ryan walters

Kind of a side discussion. Why the heck is our state dept setup with an elected superintendent and appointed board members? That's completely backwards of what it should be in my opinion. This setup makes the board susceptible to just being a rubber stamp that supports the superintendent. It makes no sense. Why is it not set up like actual school districts?

If we had an appointed superintendent with elected board members then we likely would not be where we are right now. Walters could have been dealt with long ago without Republican leaders using a weak "will of the people" excuse to not remove him and it's possible the board might have had at least 1 person stand up to him. Someone please make this current setup make sense...

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Ryan Walters: OSDE to ask state legislature for $3 million to buy Bibles for classrooms​

Ryan Walters also said the Oklahoma State Department of Education is requesting $500,000 to fund training for school district personnel to carry concealed firearms​

Maybe the bible part is not such a bad idea:

“The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible.” - Mark Twain

"Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived." Isaac Asimov
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No what I am saying is our crappy state politicians know enough people are like you that they don’t have to care what people like me want. You also don’t care what people like me want and one of the most selfish people I’ve ever seen. By the way California is the same for the Democrats. So you get off you stupid azz and actually take responsibility for you crappy voting habits. I vote every election for people that won’t be grifting POS’ like you prefer.
So you admit that no one on this board has voiced support for the extremist Walters, but you want to blame people that actually are working against him? How is that logical?

Walters is a topic that I think there is near unanimous consensus on this board that he is bad news.
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Kind of a side discussion. Why the heck is our state dept setup with an elected superintendent and appointed board members? That's completely backwards of what it should be in my opinion. This setup makes the board susceptible to just being a rubber stamp that supports the superintendent. It makes no sense. Why is it not set up like actual school districts?

If we had an appointed superintendent with elected board members then we likely would not be where we are right now. Walters could have been dealt with long ago without Republican leaders using a weak "will of the people" excuse to not remove him and it's possible the board might have had at least 1 person stand up to him. Someone please make this current setup make sense...

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Who would do the appointing? I wouldn't trust Gov. Stitt NOT to appoint Walters.
So you admit that no one on this board has voiced support for the extremist Walters, but you want to blame people that actually are working against him? How is that logical?

Walters is a topic that I think there is near unanimous consensus on this board that he is bad news.
i never talked about anyone voicing any opinion. I was talking about voting maybe read and understand and not just argue against what you wanted me to say.
Sadly, with the state of of the GOP in this state either they have no balls to stop him or they’re with him.
Right. Just have to hope enough Republican state legislators get defeated by Democrats in Nov. But that is a very tall order. Republican voter approval for Walters in Oklahoma is probably quite strong, especially in rural counties. People voting against Republicans in urban areas because of Walters as well as Stitt will have to be pretty strong.

I suspect most Oklahoma Republicans are wondering how to get rid of transgender teachers in schools, rather than how to get rid of Walters. There is nothing that needs to be done if transgender teachers are fully qualified to teach. If not, then Republicans should focus on how to make Oklahoma more attractive to fully qualified teachers.

On the brighter side, I think the Stillwater candidate for state senator is asking, "Had enough of Walters?" She came to my door last summer, and I've told her I've had enough of the extremism. But I fear she will have it too tough getting the votes she needs in the district outside of Stillwater.
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It's bad enough that Walters wants to put an abbreviated version of the U. S. Constitution in the bible, but does he know that God won't approve of adding that to the bible?

Revelation 22:18-19:
I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

Proverbs 30:5-6
Every word of God proves true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. Do not add to His words, lest He rebuke you and you be found a liar.

Deuteronomy 4:2
You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God that I command you.
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Who would do the appointing? I wouldn't trust Gov. Stitt NOT to appoint Walters.
Assuming it were Governor appointed, we would still have the elected board members to potentially keep the superintendent in check. It's not great but can you honestly say our current setup is better?

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ok cool, but I still question Why in the %$#* do we need Bibles in classrooms?? big waste of $$$$$$...

There is no need for bibles in schools even to learn what the Mayflower Compact was about in early day American history.

