Dem POTUS candidate 2024? Who will it be

In fairness, she ran an OK campaign. It is as VP that she has appeared weak.

She’s good as a Senator,
Tulsi Gabbard essentially ended her campaign in a debate by publicly stating easily found facts.

Harris is good at talking to donors and good when she has a script. I don’t think she’s a bad person per se; but she’s just a politician and not a leader.

She’s more sandwich artist than a chef.
She does get a high amount of scrutiny because of the vulnerability of Biden’s health and Biden put her in a weird situation.
If only there was a mechanism where Democratic voters could see the best candidates and run statewide elections to see who is the most popular candidate.

Something like a Democratic Presidential Primary; where the Democratic Party could encourage all candidates to run and contest to see who was best at generating interest, public debate and finding consensus. And then you could count all the votes and see who was the best Democratic presidential candidate for the general election.

I don’t like Trump, but the Democratic Party is killing the Democratic Party.
Kind of like in 2020 with the RNC...? This is how it always is when a standing president is running for reelection, they don't have real competition.
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My question is what happens to the rest of his term if he bows out of reelection for "health" reasons? Does he finish his term after acknowledging he's not healthy enough?

Or will the senate and cabinet threaten to 25th him as being unable to serve the rest of his term to prevent him to continue the campaign.
My question is what happens to the rest of his term if he bows out of reelection for "health" reasons? Does he finish his term after acknowledging he's not healthy enough?

Or will the senate and cabinet threaten to 25th him as being unable to serve the rest of his term to prevent him to continue the campaign.
In My opinion it will happen like this. I could be WAY off base

Joe and his family will appear together on TV. he will talk about his accomplishments and legacy and then say that its time for him to retire and step aside for the new Generation of Democrats and he wants to be with his grandkids, bla bla bla

He will then resign effective immediately and Harris will be sworn in as the First ever Female POTUS. This will happen before the Dem National Convention on Aug 19th. Then at the convention the Dems will have a big internal struggle and power moves etc and they will pick and put forward a nominee at the convention.

Regardless of Nominee, Kamala will complete Joe Biden's remaining term.

Joe just has to make it to Aug 19th
In My opinion it will happen like this. I could be WAY off base

Joe and his family will appear together on TV. he will talk about his accomplishments and legacy and then say that its time for him to retire and step aside for the new Generation of Democrats and he wants to be with his grandkids, bla bla bla

He will then resign effective immediately and Harris will be sworn in as the First ever Female POTUS. This will happen before the Dem National Convention on Aug 19th. Then at the convention the Dems will have a big internal struggle and power moves etc and they will pick and put forward a nominee at the convention.

Regardless of Nominee, Kamala will complete Joe Biden's remaining term.

Joe just has to make it to Aug 19th
They need a consensus pick before the convention though. The convention is after some states require a selection.

Wonder if he will put his backing behind Kamala or leave it open. I could see it being an easier convention and the only way to get it donr before the convention, if she has been his anointed successor. If not then it will get REAL weird as no one has any more right than someone else.
Newsome says that he won't run against Harris. So, he is out unless she drops (unlikely) or he is lying (more likely).

I live in California. If Newsom said he wouldn’t run against Harris. It’s only because he knows she can’t win a General in 2024 and his eyes on 2028.

The guy is Carcetti from the Wire level of good.
My question is what happens to the rest of his term if he bows out of reelection for "health" reasons? Does he finish his term after acknowledging he's not healthy enough?

Or will the senate and cabinet threaten to 25th him as being unable to serve the rest of his term to prevent him to continue the campaign.
Acknowledging you’re not healthy enough to campaign for next term and effectively run the country at the same time isn’t really an admission that he’s not healthy enough to do one of them alone.

I think he is more likely to withdraw from the race, but not resign as President. I don’t think he gets 25th in any circumstance.
Acknowledging you’re not healthy enough to campaign for next term and effectively run the country at the same time isn’t really an admission that he’s not healthy enough to do one of them alone.

