk the safety of the American people by hanging on to these documents in the face of the government’s lawful demands for their return?” he asked. “Knowing him, it was an act of self-assertion merely to gratify his ego.”

While the former attorney general characterized other investigations into Trump as “witch hunts” and agreed with his fellow Republicans’ complaints about a “double standard,” he argued that this “sidesteps the real questions raised by Trump’s behavior.”

“It is not clear to me that giving Trump a pass would be the best way of restoring the rule of law and putting the double standard behind us,” Barr said.

Trump pleaded not guilty to 37 felony counts in Miami last week related to his alleged mishandling of classified documents and efforts to block the government from recovering them.
Not sure how this is related to the post you quoted. I'm talking about acting childish on a message board, not why Tucker Carlson got fired or how other people perceive him as an entertainer.
He asked why Tucker shouldn’t be taken seriously.

I asked if he knew why Tucker was fired.

He replied he had no idea and whined that he shouldn’t have asked apparently.

Then you told him good luck because he'll only get juvenile responses. (Seemed like a reference to my reply, which I thought was a legitimate question.)

So, I’m saying… what do I have to do? Google the answers for him? I figured most people would do a little simple online research instead of expecting folks on a message board to explain it all.

PS - no way he knows who Rachel Maddow is, but has never seen a video of Tucker Carlson—who he conveniently sympathizes with.
He asked why Tucker shouldn’t be taken seriously.

I asked if he knew why Tucker was fired.

He replied he had no idea and whined that he shouldn’t have asked apparently.

Then you told him good luck because he'll only get juvenile responses. (Seemed like a reference to my reply, which I thought was a legitimate question.)

So, I’m saying… what do I have to do? Google the answers for him? I figured most people would do a little simple online research instead of expecting folks on a message board to explain it all.

PS - no way he knows who Rachel Maddow is, but has never seen a video of Tucker Carlson—who he conveniently sympathizes with.
He just asked for thoughts on a video he posted, and only got dismissive, juvenile responses, including people actively mocking him and hoping he leaves the political board. Its like middle school around here.

Could have saved a lot of posts and actually advanced humanity if someone simply had a matter of fact discussion about Tucker Carlson instead of the stream of inane responses from the vocal minority. He probably would have seen the potential error of giving TC weight, and we could have made some sort of progress. Instead, y'all just pissed off another person, and did zero to advance humanity. Congrats on another "win" for the a-hole coalition that has developed on the politics board.
He just asked for thoughts on a video he posted, and only got dismissive, juvenile responses, including people actively mocking him and hoping he leaves the political board. Its like middle school around here.

Could have saved a lot of posts and actually advanced humanity if someone simply had a matter of fact discussion about Tucker Carlson instead of the stream of inane responses from the vocal minority. He probably would have seen the potential error of giving TC weight, and we could have made some sort of progress. Instead, y'all just pissed off another person, and did zero to advance humanity. Congrats on another "win" for the a-hole coalition that has developed on the politics board.
Thanks for advancing humanity with this gem. We are all better for it. You are a scholar and a gentleman.
He just asked for thoughts on a video he posted, and only got dismissive, juvenile responses, including people actively mocking him and hoping he leaves the political board. Its like middle school around here.

Could have saved a lot of posts and actually advanced humanity if someone simply had a matter of fact discussion about Tucker Carlson instead of the stream of inane responses from the vocal minority. He probably would have seen the potential error of giving TC weight, and we could have made some sort of progress. Instead, y'all just pissed off another person, and did zero to advance humanity. Congrats on another "win" for the a-hole coalition that has developed on the politics board.
No one was going to advance humanity or make a dent in that guy’s beliefs. He was baiting a reply by using Tucker’s favorite trope… leading questions. He was not sincere.
No one was going to advance humanity or make a dent in that guy’s beliefs. He was baiting a reply by using Tucker’s favorite trope… leading questions. He was not sincere.
You have no way of knowing that. You responded with inane, dismissive, fear-based responses to a trigger... You used a favorite trope of the left - just attempt to cancel anything you're afraid of. You didn't even attempt a discussion to know otherwise.

