Trump 2024 Run Thread

New documentary out called From Russia with Lev where he details how Russia paid him to give disinformation to the GOP, Trump campaign and Sean Hannity. And they that whole story how he duped them with Russian disinformation
Yeah. There's no way they will ever mention that on Fox"News". Dominion didn't teach them to keep from lying.

That being said, anyone taking money from Russia to give fake info to news or otherwise is a crap American.
Trump campaign runs ads in Georgia the state — with pictures of Georgia the country

Melania is being paid 6 figures for campaign stops with her Husband

Literally getting paid to do campaign events

Melania Trump has barely been seen on the campaign trail this year. One of the few times she has appeared at a political event, she’s received a six-figure paycheck – a highly unusual move for the spouse of a candidate.