I think he is more likely to withdraw from the race, but not resign as President. I don’t think he gets 25th in any circumstance.
You don't think they'd pull the trigger on it if he refused to stop his campaign and all the leadership were confident he'd lose and suppress the down ballot performance? I know it's a BIG step and not one that should be taken but the narrative is out that he's not healthy and shouldn't be running the country right now so they do have some cover.
EVEN if biden stays in, voters are still voting for biden and/or harris vs trump...I will vote for Biden, Harris, Newsom, Obama, Sanders, Pedro, Tom Kirkman, etc before EVER (again) voting for trump...
You don't think they'd pull the trigger on it if he refused to stop his campaign and all the leadership were confident he'd lose and suppress the down ballot performance? I know it's a BIG step and not one that should be taken but the narrative is out that he's not healthy and shouldn't be running the country right now so they do have some cover.
Under the 25th, since Congress has never designated a second body to make the declaration by passage of a law doing so, it would take a majority of Biden’s Cabinet and the VP to designate him as unfit or unable. I don’t see that happening.

Then, if Biden disagreed and noted his ability to serve, the VP and majority of Cabinet would have to re-certify to Congress. Then it would take 2/3rds of both House and Senate. That’s never going to happen.

I don’t think it will ever happen….now or ever.
You don't think they'd pull the trigger on it if he refused to stop his campaign and all the leadership were confident he'd lose and suppress the down ballot performance? I know it's a BIG step and not one that should be taken but the narrative is out that he's not healthy and shouldn't be running the country right now so they do have some cover.
I do not think he will resign the presidency, nor do I think he should. The only way he resigns is if Harris will be their nominee. It will be a dumpster fire if he resigns and they nominate a different candidate.
I do not think he will resign the presidency, nor do I think he should. The only way he resigns is if Harris will be their nominee. It will be a dumpster fire if he resigns and they nominate a different candidate.
I'm still not convinced Kamala would actually WANT to run.
I haven't looked too much into it... Why do you think she doesn't want to run?
Because if she wanted to Run...."Ways to Win" PAC would have already started pumping the money behind her lack of visibility to the Public. This is a PAC 100% dedicated to spending money on getting People of Color elected to positions. They've spent damn near $500 million in the last 2 elections on candidates of Color and supporting and bolstering them and running ad campaigns for them to sell them to the Public and get support.

They do NOTHING with Harris....AT all. She is THE BEST shot right now of getting a POC elected to POTUS and they don't do anyting and haven't done anything this whole time with her?

Seems they are willing to do it, that would leave me to believe she doesn't want them too.

However, ABC news Poll come out today showing her up by 4 Pts on Trump..

Anything can happen I guess.
Because if she wanted to Run...."Ways to Win" PAC would have already started pumping the money behind her lack of visibility to the Public. This is a PAC 100% dedicated to spending money on getting People of Color elected to positions. They've spent damn near $500 million in the last 2 elections on candidates of Color and supporting and bolstering them and running ad campaigns for them to sell them to the Public and get support.

They do NOTHING with Harris....AT all. She is THE BEST shot right now of getting a POC elected to POTUS and they don't do anyting and haven't done anything this whole time with her?

Seems they are willing to do it, that would leave me to believe she doesn't want them too.

However, ABC news Poll come out today showing her up by 4 Pts on Trump..

Anything can happen I guess.
I don't think they would spend on her until she declares her intent - which requires Biden to step aside first. If they start to spend on her then I agree that's a definite sign of things changing soon though.

Battleground Dems Tester, Kaine to skip Biden campaign meeting​

Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., is skipping a meeting with President Biden's campaign advisers on Thursday and will not elaborate on his reasoning as concerns about Biden's fitness grow in Congress.

The at-risk Montana Democrat told reporters on Wednesday he wouldn't be going to the special meeting at the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) with senior Biden advisers Mike Donilon and Steve Ricchetti, and Campaign Chair Jen O'Malley Dillon, which was announced that afternoon.

He didn't say why he wasn't going, and his office said Tester had "a scheduling conflict," but declined to answer questions from Fox News Digital about the details of the conflict.

Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., also won't be joining the special meeting with advisers to Biden's campaign.
54% against Biden continuing to run and 81% of Biden voters think he is tool old for another Term......from BIDEN voters

Biden Vs. Trump 2024 Election Polls: Most Biden Supporters Say He Should Drop Out In Latest Survey​

Key Facts​

Trump leads Biden by three points in Real Clear Politics’ poll tracker, a 1.5-point swing in Trump’s favor since the debate, and is up by 1.6 points in FiveThirtyEight’s poll tracker, a 1.9-point increase from June 27.
An ABC News/Ipsos/Washington Post poll released Thursday found Biden and Trump are tied among registered voters, and Trump has a one-point lead if Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an option, a better-than-usual showing for Biden.

However, that poll also shows 67% think Biden should withdraw from the race, while 85% say Biden is too old to serve as president, up from 81% in April and 68% just over a year ago.
Among Biden supporters, 54% say he should drop out and 81% say he’s too old for another term, according to the ABC News/Ipsos/Washington Post poll.
Trump is up by three points over Biden in the latest poll by Emerson College, taken July 7-8, and by two in both Morning Consult’s weekly survey.
Trump leads Biden by six points in a New York Times/Siena College survey conducted June 28-July 2, a three-point swing in Trump’s favor since a poll a week earlier, and Trump’s widest lead in any poll by the groups since he launched his first presidential campaign in 2015.
A Wall Street Journal survey conducted after the debate also found Biden trails Trump by six points, Trump’s widest lead over Biden in Journal surveys dating to 2021 in a two-way matchup, and a four-point increase in Trump’s lead since February.

A CBS/YouGov post-debate poll taken in the seven crucial battleground states likely to determine the winner of the election found Trump leads Biden by three points, after trailing him by one point last month.

News Peg​

Biden has firmly rebuffed calls from 11 Democrats in the House and one in the Senate, a string of prominent pundits and multiple major news outlets to resign his candidacy in the wake of the debate. Despite his insistence on staying in the race, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., indicated Wednesday the president’s decision to continue his campaign might not be definitive, telling MSNBC “it’s up to the president to decide if he is going to run,” adding “we’re all encouraging him to make that decision, because time is running short.”

Crucial Quote​

“The question of how to move forward has been well-aired for over a week now. And it’s time for it to end,” Biden said in a Monday letter to congressional Democrats.

What We Don’t Know​

How potential replacement candidates would fare against Trump in November. If the election were held today, most polls show Vice President Kamala Harris—the most likely replacement for Biden if he were to drop out—would perform better than any of the other Democrats commonly floated, including California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Harris and Biden, however, perform similarly, with some surveys showing Harris faring better against Trump and others showing Biden performing better. What the polls don’t, and can’t factor in, however, is how months of campaigning by Harris or another candidate who doesn’t benefit from her national name recognition could affect voter sentiment.

What To Watch For​

Polls taken before the debate consistently showed Trump leads Biden in the seven crucial swing states, all of which Biden won, with the exception of North Carolina, in 2020. A May Cook Political Report survey found Trump up by three points on average in the seven states, a May Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll found Trump leads Biden by four points overall across the battleground states and an April New York Times/Siena/Philadelphia Inquirer poll found Trump would beat Biden in five of six swing states (Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Georgia and Nevada), with the exception of Wisconsin.

Surprising Fact​

In a race this close, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has the potential to sway the election with his independent run—though it’s unclear in whose favor. A May Emerson poll found Trump widens his lead over Biden, from two points to five, with Kennedy Jr., independent Cornell West and Green Party candidate Jill Stein in the mix. Kennedy received 6% support, while 10% of voters said they were undecided. A May Fox poll shows Trump’s lead increases two points with the three independents on the ballot. The Times/Siena/Inquirer survey found Kennedy Jr. draws votes from key Biden supporters. Kennedy has the support of just 10% of voters in six battleground states in a five-way contest, but support grows to 18% for voters between the ages of 18 and 29 and 14% for Hispanic voters. And a recent Harvard CAPS/Harris poll shows Trump’s five-point lead is unchanged with Kennedy Jr. on the ballot. Meanwhile, an April NBC poll found Biden trailing Trump by two points in a head-to-head race, but beating him by two with Kennedy Jr. and other third-party candidates on the ballot.


