Trump 2024 Run Thread

Trump as a President is scarier to me because I think his ego and vindictiveness could equate to decisions that are extremely bad for our country. For that reason I would choose Biden over Trump in a binary choice.

But Biden may lie even more than Trump (although silly to compare because both seem incapable of telling the truth).

But one question for you on corruption - who has gotten richer while in public office?
I don’t like the insider trading that goes on, but it’s not illegal for now, and they all milk it. Ole Pelosi is one I follow. If she’s buying it, I’m sure looking at it. Poor Donald, getting ordinary people to pay his legal expenses. Guess the presidency just bankrupted him. Did he ever accept the government salary?
But one question for you on corruption - who has gotten richer while in public office?

Per annum of time in office or over a whole political career?

Individually or familially?

Per annum individually, Trump and Biden are likely in close to a dead heat.

Per annum and total family riches gained during Daddy’s public career? Trump family without a doubt in my opinion.

Why Trump's poll lead went up after criminal indictments BBC

Donald Trump's mounting legal troubles have not dented his status as the clear frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024. In fact, the criminal charges have strengthened his position. Why?
The former US president has been indicted three times in the past four months - once in New York for alleged financial crimes, once in a federal court on charges that he mishandled sensitive government documents and obstructed an investigation, and on Tuesday, he was indicted in a federal court on charges he conspired to overturn the results of the 2020 election.
He is also facing a fourth possible indictment in Georgia for pressuring state officials to reverse his 2020 defeat there.
Through this all, Mr Trump's campaign has not just continued unabated, it has thrived.
An average of opinion polls from 31 July suggests he has a commanding lead of 37 points over his nearest rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
No-one else in the crowded field of 14 candidates scores over 6%, and more than half of them are not even at 1%

Bar chart showing average polling numbers for Republican contenders on 31 July. Donald Trump is 53%; Ron DeSantis 16%; Vivek Ramaswamy 6%; Mike Pence 4%; Tim Scott 3%; Nikki Haley 3%, Chris Christie 2%

Back in mid-February, Mr Trump's lead over Mr DeSantis in the average of polls was just two points (41% to 39%). That turned out to be the Florida governor's high point so far, however. While his star has faded and his poll numbers have plummeted, Mr Trump's support has remained rock solid.

And since the first indictment was brought in the first week of April - making Mr Trump the first former US president to face criminal charges - it has actually grown.
According to the average of polls, Mr Trump has been the first choice of a majority of Republican voters ever since that first arrest and court appearance.

Most Republican voters see charges as politically motivated​

According to Clifford Young, president of US public affairs with Ipsos, the bond between Donald Trump and his supporters - which equates to about 40% to 45% of the Republican electorate - will be difficult to break.
"They see the world through his eyes," he says. "His base believes he's been wronged. They believe that the indictments are politically motivated."
After Mr Trump's indictment for illegally retaining classified documents, the BBC spoke with a panel of Republican voters about their views on the former president - and found similar sentiments.

"This is so obviously a blatant attempt to take Mr Trump out of the presidential running," 61-year-old Trump-supporting Rom Solene of Arizona said. "And it is a sad day for our nation, considering that others, including Mr Biden, have been caught with classified documents in their possession."
Even Republicans like Luke Gordon, who doesn't support Mr Trump's attempt to recapture the White House, viewed the indictment with some scepticism.
"I don't doubt the legitimacy of the claims in the indictment, and I do not defend Trump's actions," the 21-year-old New Yorker said. "However, the motivation behind his prosecution and investigation remains of grave concern."
A June poll by CBS News, the BBC's partner in the US, illustrates the point
  • 76% of likely Republican primary voters said the classified documents indictment was "politically motivated"
  • 38% of those voters thought it would be a national security risk if the former president kept nuclear or military documents after he left office. For the US public at large, the number is 80%
  • 61% of Republican voters said Mr Trump's indictments did not change how they viewed the former president, while 14% said it made them see him more positively
    "We're really dealing with the tale of two Americas and two distinct bubbles," says Mr Young. "There's one bubble that sees Trump's behaviour as lawless. And there's another bubble that sees him as their champion - and that he's being attacked because of that."

    Could trials and convictions affect Trump's support?​

    Given this dynamic, there is little evidence that the third indictment or even a fourth will measurably alter the landscape of the Republican presidential race.

