Sunday Doldrums: Some Thoughts

Next week will be a big 12 championship elimination game. If we drop the next one this season will be just like 2017. High expectations, serious disappointment, and complete reset the next year. I worry next year will be a disaster with the lack of talent returning via graduations and likely transfers.
Would love to have half the offense we had in 2017
Gundy's post-game press conference was rough to watch. He looked and sounded terrible. Seemed very frustrated... Odd that he says that our game plan for attacking their defense wasn't very good. Seems like he should be more involved if he doesn't think our plan was good.

He also mentions that its positive that our offense "stayed the course" and that "we haven't changed things around here for 10 years".

He's so reluctant to change things, even after a loss like this. I don't get it. If it doesn't work, why keep doing it?
I mean, Gundy said the same thing last year and they overhauled the offense, so I wouldn't put a bunch of stock in that line.

But yeah, he was ticked off and seemed very agitated. I see that as a good sign.
Bowman couldn't win the job outright last year in camp. That says something. I had hoped that after all of the experience last season plus going through spring and fall as the #1 he'd progress, but he's still streaky and has hit his ceiling.

This reason rests on him though.

I understand the angst with Dunn, but I also see WRs running free and the QB not hitting them. So, the play calling is getting WRs open. The players have to execute.
Everyone around here can tell you that Gundy’s been great at a lot of things, but his achilles heel has been QB selection-which is somewhat ironic.
Confession: I don’t really like watching us play anymore. It’s so boring.

I used to live for Saturdays because I knew you most likely had to score 42 to be in the game with us. Most weeks scoring predictions would be somewhere between 45-52 for us and it was like clockwork. We had a chance in every single game, didn’t matter if the other team had better players. We knew the offense would give us a chance. It made us relevant.

Now it sucks.

I didn’t even try to watch. Only listened to part of the first half while doing yard work. I’ve had a sinking feeling that Ollie’s run production wasn’t an aberration but an indictment of things going bad on O. Couple that with Bowman inconsistency and this year’s start hasn’t given me any confidence that Pokes are living on hype and reality is they just aren’t a top 15 team. So while 8 or 9 win seasons are better than a lot of programs and is definitely light years better than the bad Ol’ days, it just isn’t fun or exciting to watch and its become schizophrenic almost. Look super bad one game, unbeatable the next.

But somewhere in my malaise about Cowboy football may have its roots it the absurd state of college football. The complete dismantling of the major conferences is just heart breaking because it’s all about money and it’s out of control and it’s never coming back. The Blue Bloods are only gonna get bluer like Lamborghini’s for Texas players. So I just can’t get excited about playing Cincinnati and Central Florida.
I didn’t even try to watch. Only listened to part of the first half while doing yard work. I’ve had a sinking feeling that Ollie’s run production wasn’t an aberration but an indictment of things going bad on O. Couple that with Bowman inconsistency and this year’s start hasn’t given me any confidence that Pokes are living on hype and reality is they just aren’t a top 15 team. So while 8 or 9 win seasons are better than a lot of programs and is definitely light years better than the bad Ol’ days, it just isn’t fun or exciting to watch and its become schizophrenic almost. Look super bad one game, unbeatable the next.

But somewhere in my malaise about Cowboy football may have its roots it the absurd state of college football. The complete dismantling of the major conferences is just heart breaking because it’s all about money and it’s out of control and it’s never coming back. The Blue Bloods are only gonna get bluer like Lamborghini’s for Texas players. So I just can’t get excited about playing Cincinnati and Central Florida.
And the transfer rules are taking the sport down the same path as basketball.

I’ve pointed to the NFL and the salary cap in the early 90’s, & the positive impact it’s had on the league. Unfortunately college football has no governing authority, so it’s about the richest, largest alumni bases calling the shots.
This isn't good. Sadly, the offense and defense are severely lacking the talent needed to compete in the Big 12. Unless a miracle occurs, I have a horrible feeling that we're going to lose many more games. 1000000209.png
Overhauled the offense? Elaborate.
Chose a QB, ran different formations (mainly the pistol), relied on more gap blocking plays, etc. And it worked.

Things will look different the next couple of weeks. Will it work? I'm not sure, but I don't think we can take Mike at his word here.
OSU has had three QBs taken in the NFL since 2009 which isn’t bad!!! Chelf was a gamer but wasn’t NFL material! I don’t think Sanders skill set lent him to being an NFL QB but he could do well in the CFL up in Canada much like his backup in 2019 Drew Brown who has had success up there! I had hopes for Shane Illingworth as he was a “four star” coming out of High School but got impatient and didn’t want to sit behind Sanders and I don’t know what has happened to him since he portaled out after 2021! Rangel probably isn’t the answer but we haven’t seen Flores or the true freshman from California in Maeli Smith! I guess you are saying Tim Rattay isn’t cutting the mustard when it comes to QB development since he is responsible! 😏
If we had Chelf as our QB this year we would be dangerous. That kid was a gamer. And far more talented than given credit for.