Trump 2024 Run Thread

Explain how Obama was divisive?

We know he’s seen it because he zzz’ed. All we have is…

Awkward Fran Healy GIF by Travis
Explain how Obama was divisive?

Obama really started, or at least poured gasoline on the fiery rhetoric that divides us today. Clinging to God and guns, calling anyone who wanted border security a racist. Actually he demeaned anyone or any group who disagreed with his policies with divisive name calling and accusations of racial bias. He promised to bring the country together and then spent 8 years driving wedges.

And BTW, the ACA may have been a tiny divisive.

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So now the defense is.

Well Trump did technically go against the Constitution...but that's not a crime !!

Hahahahahahahahah...and he did it while doing a job where he swore to protect and uphold the very thing his own lawyer now says "technically" he broke

Trump may have committed 'a technical violation of the Constitution,' not a crime, his lawyer says

Obama really started, or at least poured gasoline on the fiery rhetoric that divides us today. Clinging to God and guns, calling anyone who wanted border security a racist. Actually he demeaned anyone or any group who disagreed with his policies with divisive name calling and accusations of racial bias. He promised to bring the country together and then spent 8 years driving wedges.

And BTW, the ACA may have been a tiny divisive.

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Sorry to say this but you’re so far down the rabbit hole that you assign Trump’s actions to Obama. The echo chamber you get your news from is warped. Try a different channel or website occasionally. You also might look up proven methods for leaving a cult. Food for thought. IMO
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Sorry to say this but you’re so far down the rabbit hole that you assign Trump’s actions to Obama. The echo chamber you get your news from is warped. Try a different channel or website occasionally. You also might look up proven methods for leaving a cult. Food for thought. IMO

Stupid reply is stupid.

I didn’t mention Trump anywhere in my reply or attempt to tie his actions in any way to Obama. The question was asking just how Obama was divisive. Obama brought dirty tactic political fighting to the forefront of his administration by openly mocking and degrading Americans who didn’t toe his line and that caused much of the divisiveness that lingers two administrations later. Of course that BS has been around forever, but even political a-hole masters like Nixon and LBJ managed to keep it behind closed doors.

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Stupid reply is stupid.

I didn’t mention Trump anywhere in my reply or attempt to tie his actions in any way to Obama. The question was asking just how Obama was divisive. Obama brought dirty tactic political fighting to the forefront of his administration by openly mocking and degrading Americans who didn’t toe his line and that caused much of the divisiveness that lingers two administrations later. Of course that BS has been around forever, but even political a-hole masters like Nixon and LBJ managed to keep it behind closed doors.

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Just like Trump kool-aid drinkers who think Trump wasn’t divisive there are Obama kool-aid drinkers that think Obama wasn’t divisive. Near impossible to convince them otherwise because their limited biased media sources have not provided that perspective.

Sure you could tell them that a 2012 Gallup showed him as “the most polarizing President. Ever”

Or you could point out a 2020 survey of 300 political scientists for the Brooking Institute ranked him only behind Trump as most divisive President since WW2.

Or you could point out that a 2018 survey of 200 political scholars ranked him 3rd most polarizing. And only 13% of those scholars identified as Republican.

Or you could point out the multiple times Obama fanned the flames with anti-police rhetoric without first waiting and/or consulting facts of each case. His reckless actions had a direct result on the single largest drop in Gallup Poll history (21014) for condition of race relations in America.

People can like and support Trump or Obama. Nothing wrong with that. But facts are that we had back-to-back two of the most divisive Presidents in history and certainly in our lifetimes.
Just like Trump kool-aid drinkers who think Trump wasn’t divisive there are Obama kool-aid drinkers that think Obama wasn’t divisive. Near impossible to convince them otherwise because their limited biased media sources have not provided that perspective.

Sure you could tell them that a 2012 Gallup showed him as “the most polarizing President. Ever”

Or you could point out a 2020 survey of 300 political scientists for the Brooking Institute ranked him only behind Trump as most divisive President since WW2.

