Harris 2024 election thread

🤦‍♂️ Dude, you liked that post nearly immediately (2 minutes) after he posted the claim that GGP posted something racist this morning.
and I tried to always only mention the original deleted post if I referred to one of his post. As to the one Hack mentioned I would question why gogetum had mixed emotions.
@JTOSU ignore the noise. Put aside any previous posts between us. Look at gogetums post from 10:02 this am. Look at the page before and the page it’s on.

What’s the context of that post in a thread about Harris campaign?

Why was it posted w the comment by government?

What is the implication of the post?

Just answer those questions. Nothing more.
it takes very little effort to check this stuff but you'd rather just argue that the racist should be protected.
it was almost EXACTLY 2 weeks ago as someone previously stated, in the meme thread.

original post is deleted.

post complaining about GGP can be found here:

post from mod advising the post was removed BECAUSE IT WAS RACIST:

"Racist jokes are against site rules and will not be tolerated. The post in question has been removed."

c'mon, man. do better.
Umm…nobody is disputing that I posted a meme that Karen thought was racist and Gratefulpoke banned me for it. He was on here bragging about it last night for crying out loud. What seems to be in question is …what was racist about it? Was it really racist or just Karen being Karen? (I seriously don’t remember the meme but Verbal seems to and all he’s come up with so far is some nonsense about DNA ) and what was the racist post from this morning that Karen referred to? There, now you’re all caught up. You’re welcome!
I seriously don’t remember anything racist about it. The only thing I remember was Karen (Hackleman) getting her panties in a wad (per usual) so, naturally, I didn’t think much of it. Was it racist ? 🤷‍♂️ I wouldn’t have posted it if I thought it was.
Gogetum I’m not offended by anything you post about me.

I am offended that you play dumb about your removed post and the one this morning.

I am offended that anyone would post the crap you do that is so bigoted that your response is to try to puff up by insulting me by also showing your a misogynist.

My feelings aren’t easily hurt when it comes to me. Keep posting your crap. You’ll get banned or suspended again and then you can tell your buddies over coffee how internet tough you are. Like I said earlier it shows a real compensation for lacking somewhere else in life. Hope calling me down lifts you up in some small way.
There is a post from 10:02 this morning by Gogetem w a tweet. I won’t repeat or repost you can go look at it. I wasn’t saying he had a post removed today. I was saying he made another post dripping w racist innuendo. It had nothing to do w Harris or this thread. It doesn’t even mention Harris or Walz or Trump. It’s not even a reply to another thread or in context to anything being discussed. It’s like a Baylor fan plopping down in green amongst a section of orange clad OSU fans.

As for the original post from 2 weeks ago. I called him out along w others. A moderator removed the post and banned him for 7 days and then warned him again in this post. Others have been rightfully critical as well about the removed post and comments over the last 2 days.

The removed post contained a racially charged meme w several racist stereotypes. So much so that a site moderator pointed it out, removed it, suspended a paying customer and threatened to do it again. But yeah he’s the victim.
The mixed emotions post?😂😂😂 You have got to be sh$&ting me. Planned Parenthood is setting up shop at the DNC (where Harris will receive the nomination BTW) and giving out free vasectomy’s and abortions. I have mixed emotions because, while I absolutely hate abortion, the idea that they will be sterilizing a bunch of male democrats does appeal to me on some level. Seriously dude?
@JTOSU ignore the noise. Put aside any previous posts between us. Look at gogetums post from 10:02 this am. Look at the page before and the page it’s on.

What’s the context of that post in a thread about Harris campaign?

Why was it posted w the comment by government?

What is the implication of the post?

Just answer those questions. Nothing more.

Below is the tweet from Planned Parenthood that GGP posted at 10:02am today. GGP’s only comment was “I have mixed emotions about this”.

What’s the context of that post in a thread about Harris campaign? The Planned Parenthood mobile service promoted they will be parked outside the DNC convention next week. Seems very relevant.

Why was it posted with comment by government (assume you meant GoGetum)? My assumption of his thoughts: He was making a snarky comment that while he doesn’t like abortions the upside is less Democrats.

What is the implication of the post? abortions bad, but less Dems gives GGP mix emotions.

My question: How is this remotely racist? I am genuinely interested how you, Verbal, and others view this in a racial manner.

My thoughts: I have zero idea about what meme you guys keep talking about two weeks ago. But if it is similar to this…then the debates on the past three pages are just silly.

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Again I don’t remember the specifics of the meme that I got banned for and evidently you don’t either. The fact that you say it was racist must make it so🤷‍♂️. Honestly being called racist by the party that insists on hiring and handing out political appointments based on….wait for it….RACE .. is almost too rich for words.

Soooo….what was the incredibly racist post from this morning that Karen alluded to?
gaslight GIF by The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper
You made 8 different posts today accusing GGP of being racist. Eight!
If something was so bad two weeks ago that would bother you enough to post 8 different times then that person should be banned not suspended from this site.

