Funny Political Memes

I'm curious how long this narcissist marriage will last.

Trump needs it to last through the election, so I can't imagine any fireworks before then.
Presuming Trump wins, Elon is going to get his tax-payer funded rewards for doing this so that will give it some legs.
If Trump loses, or eventually after he wins, Elon is going to do or say something that pisses Trump off. Trump will "fire" him and call him "EV boy" or something. And the MAGAs will turn on him faster than a Model S plaid 0-60 time.
My guess is, Trump is going to lose and claim the election was stolen, again, and with the lawfare may actually have a case for the claim. But two things:
1. Republicans are also going to lose down-ballot, especially if they are tied closely to Trump This has happened in the last two elections, meaning he is deeply unpopular, and would lose without the lawfare.
2. Republicans should never have nominated someone without requiring them to debate other candidates. This is the converse lesson that Democrats should learn should Harris lose, that they shouldn't have put forth a candidate that hadn't gone through the primaries. But will either party actually learn the lesson? Likely not.

That these two are the candidates is evidence that we are in a death spiral and there is no hope. I'm noting for Cthulhu/SMOD.
christian bale what GIF
Character no longer matters to either side. We settled that question in the 90s with Bill Clinton. With Slick getting BJs from an intern under the Resolute Desk Dems were all "We elected a President, not a Pope." They do not get to play the character card now. The only thing that matters to either side is winning. If the Dems thought Biden would win Harris would not now be the candidate. In fact, there was talking about replacing her because she was a drag on the ticket, until it became evident that Biden couldn't win and she became the nominee/candidate.

The reason not to elect Trump isn't because he is a piece of garbage, which he is. The reason not to elect him is because his economic policies are garbage, which they are. They might be worse than Harris's economic policies, if we actually knew what those were but all she's given us are vague generalities "opportunity economy" which is just saying "economic opportunity" backwards. It's bad vs bad-1.

We are in a death spiral. I see no way out.
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Character no longer matters to either side. We settled that question in the 90s with Bill Clinton. With Slick getting BJs from an intern under the Resolute Desk Dems were all "We elected a President, not a Pope." They do not get to play the character card now. The only thing that matters to either side is winning. If the Dems thought Biden would win Harris would not now be the candidate. In fact, there was talking about replacing her because she was a drag on the ticket, until it became evident that Biden couldn't win and she became the nominee/candidate.

The reason not to elect Trump isn't because he is a piece of garbage, which he is. The reason not to elect him is because his economic policies are garbage, which they are. They might be worse than Harris's economic policies, if we actually knew what those were but all she's given us are vague generalities "opportunity economy" which is just saying "economic opportunity" backwards. It's bad vs bad-1.

We are in a death spiral. I see no way out.

Normally I see this thread as an extension of the silly picture thread or an opportunity to troll without impunity but I gotta be serious for a second.

1. I think we all can agree Clinton is a dirtbag. The biggest argument you can make here about character not mattering is seeing him campaign for Harris. I think if his crimes involving women were truly known he'd never see the light of day again and it bothers me that someone who has an opportunity to break the glass ceiling on the highest office in the land would overlook that.

2. I see alot of "Harris is vague about policy" but how come she gets dinged for that when Trump hasn't said anything realistic about economic policy goals, and what he has said is pretty stupid. How come he gets a pass for being a blithering moron but people hold Harris to a higher standard on specific policy points?

3. Character may not matter as much as anyone wants but there is a difference between being a sleeze and advocating deporting legal immigrants or using military force against political opponents. Its hard to justify voting for your (not necessarily you just in general) guy because the other person us just as bad when your guy keeps saying hes going to force the government to act on his worst instincts. And if he can't he's going to change the rules so he can even if it undermines our whole form of government.

At the end of the day, Harris will likely turn out to be an average run of the mill president. There are a dozens of people on either side of the aisle who would have a similar capability. Based on Trump's first term- specifically the last year and without the adults in the room who kept him from getting too far off the rails, Im not sure you can say that about him if he gets a 2nd term.
Normally I see this thread as an extension of the silly picture thread or an opportunity to troll without impunity but I gotta be serious for a second.

1. I think we all can agree Clinton is a dirtbag. The biggest argument you can make here about character not mattering is seeing him campaign for Harris. I think if his crimes involving women were truly known he'd never see the light of day again and it bothers me that someone who has an opportunity to break the glass ceiling on the highest office in the land would overlook that.

2. I see alot of "Harris is vague about policy" but how come she gets dinged for that when Trump hasn't said anything realistic about economic policy goals, and what he has said is pretty stupid. How come he gets a pass for being a blithering moron but people hold Harris to a higher standard on specific policy points?

Because he has a track record of actual policy to run on and she does not. But to be clear, his economic policy is awful. Tariffs are inflationary. He doesn't seem to understand that it is consumers who pay the tariffs.

3. Character may not matter as much as anyone wants but there is a difference between being a sleeze and advocating deporting legal immigrants or using military force against political opponents. Its hard to justify voting for your (not necessarily you just in general) guy because the other person us just as bad when your guy keeps saying hes going to force the government to act on his worst instincts. And if he can't he's going to change the rules so he can even if it undermines our whole form of government.

This is over-the-top demagoguery. As if the military would actually follow such orders and as if any such restructuring of the government were actually possible and wouldn't be declared unconstitutional. This is "he is actually Hitler". I actually heard on TV Sunday "He is holding Nuremberg rallies in Madison Square Garden." It's little wonder that people are shooting at him. If you could kill Hitler before he comes to power you should.

At the end of the day, Harris will likely turn out to be an average run of the mill president. There are a dozens of people on either side of the aisle who would have a similar capability. Based on Trump's first term- specifically the last year and without the adults in the room who kept him from getting too far off the rails, Im not sure you can say that about him if he gets a 2nd term.
Just to be clear, I don't think either of them are qualified to be president. As I said, the way I see it, it's bad v bad-1. There is a Libertarian candidate on the ballot in Michigan, I'm going to protest vote for the Libertarian candidate. Neither of these idiots are worthy of my vote.