White men have treated people horrifically in this country for 100’s and hundreds of years and a company that wants to improve itself by making its hiring panel representative of society at large is divisive?Yes, purposely treating people unequally is bad. Sad, but not dumbfounded that some want to celebrate divisive policies that treat people differently only due identities.
We live in a society where any minority found guilty on 34 felony counts and has been found in contempt multiple times would be in jail yet we have a white man running free and continuing to run his mouth about the judge and jury.
We live in a society where racial injustice occurs on nearly a daily basis in real estate valuations which disproportionately adversely affect minorities and in sentencing in the criminal justice system and you think DEI should be elimimated
I gave you a glance at what we face on a daily basis when it comes to disability and you think DEI is divisive. Come roll in our wheels for one day and I’ll show you what’s divisive. Divisive is when a disabled person is made to feel less than you or I when they can’t even participate in an election without being made to feel inadequate.
You and every person who wants to kill DEI are the problem and wouldn’t hesitate to discriminate. I’ll bet you do it on a weekly basis.