Trump 2024 Run Thread

Tom Cotton's defense of Trump preemptively blaming the Jews for his election loss is that he's been saying stuff like this for a long time, so what's the big deal? Good pushback from Jake Tapper

Tom Cotton's defense of Trump preemptively blaming the Jews for his election loss is that he's been saying stuff like this for a long time, so what's the big deal? Good pushback from Jake Tapper

Tapper ate his lunch.

But, it doesn't matter. He just kept repeating himself because he knows for the voters he is after anti-Semitism, or any race baiting, just doesn't matter.
WATCH: @jaketapper grills tomcottonar on Trump blaming American Jews if he loses

Cotton says anti-semitism is only on “The Left”, but criticizing 🇮🇱 is not inherently anti-Semitic, and many pro-Trump white supremacists are no fans of Jews.

WATCH: @jaketapper grills tomcottonar on Trump blaming American Jews if he loses

Cotton says anti-semitism is only on “The Left”, but criticizing 🇮🇱 is not inherently anti-Semitic, and many pro-Trump white supremacists are no fans of Jews.

This is a good podcast on that topic.

Roman Mars hosts the 99% Invisible podcast, which is also fantastic.
Trump proposes having local law enforcement Mark people for deportation with SERIAL NUMBERS and the. Said they would deport people by SERIAL numbers

This is EXACTLY what Hitler did to the Jews !!!

Wake up folks

Trump explains plan to mass deport 'beautiful children' who have 'serial numbers'

Trump says that he would like to claim credit for saving hundreds of millions of lives all over the world by approving the Covid vaccines, but complains that his MAGA base hates them so much he can’t brag about it without making them mad so he won’t talk about it.

Breaking news: The gunman arrested near where Donald Trump was playing golf this month left a note to a friend months ago saying, “This was an assassination attempt,” according to a court filing Monday.

Breaking News: The suspect in the Trump shooting attempt in Florida outlined his plans in a note and staked out the golf course for a month, prosecutors said.

BREAKING: The suspect being investigated in the recent apparent assassination attempt of former President Trump wrote a letter months before detailing his plans, prosecutors alleged in court documents filed Monday.

“Dear world, this was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump but I am so sorry I failed you. I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster,” the alleged letter reads.
