Trump 2024 Run Thread

Yeah, pretty sure this headline isn't going to happen now​

Eric Trump previews major Trump Org move into crypto as he charts the family company’s future


Republicans claim betrayal as cryptocurrency PAC backs Democrats

I'll keep saying it again and again, but its the two parties that have lost their minds. The DNC basically just ousted someone who was certainly going to lose to trump and nominated someone who truly could lose to trump. All the while they could have just had an honest primary and have a nomination in hand that would almost certainly beat Trump.
"Truly could lose to Trump" will only be realistic if the economy goes off in sharp downward trends between now and Nov. Also, we don't have to worry as much about Biden making any big blunders such as on foreign policy, since he's not running for president.
"Truly could lose to Trump" will only be realistic if the economy goes off in sharp downward trends between now and Nov. Also, we don't have to worry as much about Biden making any big blunders such as on foreign policy, since he's not running for president.

I bet you a beer all poles will be well within the margin for error by late October and neither party will feel comfortable.

All I'm saying is it didn't have to be that way, but missteps were made.
Undercover video of Project 2025 leader: Trump has actually come up with a strategy that works… He is going to give people like me in the government the ability to enact anti-abortion laws. I've never seen him stand in the way of a anti-abortion initiative that was real politically

Russell Vought told an undercover reporter he’s drafting executive orders for Trump to deploy on his hopeful return to the White House.

“I gave up that life for a life of politics. I gave up this, all of this, these beautiful places that I have all over the world…”

Trump reminds us he’s an ultra-wealthy elitist while speaking out in front of his own private golf club about *checks notes* the cost of living.

He is legit arguing the cutoff limit from larceny to Grand larceny.... or misdemeanor to felony...means you can steal that much without consequences....guy literally has no clue

Of the many, many bonkers things Trump lied about in his latest unhinged press conference/daily festivus, this one really stuck out.

According to Trump, California passed a law that makes it legal to rob a store as long as you don’t steal more than $950 worth of merchandise. So, according to Trump, thieves are bringing calculators with them to rob stores to make sure they don’t steal too much and get arrested.

This is not a joke.

This is what he actually said.

“We got 10 to 12 million votes more – and that’s not including other votes that we can talk about on another day.”

We’re used to Trump lying about the 2020 election, but even we don't know what “other votes” he’s talking about here.