I don't go to Sunday School, so I wonder if plenty of bibles for everyone are typically found in Sunday school classrooms or is everybody expected to bring their own bible.

I've never been in a private religious school, so I wonder if it's typical for plenty of bibles to be found there. Or if the Ten Commandments are always posted there. If not for either one, I wonder if Walters thinks it's all fine and good to send taxpayer dollars to such schools.
if only someone could invent something that allows people to look at the Bible online...free...maybe someday....

Online-yeah if he thinks of it, the Trump ap will have everything you could think of from a "true patriot" perspective.

Free-ha he's going to charge a $19.99/month subscription for that
Superintendent Ryan Walters defends decision to put 55,000 Bibles in Oklahoma classrooms koco

"You have so much on your plate as superintendent. Why is a plan that for many is so controversial so important to you?" KOCO 5's Evan Onstot asked.

"Because it's important to parents, and it's important to grandparents. When I went across the state and campaigned for office, I kept hearing them say, 'Our kids don't understand American history.' They don't understand the role the Bible and our Christian faith played in history. We have students who don't understand that our founders – Thomas Jefferson said our rights come from God. Because our teachers are scared to teach it. The Bible has been driven out of the classroom," Walters said.

*maybe we should just order Jefferson Bibles...*
Superintendent Ryan Walters defends decision to put 55,000 Bibles in Oklahoma classrooms koco

"You have so much on your plate as superintendent. Why is a plan that for many is so controversial so important to you?" KOCO 5's Evan Onstot asked.

"Because it's important to parents, and it's important to grandparents. When I went across the state and campaigned for office, I kept hearing them say, 'Our kids don't understand American history.' They don't understand the role the Bible and our Christian faith played in history. We have students who don't understand that our founders – Thomas Jefferson said our rights come from God. Because our teachers are scared to teach it. The Bible has been driven out of the classroom," Walters said.

*maybe we should just order Jefferson Bibles...*
The Gideons would probably supply them for free. But Ryan wants to support Trump financially with taxpayer money, and establish a state religion it seems.
Hey Oklahoma Tax Payer $$ to support China. YAY...and with the Oklahoma order of $3.3 MILLION....the state would be purchase ALMOST 50% of all the Trump Bibles printed for $3 each in China and Shipped to the US so far.

Trump's ‘God Bless the U.S.A' Bible Was Made in China

Donald Trump's "God Bless the USA" Bibles were printed in China.

The Bibles - gussied-up editions of the King James Bible that include some of the nation's founding documents and the lyrics of Lee Greenwood's "God Bless America" - have been heavily promoted by the Trump campaign, even as the former president attacks China as a threat to American jobs and manufacturing.

According to a Wednesday report from the Associated Press, the Bibles, which retail for $59.99, are being produced for less than $3 each by a printing company in Hangzhou, China. Import and export shipping records analyzed by the Associated Press identified three separate shipments of Bibles with an estimated value of $342,000, suggesting $7 million in revenue off of the grift.

Trump produced the Bibles in partnership with Greenwood and offers special editions including a signed copy that retails for $1,000, and a "The Day God Intervened" edition commemorating the assassination attempt against Trump in July. The website where the Bibles are sold claims no affiliation with Trump's presidential campaign, only the use of his "name, likeness and image under paid license from CIC Ventures LLC."

According to financial disclosures reviewed by the Associated Press, Trump at one point received $300,000 in royalties from the sale of the Bible. The disclosures did not clarify what sales period the sum covered, or if additional payments have been made since.

For all the stylings of the Bible as a pro-America product, their production in China directly contradicts Trump and his campaign's rhetoric on China. The former president has proposed levying a 60 percent or more tariff on Chinese goods and promised that his return to office would prompt a "mass exodus" of manufacturing from China to the United States.

During this month's vice presidential debate Trump's running mate, J.D. Vance, lauded the former president for having "the wisdom and the courage" to bring back American manufacturing from China.

It's hard to see how that would happen when the former president is hawking products made by his supposed trade adversary.
