ryan walters

So am I reading updates right that he's doing this without any approval? As in using this years budget, not waiting for a new budget to be approved? How the heck do we stop this??

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Sadly, with the state of of the GOP in this state either they have no balls to stop him or they’re with him.

'Trump Bible' one of few that meet Walters' criteria for Oklahoma classrooms​

Superintendent Ryan Walters isn’t just talking about buying Bibles for schools.

Bids opened Monday for a contract to supply the state Department of Education with 55,000 Bibles. According to the bid documents, vendors must meet certain specifications: Bibles must be the King James Version; must contain the Old and New Testaments; must include copies of the Pledge of Allegiance, Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights; and must be bound in leather or leather-like material.

A salesperson at Mardel Christian & Education searched, and though they carry 2,900 Bibles, none fit the parameters.

But one Bible fits perfectly: Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the U.S.A. Bible, endorsed by former President Donald Trump and commonly referred to as the Trump Bible. They cost $60 each online, with Trump receiving fees for his endorsement.

Mardel doesn’t carry the God Bless the U.S.A. Bible or another Bible that could meet the specifications, the We The People Bible, which was also endorsed by Trump. It sells for $90.

“The RFP on its face seems fair, but with additional scrutiny, we can see there are very few Bibles on the market that would meet these criteria, and all of them have been endorsed by former President Donald Trump,” Oklahoma Appleseed Center for Law and Justice Executive Director Colleen McCarty said.

Former Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson said the request for proposals might violate state law.

“It appears to me that this bid is anything but competitive,” Edmondson said. “It adds to the basic specification other requirements that have nothing to do with the text. The special binding and inclusion of government documents will exclude almost all bidders. If the bid specs exclude most bidders unnecessarily, I could consider that a violation.”

Separation of church and state concerns aside, much less expensive Bibles are readily available. Paperback versions of the New King James Version are available online for $2.99 each, less than 5% of what the Trump-endorsed Bible would cost. There are many free Bible apps, too.

Though Walters has frequently said he wants Bibles in every classroom, he has also clarified publicly that he wants them in classes where the Bible might apply to academic standards, such as history or literature. The request for 55,000 copies doesn’t fit either scenario; there are only 43,000 classroom teachers in the state, and many fewer teaching just history or literature.

Walters: No ‘extra things’​

On Sept. 26, Walters asked for $3 million to purchase Bibles for Oklahoma classrooms as part of his agency’s fiscal year 2026 budget request to the Oklahoma Legislature.

“We have talked about ensuring that our history courses include the role the Bible played throughout American history,” Walters said. “We’ve talked about the efforts of left-wing groups and the teachers’ unions to drive the Bible out of school. I believe it’s important for historical context for our kids to understand the role the Bible played.”

He said the request was in conjunction with $3 million the agency was already putting forth to provide Bibles in the classroom. In a discussion with the board at the meeting, Walters said he wanted to issue an RFP and wanted the King James version of the Bible.

“We don’t want extra things in there; historical documents are fine,” Walters said. “If it’s the King James version and the Constitution, the Magna Carta, things like that, that are also in statute that can be used in the classroom, that’s fine. But we don’t want commentary around the Bible because this is to serve as a historical reference document.”

Bidding opened to fast-track Oklahoma classroom Bibles​

Walters said finding a Bible vendor should go through the competitive bidding process because that would be the cleanest, easiest way to choose.

The board did not discuss purchasing Bibles with the current budget year appropriation. However, the state issued the solicitation Monday, and it’s open for just two weeks. The Office of Management and Enterprise Services typically recommends at least four weeks.

Isett said their intention with the RFP is to get Bibles distributed to classrooms as quickly as possible.

Isett said the $3 million is coming from payroll savings.

“OSDE has realized significant personnel and administrative cost savings that can be directed toward this program,” he said.

At least 130 people have resigned or been fired since Walters took office in 2023, according to The Oklahoman.

‘Trump has praised our efforts’​

In June, Walters announced a mandate that a Bible should be in every Oklahoma classroom, though it’s unlikely he would have the authority to enforce that. The Oklahoma Supreme Court affirmed that school districts maintain local control over curricula. Some superintendents across the state have said they do not intend to add the Bible to their curriculum.

