Funny Political Memes

The lengths some people will go through to make false equivalencies up in their mind is pretty astounding some times.
No, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump aren't the same. That wasn't what I was saying and you know it. Given a choice between Bill Clinton and Donald Trump today I would vote for Bill Clinton in a heart beat. But that's not the choice before us.
This is over-the-top demagoguery. As if the military would actually follow such orders and as if any such restructuring of the government were actually possible and wouldn't be declared unconstitutiounal
He's said multiple times what he wants to do. That along with threat to remove anyone not a yes man and the fact that Congress seemed completely unable/unwilling to hold him accountable for anything the first term. Why would I think he wouldn't try to go bigger nine a second term. Not saying he'll be successful, but I REALLY don't want to find out.
This is over-the-top demagoguery. As if the military would actually follow such orders and as if any such restructuring of the government were actually possible and wouldn't be declared unconstitutional. This is "he is actually Hitler". I actually heard on TV Sunday "He is holding Nuremberg rallies in Madison Square Garden." It's little wonder that people are shooting at him. If you could kill Hitler before he comes to power you should.

I the worst case scenario in all of this is highly unlikely. His words do matter though. And we have seen repeatedly that politicians will put party over country so in a situation where he surrounds himself with yes men and tells everyone that anyone who opposes his agenda is the enemy and needs to be treated that way, what is the possible outcome there?
No, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump aren't the same. That wasn't what I was saying and you know it. Given a choice between Bill Clinton and Donald Trump today I would vote for Bill Clinton in a heart beat. But that's not the choice before us.
1. I didn't name names at all, but if the shoe fits (it certainly does)...and sure jumped into those shoes.

2. I know you weren't saying Bill Clinton and Trump are the same. You, however, absolutely did set up a false equivalence between Trump and Harris....expressly so...and you know it.

Just to be clear, I don't think either of them are qualified to be president. As I said, the way I see it, it's bad v bad-1. There is a Libertarian candidate on the ballot in Michigan, I'm going to protest vote for the Libertarian candidate. Neither of these idiots are worthy of my vote.
I the worst case scenario in all of this is highly unlikely. His words do matter though. And we have seen repeatedly that politicians will put party over country so in a situation where he surrounds himself with yes men and tells everyone that anyone who opposes his agenda is the enemy and needs to be treated that way, what is the possible outcome there?
Don't worry he's only in a battleground state. It's not like his vote matters...ugh.

But that's not the choice before us.
There are so many reasons that Trump should never be allowed in office. But not liking Harris very much is apparently a sufficient reason to not stand in his way of returning.

After 4 years been no punishment for his actions post election 2020 - plenty of cases but they've all been delayed - allowing him back into office just sends the message that it was all acceptable. What happens next time? How much further does he go?
Don't worry he's only in a battleground state. It's not like his vote matters...ugh.

It does more than you think. Knowing @RxCowboy he would cut off his right arm before he votes for a Dem. Its just his nature. But he's not a kool aid drinker and knows what Trump is, so there is no way he votes for him either. He might not be a vote for Harris, but he also isn't a hold up your nose and vote for Trump like I'm assuming he was at least in 2016. Voters like that help, and hopefully can come to realize it's OK to go against your base instinct and do the right thing.

I think they need to realize they don't need to accept a political ideology they have been told is wrong to reject a political ideology they KNOW is wrong. And it's perfectly fine to vote for Harris and vote straight party the other way down ballot. I have no intention of voting straight party so why would I expect someone to the right of me to do so?
1. I didn't name names at all, but if the shoe fits (it certainly does)...and sure jumped into those shoes.

2. I know you weren't saying Bill Clinton and Trump are the same. You, however, absolutely did set up a false equivalence between Trump and Harris....expressly so...and you know it.

Trump is infinitely more dangerous to the country than Harris and it has nothing to do with economic policy. The peaceful transfer of power is in doubt and that can bring down civilizations.
It does more than you think. Knowing @RxCowboy he would cut off his right arm before he votes for a Dem. Its just his nature. But he's not a kool aid drinker and knows what Trump is, so there is no way he votes for him either. He might not be a vote for Harris, but he also isn't a hold up your nose and vote for Trump like I'm assuming he was at least in 2016. Voters like that help, and hopefully can come to realize it's OK to go against your base instinct and do the right thing.