A poster that replied to you said he posted TODAY something racist. I have to assume the reason you posted 8 separate times today claiming GGP is racist was due to whatever that was that was posted today.

What was it, where was it? I think that is a fair ask, but you, and others keep dodging the question.
Season 4 GIF by Rick and Morty
Below is the tweet from Planned Parenthood that GGP posted at 10:02am today. GGP’s only comment was “I have mixed emotions about this”.

What’s the context of that post in a thread about Harris campaign? The Planned Parenthood mobile service promoted they will be parked outside the DNC convention next week. Seems very relevant.

Why was it posted with comment by government (assume you meant GoGetum)? My assumption of his thoughts: He was making a snarky comment that while he doesn’t like abortions the upside is less Democrats.

What is the implication of the post? abortions bad, but less Dems gives GGP mix emotions.

My question: How is this remotely racist? I am genuinely interested how you, Verbal, and others view this in a racial manner.
My thoughts: I have zero idea about what meme you guys keep talking about two weeks ago. But if it is similar to this…that is plain silly to suspend.

As to the original post that got the ban. Why is it not enough that a site moderator reviewed the meme and not only removed it but suspended the poster for a week? And then in this thread warned the same account. A paying account no less as compared to a freeloader like me. That would make no sense. They’ve let the one from this morning stay up. I’ll respect their decision and leave it at that.
Umm…nobody is disputing that I posted a meme that Karen thought was racist and Gratefulpoke banned me for it. He was on here bragging about it last night for crying out loud. What seems to be in question is …what was racist about it? Was it really racist or just Karen being Karen? (I seriously don’t remember the meme but Verbal seems to and all he’s come up with so far is some nonsense about DNA ) and what was the racist post from this morning that Karen referred to? There, now you’re all caught up. You’re welcome!
Casual racist ask others to convince him that the casually racist meme that got him banned was, in fact, racist.

Makes sense. :rolleyes:
As to the original post that got the ban. Why is it not enough that a site moderator reviewed the meme and not only removed it but suspended the poster for a week? And then in this thread warned the same account. A paying account no less as compared to a freeloader like me. That would make no sense. They’ve let the one from this morning stay up. I’ll respect their decision and leave it at that.
They let the one from this morning stay up because there was absolutely nothing about it that even a professional race baiter would even remotely consider racist. Good grief.
As to the original post that got the ban. Why is it not enough that a site moderator reviewed the meme and not only removed it but suspended the poster for a week? And then in this thread warned the same account. A paying account no less as compared to a freeloader like me. That would make no sense. They’ve let the one from this morning stay up. I’ll respect their decision and leave it at that.
If this other post from 2-weeks ago compares to the Planned Parenthood tweet and GGP comment that you and others claim is racist …then it is very hard to take it seriously.

Racism is an extremely serious issue (I am sure near all agree). But also claiming someone is racist is serious. I do not see one ounce of racism in the Planned Parenthood post.
Can you, @Verbal or others that thought it offensive, explain how it was even remotely racist? Or had anything to do with race?
If this other post from 2-weeks ago compares to the Planned Parenthood tweet and GGP comment that you and others claim is racist …then it is very hard to take it seriously.

Gaslighter doubles down on his defense of casual racist that was banned for a week for a racist meme….without having seen the original meme.

Twisted pretzel logic at it’s finest.

FYI, the fact that the administration removed the other post and banned somebody for a week for posting it and the same administration have not removed the PP post or banned him again is strong indication that they are, in fact, not comparable.
If this other post from 2-weeks ago compares to the Planned Parenthood tweet and GGP comment that you and others claim is racist …then it is very hard to take it seriously.

Racism is an extremely serious issue (I am sure near all agree). But also claiming someone is racist is serious. I do not see one ounce of racism in the Planned Parenthood post.
Can you, @Verbal or others that thought it offensive, explain how it was even remotely racist? Or had anything to do with race?
Edit Miss read your post.
The logic happens to be if you are for a black lady as a Democrat I am happy if you are neutered. Oh, oh that is not what I said. You are twisting my words!! Innuendo, implied, dog whistle , implied deniability anyone? Oh, she is black, I did not notice. I did not think that race mattered in the history of politics in the United States. We are and always have been equal.
So how was this Planned Parenthood post racist?

I know you won’t answer. You just troll.

Another bold strategy that isn’t working out the way you thought it would.

I thought you were never gonna reply to me again.

I’ve never said his Planned Parenthood post was racist. I’ve never defended a claim that it was. It was distasteful in my opinion, but not racist.

Unlike you, who are defending a post that you never even saw.

The fact that the administrator of this site removed the other post and banned GGP for a week while the same site administration is leaving the PP post up and hasn’t banned him again is a strong indication that they aren’t comparable, isn’t it?

Yes, it is. By any rational, non-trolling level of logic.
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