Supreme Court

In a statement after the ruling, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries said that Democrats would "engage in aggressive oversight and legislative activity with respect to the Supreme Court to ensure that the extreme, far-right justices in the majority are brought into compliance with the Constitution."

Sounds great and while hope Im wrong i doubt anything will come of it. Too much parry over country and House cando whatever they want (GOP is majority so won't happen before 2025 anyway) and there's no way the Senate would get 60 votes to pass anything like that without a HUGE shift in state voting trends.

Supreme Court lets a truck stop sue the Federal Reserve in latest threat to agency regulations​

The Supreme Court on Monday revived a lawsuit by a North Dakota truck stop that is challenging the fees banks can charge for debit-card transactions in a ruling that could have deeper implications for other government regulations.

The decision was the latest from the Supreme Court this term that would make it easier for industries to challenge what conservative critics describe as the “administrative state.”

“Today’s ruling is especially significant in light of Friday’s decision overruling Chevron, because it means that even old agency rules can be challenged anew so long as they produce any contemporary harm,” said Steve Vladeck, CNN Supreme Court analyst and professor at the University of Texas School of Law.

“In other words, even understandings of agency authority that are a half-century old can now be challenged on the ground that some recent agency action, however minor, has injured a plaintiff, ” Vladeck added. “Given how much Friday’s ruling in Loper Bright destabilizes administrative law, today’s ruling applies that destabilization retroactively.”

Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote the opinion for a 6-3 majority, with the liberal justices in dissent.

The truck stop, Corner Post, is fighting a 2011 Federal Reserve rule that capped “interchange fees” at 21 cents per transaction plus a small percentage of that transaction’s value. Retail stores have long chafed at those fees.

The issue before the Supreme Court was more technical: The government argued the truck stock couldn’t sue over the rule because a six-year statute of limitations had already run out.

But Corner Post did not incorporate until 2017 and it argued the statute-of-limitations clock didn’t start ticking until it opened its doors. It claimed that any other outcome would mean a company would be barred from suing over a government regulation before it even began operations.

The federal government said Corner Post’s position would allow opponents of a regulation to challenge it forever by simply finding a new company willing to sue. A federal district court and the 8th US Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the federal government.
This seems insane. What is to keep a company that existed and SoL has passed from creating a new company and then bringing suit?
Paving the way for a dictatorship, plain and simple. The side that screams "but muh constituion!" is openly applauding this because it lets their messiah off the hook (for now).

I just hope the Dems stop being such pussies and start playing by the same (non) rules. Stack the supreme court, jail your political opponents, refuse to give up office if you lose, and burn the whole thing down.

Up until recently I still believed in this country. SCOTUS has completely demolished that. And before the MAGA's come in and say "if you don't like it, leave!". Trust me, I'm trying. Getting out before Gilead.
Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable
Magas gonna vote don
Hard left gonna vote joe
Leaners and especially Independents don’t want too much conservative OR too much liberal, and what scotus is doing is moving country conservative (too much IMO) so why vote for even more conservatism?!…
ok joe, time to test this new immunity ruling...double the # of justices with your choices...or get rid of some of the justices...allow immigrants to vote in upcoming election...or don´t allow anyone to vote if wearing maga stuff, or have maga stuff on vehicle, or just look maga...etc.
ok joe, time to test this new immunity ruling...double the # of justices with your choices...or get rid of some of the justices...allow immigrants to vote in upcoming election...or don´t allow anyone to vote if wearing maga stuff, or have maga stuff on vehicle, or just look maga...etc.
Joe should be more thrilled with this decision than anyone.
I know I'm going to regret this, but do you not find it concerning that ANY citizen of this country is above the law?

"Official presidential act" is purposefully vague. I don't like the thought of 1 person having that much power, be it a Lib or a Maga. It's literally what authoritarian governments do.
They already testing the Vague part of "official Presidential acts"

They now arguing Trump tweets were official acts and should not have been able to be used as evidence as those were immune official Tweets


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They already testing the Vague part of "official Presidential acts"

They now arguing Trump tweets were official acts and should not have been able to be used as evidence as those were immune official Tweets
This is a completely stupid argument even given the SCOTUS ruling.

Even if the tweets are "official acts" he's not being prosecuted for making those tweets. Immunity from prosecution for official acts doesn't mean that such acts would have to be suppressed as evidence in a prosecution for unofficial acts/crimes.