I think they need to realize they don't need to accept a political ideology they have been told is wrong to reject a political ideology they KNOW is wrong. And it's perfectly fine to vote for Harris and vote straight party the other way down ballot. I have no intention of voting straight party so why would I expect someone to the right of me to do so?
IMO It’s far too easy to vote straight party. It’s an abomination. When Liz Cheney has never voted for a Democrat until now, party over country rules the day. However, the points Liz brings up are country over party. She has stated that she doesn’t agree with hardly any policy decisions by the Dems, but knows at the end of the Harris term in office that ths Constitution and our Democratic Republic will stand. These MAGAstanis need to be voted out of office for violating their sworn oaths. Liz has seen much more information about Trump than any of us. The sad thing to me is that she doesn’t have a problem with voting for a women, unlike far too many of you who deem yourselves as studly type A manly men. Get over yourselves and vote country over party. Unless of course, you desire a lying fascist tyrant felonious dictator surrounded by nothing but fawning yes men and women.
It does more than you think. Knowing @RxCowboy he would cut off his right arm before he votes for a Dem. Its just his nature. But he's not a kool aid drinker and knows what Trump is, so there is no way he votes for him either. He might not be a vote for Harris, but he also isn't a hold up your nose and vote for Trump like I'm assuming he was at least in 2016. Voters like that help, and hopefully can come to realize it's OK to go against your base instinct and do the right thing.

I think they need to realize they don't need to accept a political ideology they have been told is wrong to reject a political ideology they KNOW is wrong. And it's perfectly fine to vote for Harris and vote straight party the other way down ballot. I have no intention of voting straight party so why would I expect someone to the right of me to do so?
I've never voted for a Democrat in a national election, only in local elections, people that I knew personally. But right now the Republican party has become more like Trump and I see almost no conservatives left. In fact, I see absolutely no defining principles in the Republican party. The platform appears to be "whatever enrages the left". There are certainly no conservatives in the Democratic party, but if there were a true center-left option I would consider it. As I said, right now, I would vote for Bill Clinton in a heart beat.

And, yeah, I'm in a battleground state. What has either candidate done to actually woo my vote? They've done nothing but play to their bases. Harris is most likely to carry Michigan because the large population centers are pretty blue. Yes, I voted for Trump in 2016 and I'm sick about it, I had voted for Kasich in the primaries and wanted anyone BUT Trump. I did not vote for Trump in 2020, I voted for the Libertarian candidate (Jo Jorgenson) and I will not vote for Trump again. If my protest vote means Harris carries Michigan then so be it.
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I've never voted for a Democrat in a national election, only in local elections, people that I knew personally. But right now the Republican party has become more like Trump and I see almost no conservatives left. In fact, I see absolutely no defining principles in the Republican party. The platform appears to be "whatever enrages the left". There are certainly no conservatives in the Democratic party, but if there were a true center-left option I would consider it. As I said, right now, I would vote for Bill Clinton in a heart beat.

And, yeah, I'm in a battleground state. What has either candidate done to actually woo my vote? They've done nothing but play to their bases. Harris is most likely to carry Michigan because the large population centers are pretty blue. Yes, I voted for Trump in 2016 and I'm sick about it, I had voted for Kasich in the primaries and wanted anyone BUT Trump. I did not vote for Trump in 2020, I voted for the Libertarian candidate (Jo Jorgenson) and I will not vote for Trump again. If my protest vote means Harris carries Michigan then so be it.
Your protest vote may mean Trump carries Michigan. There's a large Palestinian population that has traditionally voted Dem that may not turn out for her due to Isreali actions. That could be enough to swing the state.

Also, she does seem to be trying to tack to the right in certain ways (lowering taxes for most people, increased tax cut for small businesses, not otlawing fracking, still pushing for increased border security via congressional action). What do you want to see from her to consider her not far left? Or is this a carry-over from her approach to 2020 election?