The fact that you're that quick to judge and condemn another person based on such little info is truly frightening.
You have no way of knowing that. You responded with inane, dismissive, fear-based responses to a trigger... You used a favorite trope of the left - just attempt to cancel anything you're afraid of. You didn't even attempt a discussion to know otherwise.

The fact that you're that quick to judge and condemn another person based on such little info is truly frightening.
first time GIF

Trump Refuses to Commit to Debate Appearance On ‘Hostile’ Fox News​

Part one of Donald Trump’s two-night interview with Fox Host Bret Baier likely left the lawyers trying to keep him out of prison reeling, and part two may have put his campaign staff in similar straits.
When asked by Baier if he would appear during the first Republican primary debate, which will be hosted by Fox News in August, Trump responded that he had concerns about appearing on a “hostile network.”
“This is a fair interview but it’s hostile. It’s on the hostile side,” Trump added. “Why would I allow people [polling] at one and two percent, and zero percent to be hitting me with questions all night.”

Trump also hedged on a question from Baier regarding whether or not he believed the Covid-19 vaccines to be effective. Despite taking credit for the rapid development of the vaccines, Trump said that he avoided discussing his position on vaccines because “as a Republican, it’s not a great thing to talk about because, for some reason, it’s just not.”

Vaccine skepticism has become an embedded conspiracy within Republican politics. In a follow up question, Baier asked why Trump hadn’t fired Dr. Anthony Fauci, who’s become the subject of relentless attacks from the right. The former president claimed he was not “allowed” to dismiss him.
On Monday night, Trump all but confessed to Baier that he had taken classified documents from the White House, adding that he hesitated to give them back because the boxes they were in were full of his much beloved golf shirts.
Trump also attempted to dismiss a recording obtained by the Justice Department that allegedly demonstrates he showed some of the materials he retained to third parties — by claiming there was no document to speak of.
“Bret, there was no document,” Trump told Baier. “That was a massive amount of papers and everything else, talking about Iran and other things. And it may have been held up or may not. That was not a document. I didn’t have any document per se. There was nothing to declassify, these were newspaper stories, magazine stories, and articles.”

The former president also reiterated his unsubstantiated claims that the 2020 election had been stolen from him. Trump emphatically declared to Baier that he “won in 2020 by a lot, let’s get that straight.”
“They were counting ballots, not the authenticity of the ballot. The ballots were fake ballots, this was a very rigged election,” he added.
At the end of the interview on Tuesday, Baier asked the former president if he felt he had been “fairly treated” during their conversation. “I don’t know,” Trump responded. “A couple questions could have been done without that’s okay. I enjoyed it.”

Republican Group Taunts Trump With His Own Damning Words In Fox News Ad​

A Republican group opposed to Donald Trump will run a new ad on Fox News and CNN this week in which an unexpected figure makes the legal case against the former president: Trump himself.
The new ad from the Republican Accountability Project highlights old comments from Trump on the importance of classified documents as he accused 2016 election rival Hillary Clinton of mishandling sensitive materials.
“I’m going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information,” he said in a clip from a 2016 rally. In a clip from 2020, he said people “go to jail for that.”
Now, Trump stands accused of doing exactly what he spoke out against, not only allegedly keeping classified documents but doing so in sloppy conditions. One photograph shows boxes of documents piled up near a toilet at his Mar-a-Lago resort.
“It’s time to hold Trump to Trump’s own standard,” the voiceover in the ad states:

Trump earlier this month pleaded not guilty to 37 counts, including Espionage Act violations, related to keeping those documents.
“Donald Trump likes to talk about throwing his political opponents in jail for mishandling classified documents, but he’s the one who stole government secrets from the White House and refused to give them back,” Sarah Longwell, the organization’s executive director, said in a news release. “We’re reminding Republican viewers that he should be held to his own standard.”
The Republican Accountability Project, which has launched video and billboard ad campaigns against the former president and his enablers in Congress, said it’s spending $1 million to run the spots both nationally and in the key swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Iowa and Wisconsin.