“We will not be forcing our teachers to do this,” Bixby Superintendent Rob Miller said on News Nation on Aug. 12. “As a Christian myself, the idea of diminishing the word of God to a mere classroom prop is a little repulsive to me, so we will not be complying with that directive of having a physical Bible in every classroom.”

Walters has been touting his Bible plan to local and national groups. In these interviews, he talks more about Christianity than history.

In one interview this week, Walters claimed Democrats plan to teach kids to hate their country as well as Christianity and Judaism and said his Bible initiative is an antidote to that.

“We are going to be so proud here in Oklahoma to be the first state in the country to bring the Bible back to every single classroom and every state should be doing this.… President Trump praised our efforts. President Trump has been the leader on this issue.”

Walters is a frequent guest on conservative podcasts, radio shows and TV stations. His agency has a $60,000 per year contract with D.C.-based Vought Strategies to book him for national interviews weekly.

Walters endorsed Trump, and many onlookers surmise he’s angling for a cabinet position if Trump wins in November.

Trump licenses his name, image and likeness to be used in the Greenwood Bible’s marketing. The company’s website says it has no connection to the Trump campaign.

Financial disclosure forms filed by Trump at the Office of Governmental Ethics show he does benefit from Greenwood Bible sales through a Trump company, CIC Ventures LLC. His latest disclosure, obtained by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, shows Trump received $300,000 in royalties from the God Bless the U.S.A. Bible.

Oklahoma Democratic Party Chair Alicia Andrews said Walters is attempting to endear himself to Trump via the RFP for such a specific Bible. “For (Walters) to craft this RFP, to specifically identify this Bible, this document that the state taxpayers would spend money on, either is a dereliction of duty, a dereliction of stewardship or maybe it is a … signal to former President Trump: ‘Hey, hey, I’m on your team, sir,’” Andrews said.

This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: 'Trump Bible' one of few that meet Walters' criteria for Oklahoma classrooms
Soooo. It's just a way to get in extra good with daddy Trump and hope for a federal position... I see how giving Trump $3mil in OK taxpayers money would help his case.

Ignoring everything else about this. How can you defend the need for a school book to be leather bound? Seems like a huge waste
wait...is this actually happening?! can walters actually do this? waste money on bibles??? wtf r we doing is this state???
wait...is this actually happening?! can walters actually do this? waste money on bibles??? wtf r we doing is this state???
At the same time he's refused to provide earmarkerd funds to buy emergency inhalers for student safety.

seriously though, how can he make teachers put a bible in their classroom??? when did the state supt of ed become OZ the great all powerful???
maybe kids will breathe better with bibles around them??? maybe they can double as vests against a shooter....
my daughter wants to homeschool her kids...I have never said anything except that maybe it's at least good socially to be in a school...now I'm going to encourage her to homeschool...great idea!!!!
seriously though, how can he make teachers put a bible in their classroom??? when did the state supt of ed become OZ the great all powerful???
maybe kids will breathe better with bibles around them??? maybe they can double as vests against a shooter....
my daughter wants to homeschool her kids...I have never said anything except that maybe it's at least good socially to be in a school...now I'm going to encourage her to homeschool...great idea!!!!
Until the JT’s, Donnie’s and Gogetums get their heads out of their azzez and vote against people like this, and I’m not saying a stupid protest vote voting for another none democrats party, but actually vote where these a holes are voted out we will continue to get this.
wait...is this actually happening?! can walters actually do this? waste money on bibles??? wtf r we doing is this state???
From what I'm reading it sounds like he's not even making it part of next year's budget. He's trying to get them this year using the payroll money "saved" from all the people that quit the department. That's at least what his little goon Isett makes it sound like.

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Lock him up in a padded cell for his, but mostly our safety. He’s a rabid dog, running wild. Where’s animal control when you need them? Guess we’ll have to wait for Stitt and fellow Republicans to get sick and tired of getting phone calls complaining about him whoring for national attention. Can he be impeached or recalled? If he can ban books, why can’t we ban him? Can an initiative petition be used to get rid of him?
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Until the JT’s, Donnie’s and Gogetums get their heads out of their azzez and vote against people like this, and I’m not saying a stupid protest vote voting for another none democrats party, but actually vote where these a holes are voted out we will continue to get this.
This is the type of statement that just highlights pure partisanship. Show me one post on here of support by ANYONE for Ryan Walters.
I’ve actually financially contributed to his opponent. I’ve personally spoken to Bixby Superintendent Rob Miller about his lawsuit against Walters. I am on a public school board that is fighting against his policies.

