Funny Political Memes

Your protest vote may mean Trump carries Michigan. There's a large Palestinian population that has traditionally voted Dem that may not turn out for her due to Isreali actions. That could be enough to swing the state.

Also, she does seem to be trying to tack to the right in certain ways (lowering taxes for most people, increased tax cut for small businesses, not otlawing fracking, still pushing for increased border security via congressional action). What do you want to see from her to consider her not far left? Or is this a carry-over from her approach to 2020 election?
Since you asked. I watched her interview on Fox. The biggest take away was "I'm not Trump." There others who aren't Trump that are on the Michigan ballot so that isn't enough for me. I did think it was pretty shameful the way Bret Baier talked over her.

I don't think that Trump is going to carry Michigan even if the Michigan Muslims stay home. If their antisemitism keeps them home then shame on them and that isn't my fault, it's theirs. I was a lifelong Republican until Jan 6 2021. I'm voting against Trump. Harris hasn't given me a reason to vote for her. I think her economic plan, what little I've seen of it, is as bad as Trump's. If Bill Clinton were on the ballot I would vote for him. Heck, if Obama were on the ballot, I would vote for him too. I think when Harris is elected she will likely be a one-term president, it will be Biden's second term. I think when the history books are written they will talk about the Trump/Biden/Harris years as a 12-year block. That is, unless who we elect after that is worse.

What's more, Trump was a down-ballot drag in the 2018 mid-terms during his presidency. Trump was a down-ballot drag in 2020. The so-called "red-wave" in 2022 didn't happen and in fact Trump was a down-ballot drag. Republicans haven't gotten the message that Trump is popular with his base, but deeply unpopular with the rest of the country. In the meantime, and I heard this on Fox News after the Harris interview, "Trump hasn't become more like the Republican party, the Republican party has become more like Trump". You can't hear a message if you aren't listening.
Nope and I'm 100% sure you aren't an undecided voter. The only people who don't have a clear idea of who they are voting for haven't paid much attention to politics and the simple fact that you are posting here means you aren't one of them.
I am leaning 3rd party but may go left. Of course it may be hard for some to believe that.
I am leaning 3rd party but may go left. Of course it may be hard for some to believe that.

I Dont Believe You Will Ferrell GIF