Or you could point out that a 2018 survey of 200 political scholars ranked him 3rd most polarizing. And only 13% of those scholars identified as Republican.

Or you could point out the multiple times Obama fanned the flames with anti-police rhetoric without first waiting and/or consulting facts of each case. His reckless actions had a direct result on the single largest drop in Gallup Poll history (21014) for condition of race relations in America.

People can like and support Trump or Obama. Nothing wrong with that. But facts are that we had back-to-back two of the most divisive Presidents in history and certainly in our lifetimes.
If Obama is rated as poorly as your information deems, then in my opinion, racism and white supremacy is more deeply ingrained than I realized in this country. How he equally compares with a grifter indicted 78 times, is apparently beyond me. He tried to overthrow a legal election. Every other word out of his mouth is a lie or half truths. Over 30K some 20+ lies per day. Getting gullible people to believe and promote lies is much more divisive to me than anything Obama did. Obama was far from perfect but he was no where near as bad as Trump. It’s a false equivalency. Convictions will prove the difference clearly, to those that still have some faith in law and order.
If Obama is rated as poorly as your information deems, then in my opinion, racism and white supremacy is more deeply ingrained than I realized in this country. How he equally compares with a grifter indicted 78 times, is apparently beyond me. He tried to overthrow a legal election. Every other word out of his mouth is a lie or half truths. Over 30K some 20+ lies per day. Getting gullible people to believe and promote lies is much more divisive to me than anything Obama did. Obama was far from perfect but he was no where near as bad as Trump. It’s a false equivalency. Convictions will prove the difference clearly, to those that still have some faith in law and order.
First, it is not my information. I listed four different studies and polls --- and none were from right-wing sources.

Second, no one is attempting to claim equivalency. As I posted previously, I personally believe Trump is the most divisive President. The 2018 and 2020 survey of political scientists also had Trump the most divisive. IMO, Obama is the next most divisive President (at least in my voting lifetime) and it appears political scientists also agree with that.

Being a divisive or polarizing President may be viewed positively by some that are fans of a particular President. I am sure there are many Trump supporters that know he is divisive, but are good with his actions/words ---- conversely, I am sure there are many Obama supporters that know he was divisive, but were fine with his actions/words.

Admitting that Obama was divisive does nothing to lessen anything Trump has done.
Just like Trump kool-aid drinkers who think Trump wasn’t divisive there are Obama kool-aid drinkers that think Obama wasn’t divisive. Near impossible to convince them otherwise because their limited biased media sources have not provided that perspective.

Sure you could tell them that a 2012 Gallup showed him as “the most polarizing President. Ever”

Or you could point out a 2020 survey of 300 political scientists for the Brooking Institute ranked him only behind Trump as most divisive President since WW2.

Or you could point out that a 2018 survey of 200 political scholars ranked him 3rd most polarizing. And only 13% of those scholars identified as Republican.

Or you could point out the multiple times Obama fanned the flames with anti-police rhetoric without first waiting and/or consulting facts of each case. His reckless actions had a direct result on the single largest drop in Gallup Poll history (21014) for condition of race relations in America.

People can like and support Trump or Obama. Nothing wrong with that. But facts are that we had back-to-back two of the most divisive Presidents in history and certainly in our lifetimes.

Can you provide links to all the polls you mention? I ask because I can't seem to find a Brookings 2020 poll as you described, but I did find a 2018 one that fits the information you provided.

Interesting wording in your bit though where the caveat "since WWII" had to be added, but looking at the actual data as well shows how far apart they are. While it's a technically true statement, it's also completely disingenuous to the data.
Can you provide links to all the polls you mention? I ask because I can't seem to find a Brookings 2020 poll as you described, but I did find a 2018 one that fits the information you provided.