Maybe get off your azzez and do something. Because we will continue to get this by lazy extreme-partisan people that think posting on a message board accomplishes something.
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This is the type of statement that is just highlights pure partisanship. Show me one post on here of support by ANYONE for Ryan Walters.
I’ve actually financially contributed to his opponent. I’ve personally spoken to Bixby Superintendent Rob Miller about his lawsuit against Walters. I am on a public school board that is fighting against his policies.

Maybe get off your azzez and do something. Because we will continue to get this by lazy extreme-partisan people that think posting on a message board accomplishes something.

Oh boy.... you're going to get ZZZZ'd up for that one.
This is the type of statement that is just highlights pure partisanship. Show me one post on here of support by ANYONE for Ryan Walters.
I’ve actually financially contributed to his opponent. I’ve personally spoken to Bixby Superintendent Rob Miller about his lawsuit against Walters. I am on a public school board that is fighting against his policies.

Maybe get off your azzez and do something. Because we will continue to get this by lazy extreme-partisan people that think posting on a message board accomplishes something.
How do we get rid of him?
This is the type of statement that is just highlights pure partisanship. Show me one post on here of support by ANYONE for Ryan Walters.
I’ve actually financially contributed to his opponent. I’ve personally spoken to Bixby Superintendent Rob Miller about his lawsuit against Walters. I am on a public school board that is fighting against his policies.

Maybe get off your azzez and do something. Because we will continue to get this by lazy extreme-partisan people that think posting on a message board accomplishes something.

A bunch of people supported him though-enough that he was elected.

And everyone knew he was bad news. During the election a bunch of my teacher friends, many of which vote the way you would expect someone from rural Oklahoma to, were saying don't vote for this guy. But he still won.

Not knocking you personally, just saying that if people who typically vote one way fail to take a step back and say "is this person someone who really wants what I want" instead of just assuming the other side will he worse because of the letter in front of their name things would be a whole lot less divisive. If you get rid of the nut bag on your side, be cool with it and nominate a more reasonable candidate who can knock the other guy off the next go around.
Picking fights with well-liked Supers is probably not the best way to stay in office. Here is the deal, these Superintendents all know each other, and they all have a voice with the voters.

Where were they the last election? Like I said in my previous post, a BUNCH of people in education were saying don't vote for this guy and he won anyways. I don't have a lot of faith that he won't be able to pull it off for a different political position in the state even though the evidence is pretty clear he's not someone you want to be there.
Where were they the last election? Like I said in my previous post, a BUNCH of people in education were saying don't vote for this guy and he won anyways. I don't have a lot of faith that he won't be able to pull it off for a different political position in the state even though the evidence is pretty clear he's not someone you want to be there.

I don't have any answers other than sometimes people need to see it to believe it.
This is the type of statement that just highlights pure partisanship. Show me one post on here of support by ANYONE for Ryan Walters.
I’ve actually financially contributed to his opponent. I’ve personally spoken to Bixby Superintendent Rob Miller about his lawsuit against Walters. I am on a public school board that is fighting against his policies.

Maybe get off your azzez and do something. Because we will continue to get this by lazy extreme-partisan people that think posting on a message board accomplishes something.
No what I am saying is our crappy state politicians know enough people are like you that they don’t have to care what people like me want. You also don’t care what people like me want and one of the most selfish people I’ve ever seen. By the way California is the same for the Democrats. So you get off you stupid azz and actually take responsibility for you crappy voting habits. I vote every election for people that won’t be grifting POS’ like you prefer.
Picking fights with well-liked Supers is probably not the best way to stay in office. Here is the deal, these Superintendents all know each other, and they all have a voice with the voters.
This state politicians don’t care him and Stitt have bilked this states residents out of millions and still get defended.
Picking fights with well-liked Supers is probably not the best way to stay in office. Here is the deal, these Superintendents all know each other, and they all have a voice with the voters.
Do Superintendents have a feasible plan to get rid of him?