Here’s to hoping you and all those lying “news” sites having to eat those “walking vegetable” words after the debate, Or are you totally oblivious to Trump’s insane unhinged gibberish?Politics right now is like the Big 12 with OU and Tex in it.....
You have two groups that carry the conversation and most people hate both of them but those two are so loud everyone else is irrelevant. If you say hey that was a good play by OU you get shouted down as a Texas fan.....if you say Texas is stupid for switching to that scheme you get shouted down as a Gooner. Really you just thought that one play was good or the scheme was dumb. Of my entire circle of folks actual close relations, acquaintances, colleagues, family I would say maybe 10% actually like either candidate....another 25% has a definite opinion of who they want to vote for and 65% strongly dislike both. Couple that with with nothing you hear from our national media is the actual truth/what should be being covered and viola here we are.....fussing over a Hitler quoting felon and a walking vegetable with Palin-esque family issues. We just go in cycles of just voting for the opposite every time it comes around not because there is any substance just because they are different than what is going on at the time of the election. Idiots....and I don't mean I don't agree with you so you are an idiot I mean actual idiots all across both sides.... in office bring hard times and with the state of the global economy and aggression we're more than likely going to get what we asked for.