    Indicting Mr Trump for challenging the 2020 election results may not resonate with Republicans, considering 84% shared the view that Joe Biden did not "legitimately" win the 2020 election, according to a March CNN survey.
    That is a serious problem for his Republican rivals who are left to fight it out for the roughly 60% of the Republican electorate who tell pollsters they could be persuaded to back another candidate or would never support Mr Trump.

    Most have been reluctant to criticise the former president over the criminal charges, conscious that it would upset his base, but have also struggled to make the case for why voters should pick them instead.
    If Mr Trump's indictments haven't moved the political needle, next year's big question could be whether trials and possible convictions could finally alter the sharp partisan divides in US public opinion on Mr Trump.
    Throughout the first half of 2024, Mr Trump will have to deal with a clash between campaign events and court appearances at his trials which could each last weeks.

  • Graphic showing clash between Trump's court dates and Republican campaign calendar

    He said on Friday that he would not end his presidential campaign even if he were found guilty and sentenced.
    That's uncharted territory in US politics, but Mr Young says the key "leading indicators" to watch will be whether Mr Trump's favourability standing in polls and his "electability" - the view as to whether he can win back the White House - take noticeable shifts.
    If that's the case, it could presage an erosion of his support in a way that the string of indictments, as well as all the other controversies over his eight years in the public sphere, have not.
    For the moment, however, early head-to-head polls suggest Mr Trump is within striking distance of the current president. A recent Economist-YouGov poll had Joe Biden ahead of Mr Trump 44% to 40%. Morning Consult had the Democrat ahead by 2 points, 43% to 41%. Both leads are within the margin of error.
    That suggests that familiar partisan battle lines are already being drawn - and that the 2024 election, like the two previous contests involving Mr Trump - will be narrowly decided.

This is why someone in the Republican party should have called him out from day one and stayed on him. The other candidates let him repeat this rhetoric for years (unchallenged) and now the snowball rolling downhill cannot be slowed in the primaries - without a cataclysmic confrontation.
This is why someone in the Republican party should have called him out from day one and stayed on him. The other candidates let him repeat this rhetoric for years (unchallenged) and now the snowball rolling downhill cannot be slowed in the primaries - without a cataclysmic confrontation.
A little “cataclysmic confrontation “ from non-MAGA republicans would be nice. Better late than never.
Holy smokes man! Stop with the middle school nicknames for anyone who disagrees or opposes you in any way!
78 felony charges now. SEVENTY EIGHT!! I’d love to see Joe catch a couple, but 78 felony charges is mind boggling!

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I've said it before and I'll say it again...I cannot understand this fascination with trump by millions of people...not only has he now been indicted thrice, not only is he one of the most divisive presidents in history (IMO), but he is also labeled as one of the worst presidents ever (regularly in the 'bottom five')...why do people want such a bad person AND a bad president as our next president?!
bad analogy I'm sure, but it's like a school firing their head coach who had a bad record and bad recruiting and poor personal skills, etc...the said coach then sues the university for the firing and talks $h!t about university in social media, then applies for the job a few years later and gets an interview...
Depending upon individual perspective and/or politics ….those statements could be said for the last several Presidents.

The big difference is division between the parties is as large as it has ever been.
on the divisive comment, I included (IMO) probably in your opinion the last several Presidents have been divisive?? and a bad president, Obama is usually ranked pretty high, so what do you mean by several? George W? (usually ranks low), Clinton? (usually high)...
on the divisive comment, I included (IMO) probably in your opinion the last several Presidents have been divisive?? and a bad president, Obama is usually ranked pretty high, so what do you mean by several? George W? (usually ranks low), Clinton? (usually high)...
I agree with you that Trump is the most divisive. But there is no doubt Obama was also incredibly divisive.

As for bad, Biden is one of the worst Presidents in my lifetime IMO. I was hoping Biden would be better, but he can’t seem to be honest and some of his decisions during high inflation have been baffling.

Although I may not agree with fascination some have with Trump, I understand why people would select Trump in a binary choice versus Biden.

In my lifetime, personally I would rank Reagan 1st and Clinton 2nd.
I agree with you that Trump is the most divisive. But there is no doubt Obama was also incredibly divisive.

As for bad, Biden is one of the worst Presidents in my lifetime IMO. I was hoping Biden would be better, but he can’t seem to be honest and some of his decisions during high inflation have been baffling.

Although I may not agree with fascination some have with Trump, I understand why people would select Trump in a binary choice versus Biden.

In my lifetime, personally I would rank Reagan 1st and Clinton 2nd.
Explain how Obama was divisive?