Supreme Court decisions

My major problem with LGBTQ+, as you put it, is that they expect (demand) that we not only accept their sin but celebrate it. Name one other sin that we do that for or take "Pride" in. Are we going to have "Adulterers Pride Month" in August? I don't think that being gay or even practicing homosexuality is a bigger sin than any one of the sins that I commit daily . The difference is that I'm convicted of my sin and I repent and confess and ask for forgiveness . I certainly wouldn't expect you to look the other way, or even worse condone, my alcoholism or adultery, just because it makes me uncomfortable. Sin is sin and it is the duty of Christ following churches to call it out not promote it. As far as churches not accepting gays I will tell you that I go to church with a congregation completely full of sinners every single Sunday. No person ever has been or ever will be turned away regardless of their sin. Will we tell them that their particular sin is ok? Absolutely not. Make sense?
April 14th, National Ex Spouse Day to celebrate Divorcés

There are 15 days dedicated to Booze alone each year

Oct 31st also has a National Sorcery/Magic Day

Finland has National Jealousy Day where everyone's tax returns are made public and you're supposed to be Jealous of your friends who make more than you

June 30th is National Adultery Day

May 31st is Infidelity Awareness Day

Some even believe that celebrating ones own Birthday is a Sin
Your reputation (on this board) precedes have a major problem with LGBTQ+ people and so I was wondering if you maybe think their 'sin' is bigger than your 100 sins you commit daily? And why do some churches not accept LGBTQ+, but accept gamblers, divorcees, adulterers, drunks, cussers, etc...last question not really directed at you, just thought you and/or others would have an opinion about it...

Based upon his posts, it's abundantly clear that he views the "sin" of homosexuality as more egregious than his own admitted 100s of sins a day that he dismissively mentions.

Matthew 7:3-5 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
April 14th, National Ex Spouse Day to celebrate Divorcés

There are 15 days dedicated to Booze alone each year

Oct 31st also has a National Sorcery/Magic Day

Finland has National Jealousy Day where everyone's tax returns are made public and you're supposed to be Jealous of your friends who make more than you

June 30th is National Adultery Day

May 31st is Infidelity Awareness Day

Some even believe that celebrating ones own Birthday is a Sin
Are we supposed to take this seriously?
come on you know the answer to that. Humans have created Socially Accepted Sins which won't even stop you from being a pastor and leading a church every day. They Invite daily sinners into their midst as long as it was socially acceptable sins and publicly praise them and honor them. Give them leadership positions in church.

However, they also have a list of Non Socially Accepted Sins which they refuse to let those people enter their buildings and publicly attack them as abominations to God.

You know....just exactly how the Bible explains it

Catholics used to make you pay for the Church to look the other way and still allow you be part of the Church. They called it indulgences, but you had to pay the Church for them to Socially accept your Sins..and it was UNLIMITED and Sanctioned by the Pope.

People don't even have to pay anymore for the Church to look the other way on a whole LIST of Sins....

I guess back in the day you could. PAY AWAY THE GAY
You seriously need to find a different church.
Based upon his posts, it's abundantly clear that he views the "sin" of homosexuality as more egregious than his own admitted 100s of sins a day that he dismissively mentions.

Matthew 7:3-5 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
Back to trolling and lying again I see. Go ahead and show the good folks where I said, or in your words "made it abundantly clear", that homosexuality is worse than any other sin. I'll wait.
Are we supposed to take this seriously?
You said our society doesn't celebrate any other sins publicly. I showed it that it does.

You don't want to take that seriously....just like the "Low level minor" Sins your church has taught you they are.

This is all about your Sin Hierarchy...not mine. I'm just showing you proof you have no idea what you are talking about
The whole sin thing is an elaborate ego game--a way to feel superior to others. Nothing more.

Plus there is something a bit humorous about @GOGETUMPOKE getting all pious on this particular issue when we can look at his demeanor and attitudes with literally everything else and see that things don't align.
You said our society doesn't celebrate any other sins publicly. I showed it that it does.

You don't want to take that seriously....just like the "Low level minor" Sins your church has taught you they are.

This is all about your Sin Hierarchy...not mine. I'm just showing you proof you have no idea what you are talking about
Society as a whole doesn't celebrate any of that other stuff and you know it. One of your so called national holidays that you listed is in Finland for crying out loud :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:. I've stated very clearly that I don't have a "sin hierarchy". Reading comprehension is obviously not your strong suit.
Society as a whole doesn't celebrate any of that other stuff and you know it. One of your so called national holidays that you listed is in Finland for crying out loud :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:. I've stated very clearly that I don't have a "sin hierarchy". Reading comprehension is obviously not your strong suit.
We celebrate gluttony multiple times a year. In my 30 years attending church (multiple denominations and bible churches) I never heard a single sermon on it.
We celebrate gluttony multiple times a year. In my 30 years attending church (multiple denominations and bible churches) I never heard a single sermon on it.
LOL. I've heard gluttony mentioned numerous times in sermons. What kind of churches are you going to?
Back to trolling and lying again I see. Go ahead and show the good folks where I said, or in your words "made it abundantly clear", that homosexuality is worse than any other sin. I'll wait.
You NEVER call out or post trolling little memes about any other sinners now do you?

Your actions speak MUCH louder than your words.
Still waiting for you to show where I said that homosexuality was a worse sin than others........tik tok little troll
Still waiting for you to post little trolling posts mocking and calling out any of the 100s of sins you commit every day.

Still waiting for you to publicly condemn the 100s of sins you commit every day with the same fervor, tone, repetitiveness, lack of dignity for the supposed sinner, and conviction you you use to condemn and judge the LGBTQ+ community.

Tik tok, huge hypocrite.

Time to follow your scripture and focus on your own sins rather than other peoples’. You’ve got a huge plank in your own eye that you should be dealing with before ever concerning yourself with the splinter of homosexuality in others.
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Still waiting for you to post little trolling posts mocking and calling out any of the 100s of sins you commit every day.

Still waiting for you to publicly condemn the 100s of sins you commit every day with the same fervor, tone, repetitiveness, lack of dignity for the supposed sinner, and conviction you you use to condemn and judge the LGBTQ+ community.

Tik tok, huge hypocrite.

Time to follow your scripture and focus on your own sins rather than other peoples’. You’ve got a huge plank in your own eye that you should be dealing with before ever concerning yourself with the splinter of homosexuality in others.
That's what I thought :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: PS. Start a thread on any sin and I will be happy to publicly condemn it and call it a sin. Now, run along.
That's what I thought :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: PS. Start a thread on any sin and I will be happy to publicly condemn it and call it a sin. Now, run along.

You DO know with every post like this from you, you're proving everything I say about you exactly correct....right?

You're more than welcome to try to make me "run along" you POS internet tough guy pigeon.

Pigeon Ecards GIF by sheepfilms
pigeon GIF
You DO know with every post like this from you, you're proving everything I say about you exactly correct....right?

You're more than welcome to try to make me "run along" you POS internet tough guy pigeon.

Pigeon Ecards GIF by sheepfilms
pigeon GIF
:ROFLMAO: Are you upset? You seem upset. You should probably go ahead and just prove that what you said is true (fun fact: it's a lie and you know it) or grow a set and learn to take what you like to dish out. I'm good either way.
:ROFLMAO: Are you upset? You seem upset. You should probably go ahead and just prove that what you said is true (fun fact: it's a lie and you know it) or grow a set and learn to take what you like to dish out. I'm good either way.

Bow Tie Animation GIF by Boomerang Official