Supreme Court

AOC Files Impeachment Articles Against Clarence Thomas And Samuel Alito

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Yes it should probably happen, but there's no way this goes anywhere.

Yeah. I think there should be a serious inquiry into Thomas but Republicans in Congress would never allow a democratic President to get a "free" justice (and vice versa if the parties were switched). This just looks like political theater to me.
Yeah. I think there should be a serious inquiry into Thomas but Republicans in Congress would never allow a democratic President to get a "free" justice (and vice versa if the parties were switched). This just looks like political theater to me.
Right. Until politicians start looking at country over party this will never happen if the defending justice isn't the president's party.
Yeah. I think there should be a serious inquiry into Thomas but Republicans in Congress would never allow a democratic President to get a "free" justice (and vice versa if the parties were switched). This just looks like political theater to me.
It would make more sense for Congress and the WH in a call of Unison across both parties to compel the SCOTUS to accept and adopt a set of Ethics Rules and Reporting methods that are completely transparent and publiclly viewable and that the SCOTUS would gladly accept these rules and oversight and implement it at once and adhere to it.

But that would require that we elect actual functional adults who can actually do a job

I'm pretty sure that the Dilbert Principle is in play in our Govt. The Dilbert Principle says specifically that Unproductive and Stupid People are promoted at a faster rate than productive and useful workers as a way for Unproductive morons to be removed from the productive workflow. Eventually these morons are promoted into managerial levels and are put in charge of things where their full Moronic nature can be realized and then the rest of their lives are spent making everyone else miserable.

I'm about 5000% sure that is what our Entire US Govt is made up of right now. Morons promoted into leadership positions to remove them from bother actual productive people doing real work.
It would make more sense for Congress and the WH in a call of Unison across both parties to compel the SCOTUS to accept and adopt a set of Ethics Rules and Reporting methods that are completely transparent and publiclly viewable and that the SCOTUS would gladly accept these rules and oversight and implement it at once and adhere to it.

But that would require that we elect actual functional adults who can actually do a job

I'm pretty sure that the Dilbert Principle is in play in our Govt. The Dilbert Principle says specifically that Unproductive and Stupid People are promoted at a faster rate than productive and useful workers as a way for Unproductive morons to be removed from the productive workflow. Eventually these morons are promoted into managerial levels and are put in charge of things where their full Moronic nature can be realized and then the rest of their lives are spent making everyone else miserable.

I'm about 5000% sure that is what our Entire US Govt is made up of right now. Morons promoted into leadership positions to remove them from bother actual productive people doing real work.
There are no true checks on SCOTUS at this point. Impeachment is the only post-confirmation check and there's no way in modern times that will ever be used successfully.

I guess changing size could be as well in a way bit not sure how you apply it well.
Yeah. I think there should be a serious inquiry into Thomas but Republicans in Congress would never allow a democratic President to get a "free" justice (and vice versa if the parties were switched). This just looks like political theater to me.
If needs to be looked into and she thinks that why is it only political theater? Can’t something be right and political theater?
If needs to be looked into and she thinks that why is it only political theater? Can’t something be right and political theater?

It just seems more for show to me. Where was it months ago when we first learned about Thomas potentially abusing his position? I get there wasn't and isn't going to have traction with a republican house, but it wasn't until their most recent decisions that she pulled the trigger on it. It seems more reactionary to their actions on the court than off it.
If needs to be looked into and she thinks that why is it only political theater? Can’t something be right and political theater?
Yes it can but the problem is it doesn't seem anything is anything else but for show.....

Do any of us have as much faith in these two candidates to run the executive branch as we have an any other election?
Do any of us have as much faith in the legislative branch after watching the last 7 years and the idiots on the hill?
Do any of us have as much faith in the justice system whether you think the justices are crap or the rest of the dept are out to get people?

The theater is what they are the most caught up in. Keep the drama spinning and the idiot bases on both sides spun up and you don't have to govern just sling mud back and forth and keep being corrupt and making inside trades and getting rich while nothing else seems to get better.
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It just seems more for show to me. Where was it months ago when we first learned about Thomas potentially abusing his position? I get there wasn't and isn't going to have traction with a republican house, but it wasn't until their most recent decisions that she pulled the trigger on it. It seems more reactionary to their actions on the court than off it.

Yes it can but the problem is it doesn't seem anything is anything else but for show.....

Do any of us have as much faith in these two candidates to run the executive branch as we have an any other election?
Do any of us have as much faith in the legislative branch after watching the last 7 years and the idiots on the hill?
Do any of us have as much faith in the justice system whether you think the justices are crap or the rest of the dept are out to get people?

The theater is what they are the most caught up in. Keep the drama spinning and the idiot bases on both sides spun up and you don't have to govern just sling mud back and forth and keep being corrupt and making inside trades and getting rich while nothing else seems to get better.
If we continue to say it’s all theater even when everyone knows these two Justices(besides MAGAs) have major ethical issues we mightvas well just let Trump win and have our country be Effed. If this is theater tell me what we should do about those two instead of just saying it’s theater.

And to the they are keeping up the drama comment. As effed as our government is there is going to be drama and you have to accept that if you don’t nothing will ever get fixed.
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It just seems more for show to me. Where was it months ago when we first learned about Thomas potentially abusing his position? I get there wasn't and isn't going to have traction with a republican house, but it wasn't until their most recent decisions that she pulled the trigger on it. It seems more reactionary to their actions on the court than off it.
Be honest here...MONTHS ago this was just an unconfirmed story by Pro Publica making claims about Thomas and these special favors billionaires were doing for him...over the last 6-8 months that original reporting has been PROVEN true and even additional ethically questionable things have been uncovered

Alitos whole thing has broke In the last 6-8 weeks...if this was 2-3 years old then I get your point, but be honest from Pro Publica report about Thomas till now is a very short period to confirm everything and lead to calls for impeachment
Ok, I admit that I didn't have the legal knowledge to fully understand this ruling until it was explained to me. But, I'm not a representative. I'm not asking questions at a congressional hearing . My goodness can this woman make herself look dumber than a box of rocks. Doesn't she have some staffers who could set her straight?
Somebody’s gonna get an “Angry Handie” tonight
See, just shows how MAGA you are. You had to go and defend her by pointing out her most redeeming quality. 👌
I’m convinced that she'll eventually get a “grip” on her political career. Her future is literally in her hands. She’s been endorsed by Handi-Wipes and Rawhide Bras ( Head em up Move em Out…only us old guys will get that one). I’ll be here all week…tip your waitress.
Is Trump going after Clarence Thomas???

Trump operative: Do you want President Trump or President Biden replacing Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court? That’s what this election is about