Polls have consistently suggested Biden—and the Democratic Party as a whole—have been losing support among key demographics, including Black, Latino and younger voters, which largely backed the party in the past. A May NPR/PBS/Marist survey found voters under 45 prefer Biden over Trump by just four points and Biden leads among Gen Z/millennials by six points in a head-to-head matchup, but the vote swings in Trump’s favor among the two groups (by six points among Gen Z/Millennials and eight among voters under 45) with third-party candidates in the mix. The April Times/Siena/Inquirer poll also found Biden is tied with Trump among Hispanic voters in six battleground states (Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin and Nevada) and trailing him by four points in those states among 18- to 29-year-olds, two groups which voted for Biden with more than 60% support in 2020, according to the Times. Biden also appears to be losing support in Democratic strongholds, such as New York, where he’s up nine points over Trump, according to a May Siena College survey, after beating Trump there by 23 points in 2020.

Key Background​

Biden and Trump are poised for a historic rematch after clinching their respective parties’ nominations in March, ending the primary season much earlier in the year than in previous elections. Polls show historically low voter enthusiasm as both candidates have relatively low favorability ratings—below 45%. The NBC poll found 64% voters said they are “very interested” in this year’s election, a 20-year low. Trump has centered his campaign around his legal woes, accusing prosecutors and judges in his criminal cases of working at Biden’s behest to hurt his chances of winning the election, though there’s no evidence suggesting the notion is true. Biden, meanwhile, has cast Trump as a threat to democracy, citing his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol riots, and has hammered Trump over his appointment of Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. Polls show the economy, immigration, abortion and inflation are consistently top issues for voters, with the Times/Siena/Inquirer survey finding a majority trust Trump over Biden to handle the economy, crime and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but trust Biden more than Trump on abortion.
What I don't understand is why Newsom is in the conversation.. I think any and I mean any moderate Dem can beat Trump. A man who can't do the job is polling close now he isn't a difficult opponent so why would they run one of the least liked most controversial dudes in the party. There is an exodus out of California now.....his policies suck....he has been caught in a ton of lies (I realize he would be running against a liar of historic proportions and that they pretty much all do but his are more public than other dems). Like as dude who absolutely doesn't want Trump to win give me any decent candidate and I will vote for them as opposed to the current plan of just staying home. Harris and Newsome are 1 and 2 or at least top 5 of the ones there is no way I would vote for. I get he is young and the governor of the biggest state but the guy is a slime ball running a state into the ground why on earth him? The Harris can't brag for years about having the first female VP of color then cast her to the wayside when it is time to do the most important part of the job which is step in for the Pres. If you are DNC you are essentially admitting you have been lying to the public about the mental fitness of the pres for years and your back up wasn't capable either. But I also think she could lose to Trump for reasons listed here already and I don't think anyone thinks she is up to the job after watching her through the term.

Another problem they have is time....and it to me is the biggest. Every day this is in the news is another day it hurts whoever runs. If Biden stays all we are talking about is how we all now know he isn't capable and therefore isn't doing the job as one would expect or worse actually is. On the flip side if they run a lessor known person they are losing time to get them in front of folks and if they don't have someone quick there is a bit of a "who is better" aspect to if you don't know who is better than the guy at the debate how bad is it? There needs to be a strong unified statement soon if they switch. Biden steps down and the whole party loves this person type thing......greatest candidate ever type marketing.

Polis, Shapiro, Kelly could all win.....I think easily.....if they get them out front now. But the longer this goes the worse their chances and if the convention turns into a cluster the dems will have pissed away one of the easiest wins in presidential history. At least 30% of the population hates Trump.....and I don't mean like I don't agree with McCain so I'm voting Obama I mean they hate the guy. This election should be an absolute slam dunk but it doesn't appear they want the easy bucket.