Supreme Court

This is a completely stupid argument even given the SCOTUS ruling.

Even if the tweets are "official acts" he's not being prosecuted for making those tweets. Immunity from prosecution for official acts doesn't mean that such acts would have to be suppressed as evidence in a prosecution for unofficial acts/crimes.
Trump would never use the SCOTUS ruling to try anything Nefarious.

First thing he does.

Tries to do something Nefarious while citing the SCOTUS ruling

But hey, we should TRUST him on everything else right ???
US Supreme Court's divisions deepened in term capped by Trump immunity ruling reuters

The U.S. Supreme Court's divisions deepened over its nine-month term that culminated this week with a ruling powered by its 6-3 conservative majority granting former President Donald Trump substantial criminal immunity for actions taken in office.
A term during which the court constrained the U.S. government's ability to regulate industry - following recent terms when it rolled back abortion rights, expanded gun rights and rejected race-conscious collegiate admissions - laid bare ideological fractures that mirror a profoundly divided nation.

Those rulings and others have moved American law sharply rightward.
Do you actually believe this? Seriously, I'm no fan of the far left as I am pretty moderate, but do you really believe that if there is a risk to our republic from one of the political fringes right now that the risk is from the left? Please, answer honestly.
Do I think they are going to drone strike Trump? No. Do I think they will cancel the election? No, in spite of the fact that the dems are going to eventually force Biden out and hand pick a nominee at the last minute when everyone with a pulse knew he couldn't make it to the finish line. If they can't get him out I think they will just take the L on this one and move on. Do I think both sides would do just about anything to stay in power? Absolutely. If one side is accusing the other of doing something you can bet they are doing it as well. The meme was in response to the millions of memes and statements that Trump is going to release the death squads and throw all of the Democrats in jail and put an end to democracy on day one and I thought it was funny. Sorry, I obviously forgot where I was for a minute.
Do I think they are going to drone strike Trump? No. Do I think they will cancel the election? No, in spite of the fact that the dems are going to eventually force Biden out and hand pick a nominee at the last minute when everyone with a pulse knew he couldn't make it to the finish line. If they can't get him out I think they will just take the L on this one and move on. Do I think both sides would do just about anything to stay in power? Absolutely. If one side is accusing the other of doing something you can bet they are doing it as well. The meme was in response to the millions of memes and statements that Trump is going to release the death squads and throw all of the Democrats in jail and put an end to democracy on day one and I thought it was funny. Sorry, I obviously forgot where I was for a minute.
No, that typical political crap isn't what I am talking about.

Until Trump we have never had a President actively try to overturn a legal election. You can point out his weak methods, chaotic attempt etc. But you can't say that he wasn't ready to stay in power despite losing.
Then you have people saying they would prefer Trump as a dictator over an elected democrat. I have family members saying they are ready to take up arms to keep their guy in power. People have taken on a desire for a man over a desire for the country.

Do I think any of this will happen? No. I think the republic is strong enough to withstand it. But, if I was told by someone who knew the future that we would lose our republic in the next decade and made me guess where that came from I would put my money on MAGA. Do you agree?
No, that typical political crap isn't what I am talking about.

Until Trump we have never had a President actively try to overturn a legal election. You can point out his weak methods, chaotic attempt etc. But you can't say that he wasn't ready to stay in power despite losing.
Then you have people saying they would prefer Trump as a dictator over an elected democrat. I have family members saying they are ready to take up arms to keep their guy in power. People have taken on a desire for a man over a desire for the country.

Do I think any of this will happen? No. I think the republic is strong enough to withstand it. But, if I was told by someone who knew the future that we would lose our republic in the next decade and made me guess where that came from I would put my money on MAGA. Do you agree?
Just more sky screaming. I would say it's even money at this point. We also have people , on this very board, saying that they would prefer a man that obviously is incapacitated over an elected republican. I don't think the fate of our republic is going to be decided in this election. I think we'll probably be just fine. Again, sorry for posting. Please resume the circle jerk.
Do you actually believe this? Seriously, I'm no fan of the far left as I am pretty moderate, but do you really believe that if there is a risk to our republic from one of the political fringes right now that the risk is from the left? Please, answer honestly.
Gogetum has buried himself so deep in whatever far right propaganda bubble he's in that he has no idea what Dems actually believe, only what the people brainwashing him tell him they believe.
Gogetum has buried himself so deep in whatever far right propaganda bubble he's in that he has no idea what Dems actually believe, only what the people brainwashing him tell him they believe.
People in this situation LEGIT believe that Project 2025 is a CENTRIST / Right Leaning topic. They literally think the Independent Centrist out there fully supports Project 2025 as a Balanced and Centrist plan.

That is how far right they have moved
Just more sky screaming. I would say it's even money at this point. We also have people , on this very board, saying that they would prefer a man that obviously is incapacitated over an elected republican. I don't think the fate of our republic is going to be decided in this election. I think we'll probably be just fine. Again, sorry for posting. Please resume the circle jerk.
What are you talking about sky screaming? Name one thing I said that was untrue or even an exaggeration. I even said that I feel that most likely our republic will be just fine. I'm not responding for or about other peopleon this very board so your "circle jerk" BS is nothing but a cop-out. You know I say what I think, I'm not here for the cheers of the board.
I am specifically asking you what you believe is a bigger risk. I just want to understand because this seems obvious to me at the moment. Pre-Trump I would have said the opposite. And, hey, for some that tiny risk to get policies like abortion etc that you prefer might be worth it. I just want to understand if you are thinking that it is a small risk but worth it or if you really don't see the risk at all.
Gogetum has buried himself so deep in whatever far right propaganda bubble he's in that he has no idea what Dems actually believe, only what the people brainwashing him tell him they believe.
That is what I am trying to get from him but he just dodges by talking about other people and anything but his own opinion. He and JT both want to post without saying what they really feel. It is much more enjoyable to them to make fun and pretend rather than put their real opinions out there.
That is what I am trying to get from him but he just dodges by talking about other people and anything but his own opinion. He and JT both want to post without saying what they really feel. It is much more enjoyable to them to make fun and pretend rather than put their real opinions out there.
The Mental Gymnastics must feel extremely uncomfortable.
That is what I am trying to get from him but he just dodges by talking about other people and anything but his own opinion. He and JT both want to post without saying what they really feel. It is much more enjoyable to them to make fun and pretend rather than put their real opinions out there.
Lol. I haven't exactly been bashful about stating my opinion. You asked if I thought the bigger risk to the republic would come from the left or the right and I clearly stated that I thought it was "even money at this point". What exactly is so hard for you to understand about that? You seem convinced that the threat to republic is coming from the right. I'm convinced that its coming from the fringes of both sides. No side stepping to it.
People in this situation LEGIT believe that Project 2025 is a CENTRIST / Right Leaning topic. They literally think the Independent Centrist out there fully supports Project 2025 as a Balanced and Centrist plan.

That is how far right they have moved
Complete utter BS. Show me one post that I've made on Project 2025. I haven't even read it and truthfully don't even know what's in it.