Supreme Court Has Planned for a June So Awful It Will Be Impossible to Keep Up

The Supreme Court is about to drown us in a deluge of explosive and massively consequential decisions involving some of the most controversial issues of the day. Right now, the justices are scrambling to complete blockbusters involving abortion, guns, homelessness, unions, social media, online disinformation, pollution, the administrative state—and, oh yes, hundreds of Jan. 6 prosecutions, including Donald Trump’s. Yet at the moment, there’s a logjam: MORE

So, I wonder if their decisions will make more people want to vote against Republicans in Nov.
The Supreme Court is about to drown us in a deluge of explosive and massively consequential decisions involving some of the most controversial issues of the day. Right now, the justices are scrambling to complete blockbusters involving abortion, guns, homelessness, unions, social media, online disinformation, pollution, the administrative state—and, oh yes, hundreds of Jan. 6 prosecutions, including Donald Trump’s. Yet at the moment, there’s a logjam: MORE

So, I wonder if their decisions will make more people want to vote against Republicans in Nov.
Last month, Vox’s Ian Millhiser made the important point that the right’s evolving approach to judicial nominations has had an immense, underacknowledged impact on the court’s docket. Conservative justices now join the Supreme Court with both a rigid ideology and an agenda toward which they are disinclined to compromise. We all saw this phenomenon play out with the rushed reversal of Roe v. Wade. The impact, though, goes much deeper: It leads to a court that acts much more like a legislative body, picking and choosing which legislation to prioritize, than an impartial judiciary resolving genuine conflicts that come before them. The downstream effects are ugly—but then, why shouldn’t right-wing lawyers engineer phony cases when sympathetic justices are begging for any excuse to rip up precedent, no matter how flimsy the pretext?

How many years did we hear Republicans whining and crying about "legislating from the bench" while all they were doing is waiting their chance to take over and put the process on steroids?

Just like the "If Trump is prosecuted, we will start prosecuting Democrats" theme that has been so prominent while disregarding any consideration of whether Trump (or the threatened Democrats) broke the law. The Republican party has lost all principles. It has completely taken on the Trump way. Just do anything to win. It doesn't matter if you are hurting others or the nation. don't worry about ethics or the law. Honestly is irrelevant. It doesn't matter if you are destroying the foundations of our country. Just do anything and everything to get your way.
The Supreme Court Building is adorned in carvings of all the figures that Inspired Western Law in the US who created the basis of Western Law.

Yeah.."Return to Godliness" Our legal system has NEVER and SHOULD NEVER be Christian.

Here are the influences on Western Law carved into our OWN SUPREME COURT BUILDING
  • South Wall Frieze:
    • Menes: The first king of ancient Egypt’s first dynasty, known for unifying Upper and Lower Egypt.
    • Hammurabi: King of Babylon, credited with creating one of the earliest known legal codes, the Code of Hammurabi.
    • Moses: Prophet, lawgiver, and judge of the Israelites, depicted holding the Ten Commandments.
    • Solomon: King of Israel and renowned judge.
    • Lycurgus: Legislator of Sparta.
    • Solon: Athenian lawgiver who codified and reformed Athenian law.
    • Draco: Another Athenian legal predecessor, known for strict penalties in his code.
  • North Wall Frieze:
    • Justinian: Byzantine Emperor, known for his legal reforms.
The east pediment of the Supreme Court Building features a sculpture group by Hermon A. MacNeil. It represents fundamental laws and precepts derived from the East. The central group includes three great lawgivers: Moses, Confucius, and Solon. These figures symbolize the legal traditions of different civilizations and emphasize the importance of justice and order
Muhammad Sculpture Inside Supreme Court

Perched above the press seating area inside the U.S. Supreme Court chamber is a marble image of Prophet Muhammad.

Sculpted in a frieze, the Muhammad statue carries a sword and the Quran and stands in the company of more than a dozen other “great lawgivers of history." They range from Moses to Confucius to Napoleon to John Marshall, some of whom appear in an accompanying frieze along the south side of the room.