tie breakers

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Go take a look at the rule on their website. Not one word changed. All they did today was tell us that head-to-head is the first tiebreaker. Which is the way it poorly reads. The way it reads now (and always has) does NOT say what many interpreted it to say.
That's how I see it as well. People keep saying they changed the rule and I don't see where any written language changed. They merely articulated their interpretation of the rule as it currently reads. So no change but simple clarification of the guideline.

As a K-State fan I very much want to get back to the title game, but anyone claiming it's not the Pokes to lose is simply being irrational at the moment. I must say that if OSU loses and allows OU back into the title game, I will be pissed. No pressure.
That is ridiculous flawed logic. If something is obviously wrong, it should be corrected, or clarified as soon as it can be, regardless of when that is. If it was one day before it would be better to correct it than to have some misplaced sense of proper timing that caused the conference to allow a flawed Rule to adversely and unfairly affect the outcome of a season. You act like it would make some sort of difference in how hard the teams played. It has no bearing on games or a team’s performance other than to correct an egregious wrong before allowing it to happen and cause an unjust outcome. Stop crying!
Nobody is crying. If anyone is crying it'd be a ksu fan. I am observing that rules changes should never occur in season.

Nobody thought there was anything wrong with it when everyone agreed to it. Not until they saw who it would have screwed over that it suddenly becomes a problem.
@Midnight Toker
Exhausting Fox Tv GIF by Last Man Standing
but im right
The other funny part about all the flubbering is...there are 2 games left. Its not as though OSU, KSU, ut, or utn are guaranteed to win out...havent looked to see if its possible but what if it ends up being ISU & KU? (To the goon crybabies) Just shut up already...
if anyone is crying, it'd be the team who gets screwed by the rules change- fans of kansas state. this changes nothing for OU's trajectory so there's no reason to misrepresent my response
That's how I see it as well. People keep saying they changed the rule and I don't see where any written language changed. They merely articulated their interpretation of the rule as it currently reads. So no change but simple clarification of the guideline.

As a K-State fan I very much want to get back to the title game, but anyone claiming it's not the Pokes to lose is simply being irrational at the moment. I must say that if OSU loses and allows OU back into the title game, I will be pissed. No pressure.
Articulated it for who? the member schools were already aware and agreed to the tie breaker rules.
Nobody is crying. If anyone is crying it'd be a ksu fan. I am observing that rules changes should never occur in season.

Nobody thought there was anything wrong with it when everyone agreed to it. Not until they saw who it would have screwed over that it suddenly becomes a problem.
They didn’t change the rule. They clarified it. I said what it was before they clarified it.
Trying to have an intelligent conversation with a goon is somewhat like conversing with a rock, with the main difference being the rock will at some point understand what is being said.
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