Interesting wording in your bit though where the caveat "since WWII" had to be added, but looking at the actual data as well shows how far apart they are. While it's a technically true statement, it's also completely disingenuous to the data.
“Interesting wording …since WW2”. LOL. C’mon. It was not just a technically true statement it was a definitely true statement. You really want compare divisive Presidents within our lifetimes with those from the 19th century??

But respectfully, I am not going to spend time being your librarian. Using google is easy. And links are not going to help. Look I know there is nothing that is going to convince the “Obama was wonderful crowd” or the “Trump is great group”. The question was about Obama being divisive.
IMO, there is no question.
In polls, it is obvious.
In surveys of “experts” that were even heavily Democrats, it was definite.

EDIT: Okay, my statement above was smarmy - my apologies. It is just a little ridiculous that this is being debated - the fact that many view Obama as divisive should not be surprising to people on a political forum.
Open Google. Type “was Obama divisive”. It is the VERY FIRST link. (title: The Most Divisive President, ranked by Political Scientists”)
“Interesting wording …since WW2”. LOL. C’mon. It was not just a technically true statement it was a definitely true statement. You really want compare divisive Presidents within our lifetimes with those from the 19th century??

But respectfully, I am not going to spend time being your librarian. Using google is easy. And links are not going to help. Look I know there is nothing that is going to convince the “Obama was wonderful crowd” or the “Trump is great group”. The question was about Obama being divisive.
IMO, there is no question.
In polls, it is obvious.
In surveys of “experts” that were even heavily Democrats, it was definite.

EDIT: Okay, my statement above was smarmy - my apologies. It is just a little ridiculous that this is being debated - the fact that many view Obama as divisive should not be surprising to people on a political forum.
Open Google. Type “was Obama divisive”. It is the VERY FIRST link. (title: The Most Divisive President, ranked by Political Scientists”)
Trump #1 Obama #12 CBS poll. You can find something to support whatever you believe on the internet. I’ll choose this poll.
“Interesting wording …since WW2”. LOL. C’mon. It was not just a technically true statement it was a definitely true statement. You really want compare divisive Presidents within our lifetimes with those from the 19th century??

But respectfully, I am not going to spend time being your librarian. Using google is easy. And links are not going to help. Look I know there is nothing that is going to convince the “Obama was wonderful crowd” or the “Trump is great group”. The question was about Obama being divisive.
IMO, there is no question.
In polls, it is obvious.
In surveys of “experts” that were even heavily Democrats, it was definite.

EDIT: Okay, my statement above was smarmy - my apologies. It is just a little ridiculous that this is being debated - the fact that many view Obama as divisive should not be surprising to people on a political forum.
Open Google. Type “was Obama divisive”. It is the VERY FIRST link. (title: The Most Divisive President, ranked by Political Scientists”)

I'm glad you're not my librarian because when I fact checked one item off your post, it was wrong.

I would like to point out that when I type in "Was Obama Divisive", the first link is to a CBS article that takes its information from the 2018 Brookings Institute poll I previously linked.
I'm glad you're not my librarian because when I fact checked one item off your post, it was wrong.
Care to claim which one? I am game to debate politics, but this is getting a little ridiculous by falsely claiming an item on my post was wrong. I didn’t write the Gallup polls or political scientist surveys.

If you want to claim Obama wasn’t divisive…bully for you. I don’t really care.
But fact remains that many do view the Obama Presidency as divisive, including many who study Presidential politics. I could even see the argument that it is just the world we live in now and divisive politics are how it is played. Perhaps, but doesn’t change fact that we had back-to-back very divisive and polarizing Presidents.
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people like to call presidents divisive when they push their parties policies, Obama gets labeled as polarizing mostly for his push for "obamacare"...whether you think they are divisive/polarizing (trump and obama), one was a pretty good president and one was pretty darn bad...

American Presidents: Greatest and Worst siena college research institute

this obviously is just one example of good/bad presidents, but most studies you find will rank trump near the bottom or at the bottom...

