Trump 2024 Run Thread

Joe Rogan is friends with Alex Jones and has interviewed him before and I find that hard to accept. But l supposed it's like what you wrote, "Some people can't handle that."

His show is also the only time I've listened to Bernie Sanders, David Packman, and plenty others express their points of view. The vast majority of his shows are not even political. People just lose their S$$$ when someone they don't like gets the medium to express their views on a three-hour long format interview.

The only reason I'm so quick to defend is I really believe the independent podcasts like these are the only places you are going to get unedited viewpoints from important people. You are not getting anything but propaganda from any cable sourse.
Dude is one of the leaders of independent media where people can actually say what's on their mind without getting rode by someone with a corporate agenda. Rogan's had some of the leftist of the left on his show and has had great conversations that even I enjoyed listening to. I'm sure Harris will get her shot...

Blogs like Rogan's are the only places you are going to get unfiltered, unedited, and unmanaged opinions of some of the most interesting people in this country, and it blows my people can't see that.

As I mentioned before, if you listen to his podcast you are going to be subjected to viewpoints that you don't agree with. Some people can't handle that.
If you don’t know how to use the info you’re given unfiltered info is dangerous.
If you don’t know how to use the info you’re given unfiltered info is dangerous.

Well, if open conversations are dangerous, I fear what your opinion of safety is? We don't have issues in this country with open conversations or discussions with conflicting opinions. We have problems in this country when people find social safe spaces and stew in each other's BS....that creates the far left/right and those mindsets are dangerous.
Well, if open conversations are dangerous, I fear what your opinion of safety is? We don't have issues in this country with open conversations or discussions with conflicting opinions. We have problems in this country when people find social safe spaces and stew in each other's BS....that creates the far left/right and those mindsets are dangerous.
Not what I said glad we have another JT here.
Pennsylvania Republican: How Donald Trump talks about this country is the opposite of what brought me to the Republican Party in the first place. Ronald Reagan used to say America was 'a shining city upon a hill.' Donald Trump just called America 'a garbage can'

If you don’t know how to use the info you’re given unfiltered info is dangerous.
Ok. What are you saying? People are too dumb to hear all sides? Are you saying we need our info to be filtered by corporate media? What you said was highly open to interpretation?

Still waiting to hear why unfiltered info is dangerous. Do I need filtered info? Do you need Filtered info? Who decides who can handle what info? Who decides what info needs filtering. Fox news filters that for the best? MSNBC filters that for the best?

Uncut accessible free speech media is amazing and honestly may save this country from boardrooms deciding the content we get shoved down our throats.
Still waiting to hear why unfiltered info is dangerous. Do I need filtered info? Do you need Filtered info? Who decides who can handle what info? Who decides what info needs filtering. Fox news filters that for the best? MSNBC filters that for the best?

Uncut accessible free speech media is amazing and honestly may save this country from boardrooms deciding the content we get shoved down our throats.
If you are looking for a news filter, binman puts in a pretty big effort around here for ya.
Is this the guy that still hasn't bitched about OSU football?
Tonight Show Comedian GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Still waiting to hear why unfiltered info is dangerous. Do I need filtered info? Do you need Filtered info? Who decides who can handle what info? Who decides what info needs filtering. Fox news filters that for the best? MSNBC filters that for the best?

Uncut accessible free speech media is amazing and honestly may save this country from boardrooms deciding the content we get shoved down our throats.
I don't think unfiltered info is dangerous, but I do think the social media algorithms that feed us more info based on the info we have shown interest in are dangerous. When all the info you get leans one way, you tend to believe that is correct, even if that info that seems so abundant to you is only a sliver of the available info on the subject.

I don't know the solution, but when I find myself heading down a rabbit hole I try to jump out and check out the other rabbit holes about the subject, too.
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will Joe Rogan help or hinder trump? will JR ask uncomfortable questions or lobs? will this 'interview' put trump over the wall or into it or nothing at all?
are there honestly still undecided voters out there??
we all know the answer here. the dude doesn't push back against anyone. trump won't answer a thing and he'll seem "relatable" because he made Joe laugh by telling a trans joke. "I identify as a Fish D'Light" would be my guess.