3.5 Oklahomas have crossed ...what!!?? 14 million?? Have crossed the border under Biden ..are you seriously making that claim??Ok I’ll bite….
The problem with the if only we had a bi-partisan bill stuff is because anyone can see its grandstanding. The Dems started the mess and now after 7 years of creating problems they want to pass it off on someone else. It started with the whole asylum seeker thing to label anyone for border control as a racist…..that’s dishonest and they all knew it. The same people that quote no one is above the law completely ignore the law with the asylum crap. There are rules for that and they aren’t being close to followed. They blamed Trump for cages Obama built. Then an executive order reversing some policies that had some success (people were still crossing not saying they weren’t but numbers were low comparatively) setting this whole thing into motion. Then completely ignored the border crisis as millions entered through gates that were welded open for years until polling numbers showed up that the border hurts them with all demos including Latino voters. Then it’s all the republicans fault cause they won’t pass a bill that couldn’t begin to work until the border is closed because so many people are coming through we can’t process them in a manner to know who is coming over. The director of homeland security has admitted on the floor they have no idea who, where from, or exactly how many. 3.5 Oklahomas have crossed during this Presidency…..that we know of. Cities and states are struggling to keep up. Border crossing individuals in this term would be the 9th most populous state in the union. Biden stated publicly there was no crisis and never went till his opponent scheduled a rally and moved in the polls. They are flying people deported years ago back for chrissakes this admin has screwed this issue horribly. Saying Biden made a bill to fix the border is like lighting your own house on fire, waiting till the roof is burned completely off then calling the fire department and blaming them for being slow while you spit on the flames. Most people see that….thats why Biden still polls so badly on the border issue.
Trump is a monumental douche bag but his border policies were better. Can’t stomach that statement….so were Obama’s While Joe was there. He could have left it alone and dealt with Covid and done a better job…..he could have copied the policies of the extremely popular President he worked under and done a better job. He made the problem. He used executive orders and wasted a majority in the senate and house to get something done then at midnight said “hey look here is a bill that’s impossible to enforce under the current environment see it’s the other guys fault”. The reps also stonewalled that bill and I’m not giving them a pass for that I’m just calling this what it is. The border problem is on him…..hate him/love him…..hate Trump want him dead….doesnt matter. The Biden border crisis is just that….its his. His actions and inaction made the problem the level it has been the last few years.
I have a 17 year old that I love dearly that does dumb shit all the time. I can love him and say he does dumb shit….if I blame all the dumb stuff he does on something else he only gets worse.