*also from this site (above):
Screenshot 2023-08-07 11.10.10 PM.pngScreenshot 2023-08-07 11.10.23 PM.png
Yeah, On a Divider in Chief level.....No One comes close to Trump

Lets take just this last week alone...and I want you to notice that his targets are not just Dem's or GOP politicians. It is American Cities, American Sports teams, Spouses of elected officials, on Courts, on American Protected rights such as Free Speech (Women's soccer team practiced Free Speech..and he calls it being openly hostile)

Granted Trump is free to say all these things to his hearts content. But I've NEVER seen anyone lash out and EVERYONE and EVERYTHING and give only one option. Your on his side or your WRONG...that is all he offers. 100% divided everything,.

On the US National Women's Team being eliminated from the World Cup

"The 'shocking and totally unexpected' loss by the U.S. Women's Soccer Team to Sweden is fully emblematic of what is happening to the our once great Nation under Crooked Joe Biden," Trump wrote on his media platform, Truth. "Many of our players were openly hostile to America - No other country behaved in such a manner, or even close. WOKE EQUALS FAILURE."

"Nice shot Megan, the USA is going to Hell!!! MAGA,"

On Nancy Pelosi saying he looked scared in his latest indictment

"I wasn’t ‘scared,’" he said. "Nevertheless, how mean a thing to say! She is a Wicked Witch whose husbands journey from hell starts and finishes with her. She is a sick & demented psycho who will someday live in HELL!"

on the Judge assigned to his latest trial


Trump also wrote he’ll seek a “VENUE CHANGE” in the case after he attacked Washington D.C. by calling it a “FILTHY AND CRIME RIDDEN EMBARRASSMENT TO OUR NATION.”

On Mitch McConnell

Trump also tweeted a video of GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell—delivering a speech in Kentucky on Saturday while facing boos and chants of “retire” from the audience—and wrote, “I AGREE…BOOOOO—RETIRE.”

Former GOP Lt Gov of Georgia Blasts 'Dangerous And Pathetic' Trump​

Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R) called out Donald Trump on Monday night for his attorney’s latest spin on the former president’s attempts to overturn the results of 2020 election and stay in power.

Attorney John Lauro said Trump’s 2021 phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger demanding that he “find” the votes needed to overturn the election was just an “aspirational ask.”

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins played audio of the infamous call.

“Does that sound aspirational to you?” she asked Duncan, who held office from 2019 until earlier this year.

“It sounds dangerous and pathetic, in my opinion,” Duncan replied, saying he felt “embarrassment” when he first heard the recording of the phone call.

“I think Republicans, like many other people in Donald Trump’s past, are going to regret ever being associated with him,” Duncan predicted, and urged the former president to quit the 2024 campaign for the good of both the party and the country.

Duncan said earlier in the day that he had been subpoenaed to testify before the Georgia grand jury investigating Trump’s efforts to overturn the results in the state. A decision on whether to charge Trump in that case ― which would be his fourth indictment, should it happen ― is expected this month.
people like to call presidents divisive when they push their parties policies, Obama gets labeled as polarizing mostly for his push for "obamacare"...whether you think they are divisive/polarizing (trump and obama), one was a pretty good president and one was pretty darn bad...

American Presidents: Greatest and Worst siena college research institute

this obviously is just one example of good/bad presidents, but most studies you find will rank trump near the bottom or at the bottom...

*also from this site (above):
View attachment 1007View attachment 1008

Obama sucked as a President, and believe it or not that doesn’t make me a racist! Was he better than Trump? Prolly. I voted for Trump the second time because of Biden and his decades in office but accomplishing zero career. However I knew that even if Trump won, the chances of him staying in office were 60/40 at best. I figured he’d either be convicted of a crime or impeached again, but the fact that Joe was the best the Dem’s could come up with forced my hand. BTW Trump’s original impeachment should be vacated as everything he was asking Zelenskyy to investigate about the Biden’s has been proven to be true.

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