Jim gets paid $50-$70 K a year in taxpayer money to do that job. + another $100K in Lifetime benefits...Jim has great reviews from his boss and has a solid history of performing well in his job.
Trump Spent $20 MILLION of Tax Payer Money so do hot laps in the Beast at the Daytona 500 and To attend the Super Bowl and leave at Halftime.
He has spent over $100 MILLION in Tax Payer Money protecting him and his folks while they play golf in Florida since he has been POTUS>
THAT IS AN ASSULT on good works and NOT PURGING unnecessary Spending.
Please explain to me why Jim's job isn't worth it and is a burden on Tax Payers, but Trump doing Hot laps at Daytona and Attending the Super Bowl isn't a burden and should be expected from the Tax Payers.
FYI it would Take 705 YEARS of Jim's Salary and Benefits to Cover Trump's Trip to the Dayton 500, Play Golf, and Attend the Super Bowl until Half Time